AP"\ 5 7 «* titioner by the Council of the Col-- Dr J E HeH lege of Physicians and Surgeons @ & * and will reveal the formula of his -- e cancer "cure" to the special com-- Re'ns+a+ed mittee of investigation which is be-- ing established by act of the Legis-- lature. , A written undertaking to Hon. Dr. J. E. Hett of Kitcherer has| Harold J:> Kirby, Minister of Health, | been reinstated as a medical prac»| that this revelation would be car-- ie ried out, was followed on Saturday 'hy the Medical Council's lifting of | | its suspension against the doctor. The private bill which Dr. Hett o had before the Legislature, seeking ; reinstatement at the hands of the | l!puse. has, as a consequence, been / mm withdrattn Hon. W. L. Houck Moves Bill Providing Two--to-- Mile Construction . CHALLIES CRITICIZES 1 Wide extension of rural power services was hinted yesterday in c the Legislature when Hon. W. L. Houck (Lib., Niagara Falls), and Acting Chairman of the Ontario Hydro Commission, declared it was | the Commission's hope to increase ;farmer customers by 50 per cent. The line of policy was suggested 'as he moved second reading of a bill that will permit construction of lservice lines to two customers a \ mile instead of the old plan of * % ghow |three to the mile. Many farmers, in order to get service, have signed Hepb.u"' Suggesh .OH'OWG double contracts. These will bere-- . Dgl.ber.fely H°|dmg Up lieved of their double responsibili-- s ties as soon as the bill is passed, Nlagara Measure he stated. There are at present 45,000 rural customers. George H. Challies (Cons., Gren-- CLAIMS BUSINESS LOSS ville--Dundas), served notice he would move an amendment to the t bill, striking out in particular that Premier Hepburn yesterday filed 'sectfi((;m which gi(l:ve to_lthefl%xe}tre?- ant--Governor--in--Council authority to with the Ontario Legislature a copy direct when and where unit serv-- of a letter addressed to Prime Min-- \fces are to be extended. Mr. Chal-- ister King at Ottawa, protesting the d lies argued that this feature of the delay in the passage of the bill giv-- plan should be administered by the ing Ontario and the State of New House. s York permission to set up an au-- A. W. Roebuck (Lib., Bellwoods), thority to build a jointly owned and former Hydro Commissioner, bridge across the Niagara gorge. was critical of what he.termed an The Premier charged it appeared almost complete lack of information there was a "deliberate delay" in ! in the presentation of the bill. He the passage of the bill and empha-- claimed, too, the bill failed to de-- sized it was important that the fine the manner in which deficits, M bridge be erected at the earliest chargeable to the consolldate.d reve| possible time in the interests of 3?1:e' ftund, were to be applied byi tourist traffic an « stricts. N ess, t t d attendant busi | Mr. Roebuck, when second rfad'; As an indicati . i I ing to the bill authorizing the aw | ed out mn"m? :lfdt}!"lflo}r'\;?n(:&tn So_cigty of Upper Canada to admit| Bridge," owned by the International ' William E. Macdonald, New To-- . Railway Company and wrecked last + jronto, as a barrister was g!\er&. l?-' | January by the gorge ice jam, had | , formed tfhe Hcl>use thet wished to | conveyed last year 5,304,000 persons | jenfer a formial DMOLG®L: ; al during a seven months' period be--| I can't sit perfectly q.u'et,. s \ ginning April 1. | 1alliow this bill to be carried," he "It is hard to estimate the loss nemrosigerueeerarusreemuene y salas i g' th: peoxl);e of iniaL ie fa'd the in the House since it s favorabl estmpiimieril. .. remier. e claimed that ev se since it wa orably s business man in the Province '\sfii recommended by the Committee on g{ififi?r:al;Fsl.il:)%?illcs':t';ogpwpgseidit \I:Iars suffering in some degree and par-- l:ailways and Canals, but when the |prought before the Legislature two ticularly those of the Niagara Falis| NOUT for private business was _ UD ' yeare ago, district. little progress had been made. The The letter of protest, written by | House in Committee of the Whole Hon. T. B. McQuesten, Minister ot| has adopted about half the clauses Highways and Chairman of the| Which make up the bill. Niagara Parks Commission, outlin--| , When it was last discussed on joint public ownership with the in.| !NSisted on more information about tention of creating a toll--free prop.| the approaches to the bridge. * erty after the costs had been liqui--| , L@R!slation of a similar nature is -- dated. lbetore th:1 iI*:'ew York State Legis-- | ature which adjourned without Bill Is Private One. passing it. It is claimed if Parlia-- Ottawa, April 4 (CP).--The meas--| ment passes the bill now before it. ure before Parliament to incorpo--|the New York Legislature will be P43 rate the Niagara Falls Observation | asked to take similar action in a Bridge Company is a private bill | special session this summer. and the rules of the House make| The bill stands third on the House provision for only two hours a week | order paper among the private bills 'to be devoted to such legislation | and will likely be reached again :'thls late in the session. during the private business hour | Three times the bill has come up | Tuesday night.