The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 1 Apr 1939, p. 2

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' APRIL | f Quotes Hepburn for Hepburn. A Liberal back--bencher tried to "Moreover," he continued, "I Colonel Drew time and time again |interpolate some remark, but the | don't think this matter should be drew the House's attention to Mr. |fiery former highways adminis-- | settled in the absence of the Minis-- Hepburn's oft--stated 1934 and lm-'l trator waved him in'fo silence with ter of Highways, since you, Mr. election declarations that he would| | 4 CUtting "Sit down. Premier, have not admitted the not increase the gasoline tax, be-- "I have only five minutes in | money is going to be used for any cause it would add to the costs of |Which to get in my say," said he, lO'h@r purpose." :he small motorist, to the costs of n'::l'":l "} m going to use that five Mr. Hepburn: 'I may inform the ransportati 5 --! I §. a becau'.:z t;:o:)'oo:ym::'w:::fd :'rl\;[c:(l i [Til give fTive minutes more,' Hotfse. c s osent z{misger e fii'li: and the costs of commodities and | SMU®4 Mr. Hepburn. oCing absent"tg w4 ecaus: em' living would increase. Once when "I don't need it," Mr. Macaulay ?ctmg iiton. T can als Say t\ll\ne in he read from the Premier's accredit. _ | NUrieqd back. l:-Haml:I'on'hI can.nalsotsay ithatthe cd. remarks, Mr. Hepburn shouted: Charges "Political Blackmail." gol\fermrne;i e wil NOLe JM i 'Read it--I love the sound of that Attorney--General -- Conant then -- NX ' sweet voice." intti Mr. Macaulay: Well, I should k * argued that the setting of a dead-- s s : i This pledge to the people, said line on taxation debates was usuall 'hmlf he is QOmg beiter over in Colonel Drew, should be fulfilled by | in the House of Commons at Ot.. !lamilton serving the dead than he the Premier--should be rcmanizea tawa wherc- it was used to prevent could be doing here. by the House. Now, the Premier .| evasion of the tax being debated. He asserted there were "more | was "Jamming through" a tax which "It is just as necessary for that than 200,000 applications outstand-- six and seven years ago he had ,.(,am'n iri pr;)\'in('ial le.gislatures."' ing against the province for rebates labelled "unbearable." he éddcd "It would be unsound to° °" the ga§oline tax" by farmers and "If," said he, "the improvement in hold such a measure as this before _ Others using gas for other purposes the province's position is as pro-- |the House for a number of days than operating motor cars and nounced as the Premier in his bud-- | and then make it retroactive." trucks, and added they had been get would have you believe, why Mr. Macaulay: "May I ask how outstanding "too long." '.m"_'l"f!u"_" this gas tax instead of _| much loss of revenue would be in-- _ , "I also understand," he continued, increasing it?" I'm afraid the Pre-- | volved in delaying this measure for that there are unusually large mier's word during the election cam-- _ | a debate?" amounts outstanding against the paign was just a promise in °x+ | yr, Conant: "That woulid depend _ Province on road expenditures." change for a vote--with not the | on the Opposition and how long 1h:ltr'uwt{:(ilagul:?ytoe?;)pc:xessssgr :tetl:le\t y they gummed it up." A s a C slightest thought behind it o _.[ Mr. Macaulay began his speech tion not on how we are going to ing it out." Ecerts by expressing hope "that the Prime f:}r ?Lozep;?'?'ll?')'. l?l:th:r':, \'v"lie:;(:rmi'; n .# » P ; ~ +j i & ® * c he Premier Pro sreve lt totrin has in miis afternoon | 18 28ir and sound to levy more taxie "The Premier has made a threat tion." and twice repeated it here." said| | 3994 S°° that it is only reasonable| _ Cutting down of Provincial Gov-- | Colonel Drew. "He has intrOdU('Od' '0. give the House 1'lmf:' to discuss ernment so as to eliminate duplica. an extraordinary angle into the af.| _ !Nis matter after 5 o'clock, R tion of work done by Federal{ fairs of this House. For three weeks ' He charged that Mr. Hepburn, in | _ agencies would pay for all the grants | ' 'the members on this side of the ?0!""2 a time limit apd (lle!\ "lal;-'; expected of the proposed gasoline! ; House have been chided for not ing up half"of the time with h'sl tax increase, he claimed. j ' talking. Now, when a matter of ewn speech," was committing "po-- It was twenty minutes after five $6,000,000 is involved we are told litical blackmail." | when Mr. Macaulay sat down. He [sither to shut off the debate. or _ "If we don't sign on the dotted| had concluded with: "Now that I | somebody else will be penalized." L'Sl" ' o'r"'l';' h,'ii des not". ';' "':'e'h"i have managed to escape the guillo-- k CCuke L | Cn«.my of the es not only o ¢| . tine by twenty minutes, I will tempt are:\:z:\i':ll\r-'oh ':'."'i'ko '!"-' members municipalities, but even out of the| providence no further. I have said M e pole i °o Aorrnel bie for this acth" [ poor 'T.B. patients. 'The Premier| |ail I nad to say. and T'll sit down. snapped Premier Hepburn, as he is ¥ K ; Tan. | s Same: h * again warned that the bill \\"nuld o many whaen hev Invaned me e k e mop dPviee es ie anmightaiie s :.) > .. .. tFrough. and th Pyeymaiy t ye mans when they invaded Belgium.