The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 14 Mar 1939, p. 1

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'; ',4co MARCH In ' , , Attorney-General Conant, with . studied interpretation of the ttovern- r w em ment's legal position in the case. . n land Hon. Mr. yeentr"P.t CW lot all the north country, as Mr. O O O .Macaulay dubbed him-were the other two contributors to the de- I I I ocu m e n s hate. The argument ran on so long. in tact, that the Prime Minister . appealed to the Speaker to prevent. D persistent nagging of his Lands and A eba e lm x Forests Minister by the Opposition. s Even then, 6 o'clock, the regular ..._____._._.,.._ adjournment hour, was nearly . . . . reached before the Orders of the Opposition Chief Charges Government by Order- Day "we called. ... . '.. " Mr. Heonan, with his Irish wit. Q a a e ' . . . . in-Counctl and Official Statement Loading y",lat'pe,"r:reisshhi,ie"t11C.i, ty'ilt, . . t . . . cnerallv cold legal tenor of the Dice' Against Junior Security Holders in Any '.jfof,rt1'1". There was nothing, he a . . said, under the Government's policy Reorganization; Macaulay. Roebuck in Attack to prevent the bondholders and se- - ...,_.A,. - ._ --- curity-holders from still getting to- _ gethcr. The Government had acted 'NASTY INNUENDOES,' RETORTS HEPBURN! Rh' it had done to stop the situation ( from becoming a political football. --------------m--, -i--F - _ And who, after all, he demanded, Three hours of biting and often , the government's course in the pres-| had left "the Abitibi mess" on the bitter debate over the Abitibi re- ent situation was wise or unsound. present Government's doorstep? organization situation and the llep- fair or unfair. Not ton per cent oil None other. he said, than the Gov- burn Government's attitude thereto those editors. ho felt, would back crnment to which Mr. Macaulay had were climaxed in the Legislature the administration. ionr'e belonged. yesterday with the formal demandl Mr. Roeburk warned both Opposl- "That group is not here now," ot Opposition Leader George A. tion and Government not to make I! clicked Colonel Drew, who had in- Drew for immediate production of political football out of the situa- dicated previously that he would all contracts. telegrams. carl'eSpon- tion. hut in particular urged Prime, cut a course in the present HOUSE dence and memoranda relating to Minister liepburn and Cabinet tol regardless of where the chips might tho rights and reorganization of tho reconsider their stand. and ratherl fall. concerned company since Jan. l, than hold an axe over the heads of; l "Sure they're here," said Mr. 1937. the junior security holders. as he' 'Heenan. There is no indication yet as to claimed they were doing, bring all "Like death and taxes." smiled whether demand for the documents interested company reorganization Mr. Hepburn. "One on each side of 97988893 a possihlo pressing hy 1"1 factions together in an attempt to you." And he motioned at Mr. Mac- Opposition for a House cornmittee!oftort a solution with fairness and aulay and tormer Agriculture Min- inquiry. but 'ome "I"? "lighten: 3"}; equity to all. I ister Thomas L. Kennedy. ion may eventuate stou cone . . Colonel Drew. at, the outset, Drew carry out intimations to drill ""y't'"t'es $iny.q ."ophum' charged the Minister of Lands and with other reportedly interlocking ."""'.".""~'~ .at .t"Hy. unlrT.lhe Forests knew ot the Order-in- matters specifically within the jut//om"."ail.i"n. fire, the Primo M.iy.isttr Council a week before it was isdiction of Hon. Peter 1rperian,i'TThatiolly 'r.h.olled. Col. "m." passed, and at the time he Rave Minister of Lands and Forests. turn?" as 1thihnu'u'dut,2',t'"r, "'1" the press interview which Friday n en ocs an ure iem iac ' . , . . .. "',te,','eds. Charged. the said, "in the teeth of the hon. 2.2: the rebuke of the Prime Min A gorous triple-barrrllod charge. orable member who made them." I . . ; F , _- - . that the government. by its Orrlers; "I hope he doesn't continue such' co'e,cil11,?rnreedept1ahnece grgeglgnn in-Council and its official statement'a policy in this House," said the' which contemplated foreclosure . of last week. was in so many words ' Premier of his new ring opponent. roceedings bv the bondholders a "loading the diee"against thejuniori"t trust he is a bigger man than plan which hi, baldly termed "'the 2',ed,'ilt,', holders if; any Ahiiihi rr-je has shown here today. The Ro'.'