Apel 1. + In Legislat l B l I | , elieved Likely | Nes ammmmonmmmrmne C # q ® Abolition of County _ Councils Also Thought 1 e * UnderConsideration of Ontario Government MOVE NEXT SPRING Increased Economy and Better Administration Seen as Result of Change _ _ Abolition of county councils and o f Aimprovement of other forms of mu-- | nicipal government and administra-- | tion, coupled with a reduction to | seventy seats of the present Legis-- 'Iaturo membershinp of ninety, will | be taken under consideration by the | lHopburn Government between now I and the next session of the House, \ It was learned on good authority | | last night. | | The general municipal situation | | will be brought immediately under | survey by Hon. Eric Cross's Mu-- lnicipal Affairs Department, and a? 'Cnhin»t committee will likely be | lsel»r'ad to deal with the redistri-- | bution question in time for possible { passing of implementary legislation | next spring. h ."l'oo Unwieldy. : Beliof that the Provincial House Is too large and unwieldy, in so far On Right Track. as membership is concerned, has "This Legislature is too large," long been entertained by Premier | | 4)4 he, "and if it were cut to fifty Hepburn. However, in whatever: | members it would then be of such | redistribution is ultimately author-- &lize as to enable it to conduct the |ized, more consideration than ever | Affairs of the Province in an ex-- before will be given, it is said. to | beditious and more business--like the ever--expanding north country. | WAay. You could go right down the Wiping out of county councils is line with county councils next. Thes said to have been considered at should be abolished entirely." § several Canvinet meetings last fall, |_ Across the Chamber Mr. Hepburn f and even in some measure right nodded his head significantly. Later up to the present session. Reported he is reported to have observed, plans were to test opinion on the | | "Finlayson is certainly on the right ticklish issue by having a private : track there." member either introduce a bill pro-- | The former Minister of Lands viding for the abolition, or a resolu--| And Forests argued that the De-- tion favoring such a course. These ' | bpartment of Highways would be plans, however, were dropped, it is | | Well advised to take over the com-- said, because of more pressing | plete county roads system. He also problems in respect of power and | folt that the Department of Edu-- taxation jurisdiction. | cation could assume that part of: Hon. William Finlayson, former educational administration and Conservative Minister of Lands and | costs which fall at present within Forests, gave the movement a the jurisdiction of county coun-- shove yesterday when, during the Cils. A closer check on the books Budget debate windup, he vigorous-- Oof all municipalities he also advo-- 'ly advocated the need for more cated. Indication that municipal-- regulatory control over municipal Ities were not wholly capable of spending, and warned the Govern-- managing their own affairs was to i ment that retrenchment should at be seen, he said, in the defaulting first begin at home. of a hundred or more. (nTerernirimereemirereenereennie omm en anemern reeenenromnrmimne)