The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 6 Apr 1938, p. 3

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. ~\ L Afr\ *wLt "Other municipalities, Toronto in-- ' YO: TOWIIS"IIPS Plea Is cluded, in spite of what my col-- i league from Riverdale (W. A. Sum--« OWfl?d Up?n as B'" merville) claims, had practically Applymg to VI"OQQ |S LOS"' g\adei up in the one--mill r;'hml(:ll and * rovincial assumption of old--age on SOCOfld Reodmg pensions, mothers' allowance and mngmmmmmemmmmne omm mmmace increased hospital zrants all that 4 had been taken away in income tax. Government policy erect'ed yes» Forest Hill has lost cleven mills of terday in the Ontario Legislature assessment and regained only one a solid barrier to Forest Hil Vil-- mill," said Mr. Macaulay. . lage's application for city status, Pleads Township's Cause. defeated its bill and laid down a He said it was not a qurstion of program to inquire into the "whole who lived in Forest Hill, but a ques-- future of the Toronto suburban tion _o(_an equitable applicquon of area." a principle to all municipalities. s A & "I would like some undertaking The same ruling applied to York that this committee that the Min« Township's application for permis-- ister of Municipal Affairs proposes sion to apply to the Municipal m{'rfl':'" h(:"i"";'-"-" ;ai? M:f 5:8"3""'5& lhes e Premier declare e cou foard for autho'rlt_\ t'o ipcorporate only say that the Minister had out-- as a city. The village's bill was de-- lined the Government's policy. feated in second reading and that George S. Henry (Cons., East of York Township was adopted, but York), who voted against the bill only on the provision that clauses in committee, briefly outlined ef-- réspecting iIncorporstion would be forts of the past twenty--five years & P 0 to secure a foundation for a metro-- cut out before it was reported for politan area policy. final readings. +« wWw. J. Gardhouse (Lib., York Would Simplify Situation. Wcslt). 's_peaki_ng to );ork '{ox;;nship's A o application, in spite o remier l!on. Eric Cross, l\hms!or of Mus» | Her;)hurn's declaration that the poi-- nicipal Affairs, deciared it was the | fcy applied to both bills, pleaded intention of the Government to sim-- . that the township's cause was en-- plify the municipal government sit«. | tirely different from that of Forest uation on the fringe of the city | Hill, that as a .to'w'nshnp it cou;d s s * not apply for city status in spite rather than to complicate it by 'of having 75,000 people, far in ex«-- f erecting two additional cities. He ! cess of the number required, un-- said there were ten municipalities ' less permissive --legislation was in the area, having a population of passed. He held it was ridiculous 200,000 and an assessment of ap-- _ for a municipality of 75,000 to be proximately $100,000,000, held in the status of a township. : Some of these municipalities, he Mr. Macaulay also urged that the said, were emerging from a condi-- township bill be granted. Mr. Hep-- tion of default. There was not a burn declared it had been over-- balanced assessment in the area. looked that incorporation or leave The relief burden in East York was to incorporate would disturb the extremely heavy, while Forest Hill refinancing process _ of certain | was the least affected by the de-- York County municipalities. !;Jr:.'ssnon. 4 Both Mr. Summerville and Wil-- My suggestion iscthat a commit-- liam -- Duckworth (Cons., Dover-- tee be appointed to inquire into the court) declared it was against To-- :rholemlumre of suburban Toronto," | ronto policy to annex suburban e said. Piarterry lifay Force Autaikamation. | municipalities. ' Leopold Macaulay, Conservative ;House Leader, whose South York riding included all of Forest Hill | and a part of York Township. asked: | "Would you force the city to take these two areas in *" "We did it in Windsor," said Hon. Harry Nixon, Provincial Sec-- | rewss. "But Windsor was in default." . came a voice from the Conservative benches. Mr., Macaulay said it was useless to go on if the Government had de-- J cided to take a definite line of policy, but he held that Mr. Cross should have made some mention of it at the time the bill was before the Legislature Municipal Commit-- tee. Previous attempts to settle the suburban question, he claimed, had foundered on the point that certain large sections must be coerced into taking action that they did not want to take. He recalled that last year, when the bill was up, David A. Croll, Windsor--Walkerville, _ and then Minrgéster of Municipal Affairs, was hopeful that Toronto would take some action within a year. In other words, he made the same proposi-- tion as the new Minister had of-- -- fered. He pointed out, too, that Forest Hill lost $144,000, or 11 mills in tax-- ation, when the income tax collec-- :.lon was taken over by the Prov-- ; . ince.

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