The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 9 Apr 1938, p. 1

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W -"'i" '" "_--'w--W_----'--T----fi . April 3 J I S b idi d lMAY BE AIDED C - l V Claiming the time had come when BY BURSARIES no Government should he permitted to operate a "kept-Journals" policy. ----- Opposition Leader Leopold Mat" . . . 't'leTilst,r,'tdy1"i'ho,rt" r',','.'i'or't','if/'i . Educahon Minister Reveals October general election the Hep- He Is Considering Plan burn Administration had "suhsidized . . journals" to the extent of more fo Assist Deserving than $265,000. all for the purpgif'. -------- he added. "ot influencing pu lc I ': opinion" in a political sense. QUERIED " MACAULAYL The figures Mr. Macaulay used I --- 2 concerned only the larger news- - 1 papers and periodicals, ho said. and i Plight of the industrious siutirnt, l 1,'n'Sd1'ttnottattinggenu1"tu.,ti1,rt: 1Tr,o,,uNapgi.Jravi'iey.'er; 11tslt. barred from tt _'l'yverslt.y Wm; after the session had opened. but peeled ",iiimiiiiiin' f . . . byalack of money, received Sympa- ' " . g unny had gone . . . . brought down to the House-- for on; that's why I ordered this re- thetie consideration yesterday ml tee', 'i',itie,yt"-c'/p'tir,o/,' T302: turn." Ontario Legislature, when Hon. Dr. l a . " aven' a m . . . " through the return thoroughly." ho at)1orin1J'iit1tl'n allalrgfued the! return L. J. Simpson, Minister of Lduca- said. "hut I find there are a lot 1Cr'i"g't'l."a't'i1',er'/t'i'lin'l mfg: {may tion, revealed that he had under smaller Journals that benofltcdlmm no "(which for édwr'usmz,' Iconsideration plans for providing (gr? lhd'onfiolhin'lln'pru'hlicpgllgnd':i".p""di"""'5o "milling those of 'ttid in the form of bursaries and tures of this sort can ho .ii's'iiiiiii, :3: Pl?" "cg, 1',2.."tfAl,n, the teil.?: scholarships. land that's wh.xrhotoro the 59'5""!saidosheofi'tllesalltittisingppfellfill;bot Hon. Leopold Macaulay, Opposi. closies.tI le,',,','.'"""" a public protest l the Government has narrowed ' tion House Leader and President of _ "ll"." publication. Jack 1:rp,e.s1ict,'),rn., again. hut when another the University of Toronto Alumni, said he. had been given 'i.1viiii'iiiiilf'lT,?gnrt!lspTle'i1nd i"i1k,1n2unt',i,1.1. Federation, drew the problem to. to the amount of $3.400 two months tina." the attention of the Legislature: before the election. "You ought to know," some Lib- while members were considering; Premier Explains. eral hack-bencher gihed. university grants in the estimates. l "The sole purpose of that was to The subsidy to Jack Canuck, said Mr. Macaulay said he was not sol influence--" he was saying. wheniMl- Macaulay, had. kept that now greatly concerned about the univer-l, Premier Hepburn cut in with !.ryt'if,tfy/.rtt, paper "alive until after sity appropriations as he was about} explanation that the intantiteloloction day. And llush. which .. the failure of Governments to give) paralysis epidemic had heon l-agingihad not an advertising account of assistance to deserving students.) in the Province at that time. andlsom" 5800 .had also boon ahle to the universities, he claimed, "were; that the Government. in order to operate until after the election was cluttered up" by large numbers of; combat it. had ordered an immedi- over. . . . . ' students of indifferent ability, while! ate educational campaign in all tho ','fat.ty'day Night ts still going," many deserving students were bar-l press of the Province, hig and little. said Attorney-General Conant. red. He suggested that a svstemi Advertising had even been given to "But it wont be for. very long. might he devised of giving to'these the Communist paper. and every I imagine, it the Premier has his students direct monetarv assistance. one knew. he said. how little use he way," Mr. Macaulay shot back. "That is a matter dear to my owni had for Communists. He wanted The Opposition Leader objected heart " replied Dr Simpson and hel information on polio in every news- to the Government's policy of 85- revealed that i,1i'ii'iii intended to; benefit of suffering sisting such "kept journals." _ I t',"g',enff'y'.' the "Thev are rats." Colonel Fraser make a statement on the matter.i "Well, now. let's Just let some of Hunter (Liberal. St. Patrick), shout- He then pointed .out the matter was' . " under consideration. the air out of that balloon. across the Chamber. Colonel T A Kidd Kin ston a - Maeaulay replied. "From this ro-l "Whatever they are." said Mr.! e led for hi her 'iiin'/s' tg Q , tli, V turn with which I have been supjMacayla.v, "expenditures on them, 'lf/l it 'gh' g it? "if"! plied. I find that the money you lby this Government or any other, nlvlejrslyy P, Stow," Cl y, an y spent on Jack Canuck was about tsolely for political purposes. cannot. the niversity o . estern Ontario ten times as much as you spent on ' he Justified umhr any conditions." in London. He pointed out that the, University of Toronto grant, last) _ year, was increased by 20 per cent l a l (?,',yy,t Promises Law to Deal I o o I With Impersonation of Voters Special legislation to deal ade- organizations are altogether to quately with cases of impersona- blame. Sometimes the excess zeal tion of voters will be brought of the individual is responsible. down to the Legislature, at its But I feel strongly that people next session, by Attorney-General who resort to impersonation Conant. unless in the meantime should be put in jail." t Federal Ottawa finds some No apparent remedy under tho method of satisfactorily dealing Criminal Code was available, he with the question. said. And without heavv costs no Surely. said Mr. Conant yester- justice could be obtained through day. impersonation offenses were petitioning under the Controvert- equally as serious as any species ed Elections Act. Something. how. t of frauds, and should be as se- ever, had to be done about the verely dealt with by the law. question, and it was, more or less, The Attorney-General's assur- up to the Attorney-General. ance of immediate consideration Scores of complaints, he said, i . of the matter developed after had reached him since the Octo- F . Opposition Leader Macaulay her vote. These, the Attorney- I charged that during the election General replied, had not reached of last October impersonation. to his ears. Mr. Macaulay then _ all appearances. had been more promised to pass over his in- '. rampant than ever before. " formation to Mr. Conant for con- don't tray," he said. "that party sideration.

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