The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 1 Apr 1939, p. 1

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h " _ _ _ 'w-m. """"NPl'" It! _ F It , t? APRl L I . . . . t . "What you tell us here this after-' noon," he said, "is this: If you don't as. ax n sign on the dotted line, you will take your resentment out on the people's hides-on the very people . for whom you profess such con- com." S Iven royal Some Liberal back-bencher tried to stick in a remark, but Mr. IIa.-. . caulay waved him down._ "Be.still/' he said. " have only five minutes As Deadl I ne --the Premier is trying to rule-in a rs which to make my speech. and I'm - going to use that five minutes. Mr Chairman, without any interrup- . . tions" Contentious Measure Passed Through All Stages "rll Rico you five minutes more," . . . said the Premier. tn Legislature After Being Blocked Many h "I gon't knced it," Mr. Macaulay urle hack. . . . . q Before the fast and furious after- Hours by Spirited Opposition; Royal Assent "0.... onded Colonel Drew had . . . labelled the Premier a "Robin Hood" ls Granted Only 43 Minutes From Midnight who had broken his promises to the -----------------" electors on gasoline lax policy tly DMSION ON S readily as he had broken his prom- ECOND READING 43 To 2l lses in regard to tho Canada Tem- m--------------. nerance Act, the CI o. unions and (Picture on Pam f) '('ablnet Watches Clock. gm J',),',',':',,'.',',:,'),?,:),':",'),".'")',,",;,' . . . uc oc (MVP? in 0 n ar10. 0 it" Premier Hepburn's two-cent-gas- " t,,llTv'g,ir,Qi itllttzu:hetlatttt \;[;i:.:':,m:} flames \Ehich Colonel Drew fanned, tax-increase bill was given Royal, speeches. Premier Hepburn and his Mr. rnrnry--syakiny fordthe first assent. m the Legislature ".1131. Cabinet sat silent through the last L'Ti'ngrelscihstmrgfnth(eh:raieta.'v1::ill'1:1. last night, Just forty-three minutes l rouple Of hours of argument, watch- tions of the war ahead or of the- ahead of the crucial midnight dead- lit: the great gallery clock anxiously fiscal year ending would he or had i line at which the ncw rate had been le, Iy..te, for the best. Starting been used for highways construe-1 planned to go into effect. i1e,'1lrvvitf,"ai2)i1og.'iwtl"i/?.Roast tion and maintenance. i The preceding complementary aulay and former Premier .IIctiirLy Bum" Opposition. . We passed the House on . Ieadina the attack-expanded their td'gptgeiuornn. 1W,e,,1ne2,o'it.1osrdast, . q, r . . . ' '. . . standing vote at 10:35. Second read- 'ip'ntiessttett.olen"dooi2dwhheil's.e it Sign: He repeatedly placed upon them the ttr. of the hill, lief". carried on intention to apply virtual clogurse'cat onusfor any delay in the tax im- division of 43-21 at 10:45. Commlt- s o'eloek and allowed the Consorva- position and su.b.teuc'n,r .rurtail- tee-stage approval was immediately lives to swing into the first night ment of the municipal subsidy one- granted on the some registered vote sitting of the session. half a mill promised from. the tax' and third reading automatically fol- The Prime Minister charged tho 1n.s.r.ttci.teIi, at length the benefits lowed. Twenty-five minutes .Iater Conservatives with a deliberate whic.h.hN.i .heen passed hack 1.o the: Lieutenant-Governor Albert Mat- "filibuster"--tt charge which the tpun]fipa, through operation Wi thews. standing by for the occasion, Tories emphatically denied. The the Provincial Ttr, Act, the save the formal binding endorsa- Conservatives charged the Premier T'mher Reallocation Bill, more tion which "tdirectly compels all with endettvoring to shut off unre- "m." enforcement of 's"yft11"?? Ontario car owners to pay eight stricted speech on the first im- dutles yir.t1i.nlstrt.""'n and bus/ness- cents tax a gallon for gasoline today portant issue so far before the pres- like a1n,yyyret,,"y of the liquor where they paid only six cents yes. sent House. Bitter taunts flew hoardt Not aslngie Tory member terday. with abandon cross.chamher both opposite. he said, dared contradict The smooth-sailing enjoyed by the' ttttetmoott and evening. with Mr. 1yisttt.fry11i', deny. thatthe actual bill contrasted sharply with Hepburn unswerving in his deter. legislation the re1"y11t Coternment the reception accorded the resolu. mination to see the bill's passage had-passed m these Jam)" of?" tion, which was under tire tor so through without any adjournment nectlons'had not been good law. long from the Opposition. led by .