- aipley plan .. . l . ortran gat on. WM ircd by the twwteriiment has kept its skirts clean' 'rrT_ . . s'.. . . Conservative rhieftain, by Hon. in this situation and is going tol 0.101%? J,'eree2rt's,:i,ttt/1'1aeat, (:2: Ltnttold Macaulay. his second-in- Koop them clean." 1 made in a Canadian Parliament." command: and by Arthur w. Roe. There was nothing wrong'.', bet he added "The Government con- him". one time Attorney-General "tisaid. in what the government, had, stitutes iiseli judge and jury and the Hepburn Cabinet. Colonel DrcW'propospd -- nothing 'tinister--Col.i, head"! Ji a plan (sir/ci, 'nm even eharged that these tnveruors Wt'rC1Drew "and his very suspicious) (the bondholders themselves have being lytn out" for the henefit mind" to the contrary. '.yet seen." " fd-eta,',','?',,'?:,,.",:', 'a2di.e,iue'g Mr. Hepburn reiterated .his ar- i Mr. Hepburn interjected to em- ' ' gument of last Friday Citt the tphasize that a clause allowed three taken 825000al0.fro.rn the people by House) that the government's :years for redemption of the bond- means of an original prospectus that I statement to which Opposition 'holders' interest. l '"rlr'."fdegtg,va'g/',,,ttid th .speakers took such objection, and "lie tells us in the statement' . egov- t whi . g . . . I ernment to leave to the unbiasedlin o hich 1tid2tf2remier0 they 331139131: 3110222?! tit,,,'.?,','),',"),?,',"':,?,!',"," non-political financial editors of read unwarranted interpretations, the tfes'i'irdf1',1n5,t th ri it; ofrthet Canada the decision as to whether had been prepared primarily to stop . . g ' -iti I {a f t l market fluctuations in Abitibi Junior "curltles IO tl's, o purli chase the bondholders Interest stock. fol. Drew not only alleged replied Colonel Drew ' l I?" this statement had caused tur. "The suggestion /iit the holders 3:: af"S/',tt",',i', 'ue, 5:}?th lu) o.t.tietyrities are being offered any- cized Order-in-gC' il e e cr - thing is merely adding insult to in- . . ounc1 had been jury. By buying bonds on the open Passed. it had been common talk market today, they would get in the department of Mr. Heenan nearly twice the value of these new .that.tuf!t a government course was securities they would buy for the inexitable. supposed concession to these people . any one who knew about that," if thev are foreclosed." 1"..'1tt Col. Drew, "could, .Tithoyt The Conservative Leader declared having to spend a cent. go Into the that. if there were going to be de- market and make tt killing." cisions of this kind, the House "Paper Kinq" Attempt Seen. should be told. Members, he said, Ti 0 .ts'. . . did not know anything about the, .h w d 9905"}0" 1ssatiet will"? proposal except what they read in, 2a,,r,g1',e'/"d,,i,'1e,y TIl ','/',t',',,'ii2er the press and he was satisfied that; . r ' . . " . . , , I king in this country," and the: the they were substantially correct, method of procedure used, with the seeg Freezing Out. ttovernment assenting, was the He charged that the proposal in- same that had been employed years dicated the junior shareholders "to. under a Conservative govern- would be frozen out. "1 do object ment, when another powerful paper to the misrepresentation of the aroup. the Riordan Interests. "was bondholders' committee as to what; soldnunder the hammer, to Graus- I the junior bondholders are going to ' tein. get," he said, in repeating there was l no advantage in taking up the in- terests of the bondholders. t

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