| advised to let other members have w.ouldg h'a\'e Co MP 'r:]ux_n_nllpal.lllcs They n'aqu tl_\eu' guns on a tov\'ni their say. I think we should stay the loss of rev t e s'm:e of when the fighting men were away, | on this evening and transact the (he loss of revenue that delay in the and said the women and children' state's business. We can get the increased taxing would produce. would suffer. _ whole discussion, I expect, into the "They're not behind you, look at "The art treasures and buildings| one calendar day of Friday." them sit there silent in their seats," would be destroyed if the white flag | There was no idea of the guillo-- some Tory member called. was not hung out. I ask you to| _ tine, when a proposal to increase the "They certainly are," snapped the come off that level, Mr. Premier." i gas tax was brought before the Premier. Sees "Swag" Shared. | House in 1929, said Hon. George "Oh, no, oh, no," said the Opposi-- Attacking Mr. Hepburn's claim of | f,{:flf' ,',e:rth,t hfto-tc'{:fkt?,f tly{\:uf:;:t tlon. having placed the province in a ing, he said, although there was i "How many of you voted for your sound financial position, Mr. Macau-- o'h'er impom;nt legisl:tion consider-- | present leader at the Conservative lay warned him, "You haven't seen | q in that time | convention, I'd like to ask of you?" anything yet compared to 1932 and Aliou the Premier challenged, and the | 1933." |__Attacks Road Policy, Tory benches were quiet. | _ *"*What you'll collect in the next| ';Th: general impre§'s;iol:}I thIr{ough- » *» | year, and the finances of this prov--| out the province," said Mr. Henry, P;":::: ':'::l" :'l:odn had ended l ince in the next year, depends very | .'"is that the gasoline tax is for con-- Hon. Mr "o"':.\. ;1"'10"1 a d'-'n"' lal"gely on .the manipulations of af-- | struct.!on and maintenance of high-- [not a cent of th & (.x?rge f' """ | fairs by diplomats on the other, ways." He charged that not one T car shoad or lheeti'g:l\l \'a.\ o.I t ; | side of the Atlantic Ocean," he de--| cent of the levy last year had ever had been appiled 1 "}:'I ;\"f"'_' ose | clared, after referring to the posi<«' reached the highways. Although the Slruction o:'-'phi hw:n"g ways co.n- | tion of the province during the Premier was on record on former I Colene: Drew hgd f .hsnm:m'tcna(.e. "depth of the depression." _ occasions as favoring expenditure of imier & * mudoaR :P ;'l 'd"? P.lhe- He charged the government had _ gas tax on roads he raised no ob-- | had brok':;"- Fig O romimes 4 w h° executed "an about--face in principle _ jection now to using the money for | clectors foline. tax Bolle the in relation to the gas tax," in that -- other purposes. jelectors on gasoline tax policy as it had been said previously that the "I think the people should know '"'"d".-' K. he hf"' broken _ his proceeds were for the maintenance ) to what purpose this tax is put," T emueny with regard to the Canada of roads. "Now you are saying the |\he continued. "How often did the "(:"Pe"f""b A'!,' CI,O unions, and tax is for T.B. clinics and so forth. _| Provincial Secretary (Harry Nixon) kicber. Sower into Omarin . A of The gas tax today is going into the / sit over here and protest that some (\QI'"' e\cl holer HIo Ontario. And consolidated revenue fund and you ; of that revenue was going for gen-- Mr. Macaulay had accused the are borrowing and issuing bonds for _ | eral purposes." nbulllment hend Of. hearmPrussith the highways," he declared. | Mr. Henry started to read a list M olnoee Soro meh Ouiliee O ht "This scheme of paying out some _ | of Liberal members who had voted situation before the House, # of the proceeds to municipalities is 'against the increase ten years ago. 4 ho "' Pncmwr.' 8 saids motivated by the hope of making | "Did you vote for it then?" asked | (u'.'.'b d?"n off that l'c.\'el." ; the municipalities aiders and abet-- / Mr, Nixon, jumping from his seat. [ ste :;h '"T.?om., of, 'clhs;'us:io.n-i- ": tors by giving them a share in the| |"yes, I did." but it was justifiable on Ahat the beime mini elmhnad swaz of this highway robbery. They | |then because the money was to be .%'? 1:1 hc prime iminister [! would be further ahead if they|/ spent on roads." f::u:(('iatgn--ftul? giasscu:s::l 2::'"":2 passed the hat themselves, instead i "You borrowed every dollar you | bill put thr':m h --its necessary of being allowed to hoave twenty*| [ever spent on roads,' the ProO¥iIN: stag es,p N Mnca{x lay arcued ;\"ith- five cents on the dollar. s cial Secretary charged. '"Nonsense, ;}n Ihe present calczdargd . But John Newlands (Lib., Hamilton | / answered Mr. Henry. "Your govern-- lnothingpwas 10 'b¢ $uned a%\.e Con-- Centre): Pass the hat in Hamilton ment put the highways department i tended. by th d th * p i and you won't get much. $200,000,.000 in debt," Mr. Nixon pur-- had faic eny e stend the remier l Mr. Macaulay: Of oourse.hbe- sued. "And we got value for it," «e h ' cause you've passed the hat there| _ was Mr. Henry's reply. The former "'it W::t 5::: elsli u: l:'n h&:e;l:{fgi | yourself so often, he continued by | _ Conservative leader switched his at-- ilincythis atterno:n ou will take it | charging that "the Prime Minister tack to other taxation methods. He out of the hides otythe ople for in relying on the alleged gullibility | _ agreeq there was an improvement 'which ou su edly h o 50 uch | of the public in offering mls" 25' 4 s . oo se naree lconcert):" Pposcaiy have so m | per cent share of the proceeds.

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