-no matter how long the House And 5.0km", had consistently Col. George A. Drew. that tor a time might have to sit, and warning that opposedlt m the House. They had it appeared as though enactment of not only would the Tories be re- even i.ilibustered-e? you are tili- the tax rise might be delayed until sponsible for any loss of revenue, new. no matter how nu.1ch after midnight and the Prime Min- from delayed imposition of the you protest --atrrinst. SUCCCSSlOfi later might be forced to issue a last. Planned tax increase. hut that tho Iuty amendments that m two years moment countermand of original municipalities would have to share time had been the. direc.t means of orders to all agencies collecting the with the government in that loss. collecting fi? millions P revenue tax under Government agreement "That is a most regrettable slate- t,eld1swllltl, Jt?demil'g,.tv,i.1ci'in1s1ntrri' ment . . . n _ New Challenged. 'p:',',',,,?';,',)',',. 5:22:12 Rani-1:553 l been systematically "detrauded." The Opposition confined its argu- "and one which 'i'il:i'ii,i's'is'n'ii"rh"i "This isn't a taxing Government ment at second reading of the meas- situation ontirelv lie "in"; this at all," he said. "This is a benefi- ure to a blunt challenge from verv important legislation into this cent government-twing every day It our t .' . . . s . . 'ca C lone] Dr tt Hon. T B. McRues C House without the customarv re- to do something tot the people. We w to state frankly his position on quired notice-and probablv without give you an honest picture of our e issue. and when Mr. McQuesten am. of his own m 0,101. k ' affairs. We deal with problems as refined to rise to the bait Colonel init ant-thin b . y " now- we see them." Drew re i ded th Ho . tha . ca. o?.?. itran.d thy he. _ " . ... ' , m n e t not charges us with filihustering The present lax Increase. he very long "tt the Highways Min. because we consider it 1','t'mti'lr','t't,'/ argued. was quite in accord with later had told the Good Roads Asso- important to "ive it Q' h f the policy enunciated by the one- ciatlon that he was opposed to any . . " It.'."": f.n.est time Tory Prime Minister. Howard ' Consideration. Apparently, anything . - tax rue, on the ground. ttsr" is a filibuster unless it is the abject Ferguson. Out of Ile revenue to ltlcularly that it would . ' . submission which the Premier deg "Far: to the 1revtyi,.,f..y,i'a?,.y.ef . serlouSl) ln- mands and gets from his followers 1 "nu go ".' the mur.1icipalilif5 Purl; tourist traffic business. We tn. to co-operate where m; This. along with the continuing one- ,,d','he, tttttface,'.',':',':, (321k ',',."heJ,',"it,'l, is Drover and fit. hut mill subsidy, and the $2,00th000 which . parting dig at the treas'uc Ji, h F. en me so much as object to the would he spent. at least. for the era when he contrasted "i, one . high-handed 'tactlcs of this Lord care of T.B. indigents, would more Queaten's estimated ttUlla/ut lilgh Executioner he sat-s we are than absorb every cent of money revenue from the Chira't .", In filit?ysterinE. and.ihat the people collected under the increase. tax with Mr Hepburn: e no Te'..' of "Iv'""""" will have to suffer Mr. Hepburn at length stressed mate of iii.iiEiG ll 1er Goth for it. trite need for T.B. clinics. which "Somebody apparently has got his Mtteattitty Raps Premier. iblzollxht .later from Mr. Henry the signals crossed," he gibed. "You two After the supper recess there 'etgyiyii,1tti-/l1t,1,1c1/l', mane}. P.t' fellows better get together." were signs of tiring in the opposi- not the ma Yo; might he'll???" There was obvious relief In the tion ranks. But the afternoon had line tasphapzr'i 'oriirhleh the 'ill?' treasury benches when the hectic certainly made up in spirited fight ed and train will}: l een "Sign; day closed. The Opposition protest for what the shades of evening jL"i'n'i's'i'r'aii'l'i' Jill" t e ',.',,ry",11/,1t" was the first stiff challenge to Gov- lacked in that respect. Mr. Macaulay, {as it could " retreating as as ernment domination offered bv them swinging right and left, accused the . to date this year. and the tain that Premier of acting like some Prus- only forty-three of the Government's slan war officer in "dictatorial sixty-six supporters could be mus. stand." He blamed the "sour" ex- tered for the division is alleged to uression of the Premier on the have not Improved the temper of budget of Thursday. and the notice- the administration much. able lack of any "sunshine" in it. ' ---- _ o__ o

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