The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 5 Apr 1939, p. 2

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f '"The problem," retorted the speaker, "is becoming more intensi-- CROSS |NV|TED fled every day. Men are losing their faith and their hope." % While the Welfare Minister had gtated the number on relief was down from 1937, he pointed out there were still more than 22,000 To-- ' ronto families on relief. He claimed that while the munici-- | palities, particularly Toronto, which s e¥ he said was paying 33.5 per cent. of ind i aieviesront e arrrrnn es its relief costs, were bearing a heavy proportion of the relief load, the Challenge Not Accepted Provincial Minister of Welfare was * given power to dictate as to how re. | Affer M.L.A. SCOI'OS Him lief was to be administered. |that the monies l;OW spent"on thoml i I i "I can't belleve the Premier knows| be split evenly between the men for S.ymg SlfUO*th "!OS All that is going on in the Wel[are|lh0mbel\'95 and farmer employers NO* ROGChOd Crisis Pom'r, Department, because in addition tolwith whom the government should Cl ie rt ereerreriereerierreecreres | _ what Toronto is spending, there are| try to place them. He also stressed f | the additional items like bedding|the need for immediate considera-- CONFERENCE PROPOSED| and household utensils. You can go| tion by the Legislature of ways and | _ down to the city welfare department| means to effectively deal with the and find almost daily that a number| unemployment problem. A solution Persistently attacking _ Welfare _ of the provincial department's or--| could only be found, he believed, by Minister Eric Cross' recent House ders have been revoked. I can't be.| the House sitting in conference with statement that it was an (',\-"'.":PIEC-' lieve the Premier knows what is |representatives of labor and indus-- tion to say unemployment had going on. I wonder if he knows how |try, the Board of Trade and others, reached the state of a national| many of the department's orders|and getting the direct views of all crisis, William J. Stewart (Con.,| have been revoked." involved in the present difficult Parkdale), yesterday in The budget "I hope," continued the member, | situation. debate, challenged the minister to "I am not correctly informed, but I For days, said he, The Globe and accompany him in a two days' JOb _ am informed there have been three| Mail had on its Leadership League hunt. relief changes in Collinzwood and page, been indicating what the Otta-- The minister would see the prob-- _ that they have been told in Brant--| wa parliament was doing --in the| lem in a new light, wagered the; ford that they must get a wel[are!fflrm of a bit of blank space. The| member, if they went out without official who will be satisfactory to| Legislature, he said, should en--| credentials, and in clothing such as, the minister." 'deavor to "fill that space" if Ottawa the unemployed wore, "to make a "And to the council," broke in | couldn't. And the .he_st_ way to fill door to door canvass for two days Louis Hagey (Lib., Brantford). | it, said heo, was to initiate the con-- trying to find a job." Mr. Stewart urged the Prime Min-- b ference of his advocacy. The challenge was not accepted| jster to take "a couragcous step" in mamaice . | by the Welfare Minister, who point-- and with the co--operation of his de-- ed out that his statement referredI partmental heads, endeavor to trim; to seasonal unemployment. | _ expenditures wherever possible. In | The former Toronto Mayor's iui-| so doing he might, said Mr. Stewart,' tial debate speech in the Legisia-- provide a much needed leadership ture was marked by a scries of| jn that connection for the rest of' clashes with the Minister of Wel--' Ontario. He appealed to the Pre-- fare, clashes in which the members mier and the welfare department to of the Treasury Benches joined, as study some proposal for the rehabili-- Mr. Cross charged that the city's| tation of unemployed men in hos-- expenditures had reached an all-l tels, and in that regard suggested time high during the Conservative nevennimetinrenunneefi fvomnmvemmmemmmrarmeniermgs gpeaker's period of high office at the City Hall. | "Splendid Piece of Work." | In the face of repeated sniping,| Mr. Stewart insisted that city gov--| ernment costs had been reduced| . while he was mayor and he ap--| pealed for some recognition of the ' manner in which the mumcipah-i f ties had labored in coping with the | ON WATER PLAN "I appreciate what The Globe and :::)"l 18 d',',";'g "-"('lngl:" ""'l:"'_t'l'e While indicating approval in ple up, e said. "It is all right £.. 1t s M p to criticize those who are in the principle to an application by Tra--{ § seats of government, but often falgar Township for authority to those who offer this criticism have _establish a Lake Shore Water Com-' never bothered to vote." acg mission and fire areas under the | He cited from his own municipal ® ds i i experience that much of the criti-- commission, in the Oakville su-- cism had come from people who burban areas, the Legislature Pri-- had not taken the trouble to exer-- vate Bills Committee, .\'f'sfl*rda.\'i cise their franchise in the line of held over the bill until it was re--| ordinary duty as citizens. written. ' "I think the publisher of 'The Attorney--General Conant declared Globe and Mail is doing a splendid certain sections were in conflict piece of work and I hope that he | with existing general legislation succeeds, for after all, we are share-' governing public utilities and mu-- holders in this province," he con-- nicipal administratio tinued. 2 "I don't like this legislation in its He asserted there was an increas--| present form. I think it is danger-- ing number of people holding that| | ous," he said. the umremployment problem was an Petitioners both for and against indictment against democracy, and 'tho bill admitted that a water com he referred to the Woelfare Minis-- 'mission has been in operation since ter's statement on unemployment. |1929. and one of the main purposes "I would like to say to him," said of the bill was to legalize its opera-- the member, "that I would like him 'fion. Reeve Victor Hall emphasized to go with me down to the Coliseum that it had "been a good commis-- and ask if there is not a national 'sion," and that 70 per cent of the crisis. I would like him to ask water users had petitioned for a my son or any other man's son in , . private bill. early manhood if there is not a na-- Alex. Petrie. farmer, expressed : tional crisis." vigorous opposition to the bill in its present form, charging that the original petition asked only for a validation of the con. .ission set--up and authority to define the water _ area. He said the bill as drawn up did not represent the desires of any f section of the community. F A

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