The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 14 Apr 1939, p. 3

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. O Q . Approves Bi to A mit FOR SHOOTING ' Aurelien Belanger' to Bar (hl [0RD'S DAY Over the formal protest of the from graduating at tho time of his ' ----. tl r Canada Law Society. but studies only by illness. Subsequent . . . l, urgent a dissenting voice in lhe'events had made it impossible for All Northern Members Arein} committee itself. Private Bills Com- him to return to Ospoodo flail. hut . l mittee of the Ontario Legislature yn the interim he had had seven Favor of Sunday Hunting/ terday a row a measure au- years' experience in every phase of . i mixing) J,'e'T2,',issiL to the Barilaw oxcopt pleading before the Cooper Tells tish,. Game: of Aurellen Belanzci'. Hench-Ca- bench. Committee of Legislature! h nadian M.L.A. for Prescott. Opposition to tho hill came from -----r--_ i Mr. Belan er based his claim to D. L. McCarthy. treasurer of the acceptance it!) the Law Society on Law Society, and Shirley Denison, PROPOSE LAW CHANGES the fact he had attended the full K.C.. chairman of tho society's -------- course of lectures at Osgoode Hall. Legal Education Committee. who _ . q l had passed All his examinations in argued that no special privilege Before the Fl"? and Game Com-I the first two years and two in the ishould ho grant' ' any one student. mittee ot titLeg.islature r'omplelpd second term of the final year. hut Mr. Denison said that many 'ts .1939 sessionai wor? .vt'slovtiay, had been prevented from writing other students had been forced to notirr wy. served on it hy James the remaining examinations because terminate their studios under simi- Cooper, Liberal member for Sud- of a sudden illness. lar circumstances to those outlined bury. that. Northern Ontario's tio. As sponsor of the hill, he toldthe hy Mr. Belanger. and they had not mand for Sunday hunting privilegm committee that he believed he was been admitted to the practite of would he renewed with increased fully entitled to receive tho degree law. It was unfair, he thought, for pressure next spring. of Barrister at Law. tie had com- students to be confronted hy men Every Northern M.L.A., said Mr. pleted the prescribed course of who, "by the favor of the Legisla- Cooper, was in fasoy of such priv- study. had never fallen in an exam- ture had been enabled to enter into "PEPE and they would attend next lnatlon. and had been preventedlthe practice of law." year's session determined lo con- 1'tsrt the older Ontario members into " more charitable way" ot looking at the situation than now obtained. The Lord's Day Alliance Association. he said, also had no objection to the move, and when the proper time arrived he would produce correspon- dence to hear out his claim. w. L. Miller (Liberal. Algoma- Manitoulin), chairman of the com- mittee. dissociated himself from Mr. Cooper's statements that all Northern riding representatives supported Sabbath shooting. While he would. with certain reservations. support this idea, he could not con- done widespread gunning: activities that might interfere with normal Sabbath religious observances. Last ; year. in one small village in his I constituency. he said, the firing of N CROWN LAND deer hunters. just a mile away, so disturbed a church service and dis- traeted the preacher that it was with difficulty the service was com- pleted. _ Changes Approved. -------. Tho committee approved a num- . . her of postponed changes to the Governmertf Resfr l cfions Pifgilt game laws. These will be . . tl't""l' mated in the annual hill to Hinder Transfers to Amert- be NEW" m..." h. Hon. Harry c. can Tourists, w. L. Miller, Nixon, Minister of Game and Fish- eries, before the current. session M.1..A., Contends i concludes. Tho new proposals: --.----. ' "Provide that hears taken hy I hunters as trophies are not subject ADDRESS ON BUDGETi to royalty. -----. i "Include Dundas. Glctutarry. Lan- . . ' ark and Stormont among the coun. Rappirut government restrictions: ties in which use of snares is pro- on the selling and leasing of Crown hibited at all times. land lots to American tourists as "Elzin. Middlesex. Oxford, Water. being too severe. W. L. Miller tLib. I too, Haldimand and Welland added ' _------- _" to the counties in which taking of Alttoma-Manitoulin) advocated 3"" Mr. Miller. for the past five Nears), cotton-tail rabbits is limited to six terday before the Legislature that'; chairman of the Legislature Fish per day. "ll sites should he surveyed. pricedl and _Game pommittee. claimed the' "Add Haldimand. Middlesex. tand catalogued, so that officials oti administration of the department Waterloo. Welland. Elgin and Ox.. the department would he in a posh' had met with general approval of ford Counties in which sale of cot- tion to give definite information to sportsmen and conservationists. He ton-tail rabbits is prohibited. t.ppliants. 'l:,'.':,',',',':,".,",,",',', thlat the Irnfaritcdl in- Lengthen Hours. "We ex riener," said Mr. ill crease in t e p anting o inger ings " . . :ln his bug". address. "that J,') rift and fish fry had a direct hearing on"eltJ'f1tho'g.n1'g,re"',c','.'i'sT"itd't'i ('iirj'iiiiii placed upon an applicant', on Purist revenue, " had the ex- to extend one-half hour after sun- 'are entirely too severe and the pro- 'all','.? 2! :ishttiways in Norther set _ cedure too cumbersome. In fact, , " o. y' an game revenue, e .5 . . s 'they seem to be designed to we. said. had increased from $545,000 in u',1',eTllous,eC,t 1','e,t,p1g,ticr/t,',',l vent people from buying Crown 1934 to an estimated figure in ex- :tructed as to hold not more than lands rather than to encourage cess of '900,000 for the fiscal year. thre shells them to become summer residents Mr. Miller devoted the major por- 'lf,',' my," "F, of rifles during In the province. I cannot overem- tion of his speech to a survCy of o carieason for pheasants e phasize that we definitely have the government's highway policies p"\Iore effectively control ship- something to sell in the north in In Northern Ontario. He strongly merit during the 'closed season of' the way ot Cottage sites along the approved the policy of removing deer hides which have been legallv stte.rres of our inland lakes. And I the system from the Department ot taken . would suggest that the government "Mme" Development and ptafuy1 Gras section 58 of the act to' take steps to facilitate this profit- it with the Department ot High- require shippers to secure special able business by seeing to it that ways. "We are," he said, "heing permit for shipments of raw furs there are no unnecessary regula-i treated now as tt part of the Prov- by aeroplane. tlons to hinder this ever-expanding'; ince of Ontario and I submit. it is "Include fifty geese among the tottrUt industry." 1 . decided e"1tr_!tr_the better." game which may be exported by non-resident hunters under the au- thority of their licence.

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