' . April , "After their period of training I was finished they went their dif- t ferent ways. hut their equipment was left here," said the Attorney- General. Colonel Kidd charged that Pre- mier Hephurn's election promise of ining veterans a preference. pro- vided they were ounlified. for Civil Qervice positions had not been im- plemented. lie demanded a report on the number of veterans on the _ reserve and information as to -------". whether the Government had re- . ' ired members of the regular no- Ontario 5 Iusf Insurance, He '/c' force who were dismissed after . . . t e Honhurn Admi . Answers Critical Oppo- orfice in 1934. nistration took sition Claims Politics Entering. . "It: 1:386 J,i',",.tt1 'Fraser Hunter .i .. st. atrick), who was en- COST tll9,000 IN YEAR charged with tho training of the reserves. to declare that Colonel - S fi If Kidd h"was making "a political nies u es ton sheet' on a serious matter. He Conant 0.6 . 99 claimed he had lost several hun- _ ls Maintained as Club dred votes in the last election he- U . cause of a roorbach. for which he Over moo held Demon Massey, Conservative sir. Greenwood. responsible. that . ' . . " tunter, this ex-Benrzal Lancer, was Conservative Opposition sniping riding at the head of an army into at the Provincial Police Force re- Oshawa" ( serve, mobilized durirg the Oshawa "Thdere was not one man who . . . . 1 buntlv serve P. Oshawa." he declared. strike crisis, was timed I . "Tho original recruits had nothing aside yesterday during the closing to do with politics. and I want to hours ot the Legislature session by tell you there were more Tories s . nn ent declaration of policy then Grits on the force." T a hm" l". . . lib int in. Colonel Kidd hammered on: "It that the "i"" wouy C ma at has been stated by the Treasury ed while times remained unsettled. benches that any veteran who was "it is the best insurance that on. euaiificd was given preference. and tario ever had." doclared Hon. thot statement is not true." . " " t . ." i . - Harry Nixon, Provincial Secretary. o't"rhF'rh'iur1t,'i,",Je,','g"gliy'ifg',: And again. during the NUTS? of 'ccnt of tho men on tho reserve who debate, ho stated: "The Province were returned men. but every one never spentd monley to hetiter ad- (ii?, put on who anplied" vantage. an at ong as ttmes I" Wants Reserve Disbanded. gag; Taxes; 9""- they are trointt George Challies (Cons., Grenville. To George S. Henry (Cons. East tl3undas). in urging that the reserve . e " ' e disbanded. claimed that m this York) he rctorted a Don't he ab- . " . " , . -. Anglo-Saxon Province, the Provin- surd. to the former Conservative . . . ' . . " ' l ctai and Dominion forces were Leaders claim: They were any m ll ' bl t h dli put on for election purposes." ll o ' capa e 0 an mg any emergency. . Cost Set at 3119.000- . "That's what you think," said Mr. Hon. Gordon Conant. in setting Nixon. down the estimates for the admin- "Why not give S100 to the return- istration ot justice. and the poliee od men and dishand the force?" force. revealed that the reserve had asked Mr. Chaliies. cost '5119111' up to March 31. . "Why not give it to the Cum?" Injected into tho dobttte by W. H. countered Colonel Hunter. Baird Icons.. High Park) was the "And ask them to be good," added suggestion that the reserve was Mr Nixon being maintained as a club over t e l' if . _ . . . . . oily Acres (Cons. Carleton) t5a1.if,'i-am1iated Motor II orkers broke in to say that he was entirely "I come from Oshawa. and I think behind the S1')"Tyet in its stand. t know the sentiment there as well sutttrests Pttawa Would .Afe. as any one. The charge is absolute. L. M. Frost (Cons. Victoria; t ly false. We ere not holding a club ferred to a statement of Premier over any group." replied the Attors Hepburn, made at the time of the _ ttey-General Oshawa trouble. to the_effect that The entire issue tlar'sd into the Ottawa's vacillating policy made it open when Colonel T. Ashmore impossible to count on asststance Kidd. Kingston Conservative Whip, from the Federal police. Would it dubbed the reserve tt "Gilbert and not be possible, he suggested. to Sullivan Army." and demanded dc. clear this situation so that the Prov- tails of the cost and administra- ince could count on Federal police tion. aid in an emergency, and so that the Equipment " Queen's Park. Provincial reserve could be ("Shah's- The reserve, Mr. Conant stated. 'pu,!cep"1siderab1e saving to t e . consisted to date of 305 who were " , . ' . ' n being paid at the rate of $100 each ."T.he. Government" believes, re- per year. The force at the time of splied Mr. Con.ant., that the force organization totalled 376. Equip- iShOUId be .y.Y,ined as tt IS as a mat- ment. said the Attornrs.v-Goneral. is tcr ot policy. maintained at Provincial Police Hoodruvtrters at Queen's Park. ' FWmates for the coming year. WWW-n1: the cost of maintaining _ the reserve. were listed at 530.500. Members last April and May re- f""y'f on an average six weeks' training.