The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 2 Apr 1938, p. 2

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C k ; § f Apfl\ 2 RESERVE K".I-ED Macaulay Criticizes Prin-- AGAINST HETT eedenius teceemcoatves ciple of Immunity for mm Anti-- Noise Regulation in Government Employees Reinstatement of Doctor Toronto Bill Also Re-- es Early Next Week Is Now | % Insertion in the cancer cure in-- Indicat d |0¢f8d vestigation bill, sponsored by the ngicate | mamomnmamataing Government, of a clause that would emammumtmnmemmns RULING BY COMMITTEE _ vprotect members of the commis-- | WILL BARECANCER DATA sion, or their agents, from any > e o C slander action that might arise from Toronto's application to raise 'ht';o.\'lig:\tions in a "pri\'a_w The Oniarin Medical Council's only such sums of money for sink-- capacity, drew fire yesterday in suspension of r).r. ',I' E. Hr"'z of the Legislature from Hon. Leopold | Kitchener will, it is reported, be ing fund purposes as were deemed Macaulay, Opposition House Leader. lifted early next week as a result requisite to keep that fund on a Premier HMepburn, while main--< {of the physician's written under-- sound basis was rejected by the taining the protective clause was . taking to the Minister of Health Private Bills Committee of the similar to safeguards inserted in that he will submit his cancer Legislature yesterday, | _ bills authorizing commission in-- _ formula to the special investigating One of the primary reasons for | vestigations and drafted by previous _( committee which the Government the application's defeat was the ar--| _ Conservative Administrations, de-- |is establishing for testing all so-- gument of Hon. Eric Cross, Minis--| clared he would not argue the | called cancer "cures." ter of Municipal Affairs, that set-- point, and allowed the bill to stand | _ Reinstatement to the profession tling of the excess sinking funds until Monday before receiving com-- | will automatically give to Dr. Hett, question should be done "in proper mittee reading. |\ it is further reported, the right to time," and not in any last--minute The clause proposed to give pro-- | continue lhis cancer--treatment work,. move such as Toronto had made. tection to the investigating officials | Bill Will be Withdrawn The amendment covering the appli« acting both in a public and private If i ars Anrrant, cation reached the committee only capacity. Mr. Macaulay, in moving |, _ )| fEPAHT!E AfC Correet, then there yesterday, and without any advance that "private" be struck out, criti-- "l"dh"rm f,'}i"}'}f" need, it is under» advertising. cized the principle of giving Govern-- ;.1.0? < Orh 'f" f '1"} "'"I'; $ _,Dr' }.I.','it C. M. Colquhoun, City Solicitor, ment employees "carte blanche ('f" o enpaaD ob the Private Bills advanced a strong case for the ap-- protection from illegal acts." Tgrpmnhto-r;r 'n. .mo I,nzl\}atxirn, plication, admitting his opposition Mr. Hepburn pointed out the 'hlmig *t"l? nzrm} he :.o.u,_ht to takting money from sinking _ | same safeguards were inserted in | ns Megical Co. "'.I"'""hf" claimed funds, but claiming that the To-- | the Liquor Control Act, and in quick ;m A\H"'x" s committce do:-n'\.ing ronto request was different. The Ire,loinder, Mr. Ma('aula_\' held that i1m. ..1'.11 the n.w\mmzl.trtu resumes city, he sa'd, had always had an unsound principles endorsed by Bs :.Parx{:'zs'.on ,'}Imwffq'\ iekdaliidiiin ns actuarial surplus in its sinking \ Conservatives did not warrant the 'h'; 11! '_'"l lk":'nl.\ fj\lfl]dr'a\\'n 5 fund, and because of legislation _ | Liberal Government to adopt them. -- ,;/t/ r",'m"tnm\'{'} & Private Bills sit, passed in 1920 it had got authorits Hon. Harold J. Kirby, Minister of ;."1" f )'"\1!"'!(1. j 2:'"'"-'.;:"( mu'n\(cl to use it in redemption of debt Health, in reply to questions by Dr. }.0; 'F,,'tr.' e 'a 'nu-mf'f,\;dmd lh:(it maturity. | Harold Welsh <Cons., East Hastings) 'Y" ' C 1Dn """Y';' prepared '}0 rein« "Over--burdened _ taxpayers," he said the Government planned to set ; ,-.1"pd hr: f' a1~ ""72,".' e Hid" sald, "should not be asked to pay up the commission at the earliest -- jp,; ; a PS 10rMUs 10 116 JI1VESLIGAL« off debt before it is due." possible moment. m-'-w}() : 7 interested i Another clause in the 'Toronto "There is in the custody of the js w; ]?'h\.'p :"7 o ;)r '\H t 7 n?a': bill, providing for the elimination officials at Ottawn $450,000 in the interval" said Chairman David of all "unnecessary noise"--and the King George Cancer Fund. It is l(?'olll\a' sait iairman Davi definition of naise ranged from "dis-- our hope the ministry will co-- on repair or maladjustment of any mo-- | operate so that we might have some Counsel Promises Reinstatement. tor vehicle" to the squawk of some | of this money for cancer research Beyond the undertaking that Dr. | pet parrot ---- was also "killed" by | work. In any event, it is our in~ He!tt would be reinstated when he | the committee. | tention to open the investigation Submitted the formula, Mr. Lang | at 'lhe Fa;lieist possible moment." said he was not prepared to submit "Is it the intentio k mescummmmiiencenmiimmeninnncatina on ment to have the c'tr)]n?r{ni's}l'i'o?]egfi;:- anything more on behalf of the posed entirely of medical men?" Council. There would have to be, ¢ he said, a meeting of Council to go ?'Gk':dl )Fred G. McBrien (Con#s, beyond that, and the next meeting arkdaie}, s % was not scheduled until April 12. .'\'{ * + ip No, it is not." replied Mtr. Kirby, "It is a crime to have patients needing this serum while a Medicali Council pussyfoots for a couple ot weeks," declared Fred McBrien, M.L.A., moving that the committee immediately reinstate the physicnan.| | Counsel for the Medical Councn| l agreed that members of the Coun--| t cil, though scattered over the Prov--| ince, would be approached over the| | week--end for their opinion. l | '"They can do it by phone," said Mr. Croll. ' "Why were they asleep? Wh."' didn't they have their answer here?| : The matter has been hanging fire| for weeks and they knew this was| coming up," said W. A. Summer-- ville, M.L.A. f

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