The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 20 Apr 1939, p. 1

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Wl TV + °N C a f /A & !wg' * es 9e APR\ L 20 § a 'Would Restrict Ali EDUCATIONAL _ g, Aliens residing in Ontario will be|must be made before a count restricted in the changing of their | judge, following publication of no}-' t The H?pburn.Governmen_t, during \names under the terms of a bill |tice of intention i he'discal year Just ended, increased es _ ce of intention in the press once grants for educational purposes all [sponsorod by H. L. Hagey (Lib., | a week for three weeks. Notice of along the line, according to govern-- Brantford), which was approved by | intention also has i ment returns made to the House f hfio"fii?l Bills Committee of the | the Atlorney-G:-';:n:;):;% ie:]\eectlla:: yesterday in answer to a question Legislature yesterday. The measure, | tion as to place of birth, residence by Col. T. A. Kidd (Con., Kingston).| if approved by the House, will do |and criminal record, if any, must Comparative figures for the year ; \away with the present method of | also be made. ending March 31, 1939, with the yearl | changing names by poll deed. Subject to technical changes preceding in brackets, are as fol-- _ _Mr. Hagey told the committee the | which will be debated in the House, lows : | bill was designed to prevent the | the committee reported an amend-- Public schools, $3,790,609 ($3,189,-- changing of names "to create a|ment to the Limitations Act, de-- 940; separate schools, $910,208 ($746,-- ' false impression," and pointed out | signed to protect the position of 631); high schools and collegiates, | 'that the new act would make it | mortgagors who are liable on cove-- $794,325 (($635,177); agricultural | ' possible for persons opposing such | nants for payment but are no schools, $295,387 ($225,542); voca-' a change to voice their opposition |longer interested in the property. tional schools, $1,512,483 ($1,223,355) ; | before a judge yvhen application for | A complementary amendment to university grants, $2,595,776 ($2,534:' 'change was being heard. |\ the Mortgages Act was also re-- 660). 'A _ _ Application for a change of name | ported. Supreme Court Step to Follow MILK CONTROL Printed Insults to Royal Fami nsults to Royal Family MAY BEEASED Supreme Court action to re-- action to prevent publication of strain the publication of any | any newspaper, pamphlet, maga-- Elimination from the Milk Con-- ;;:;cel:t ornxl)lcu}x(r'e ingultinghto hi; zine or other printed matter con-- trol Act of that section which pro-- y the King is authorize taining any writing, articl ic-- hil«. CO--ODETaALIVES arrvi under an amendment to the_Judi-- ture 'gtcnding to 'i:nsultcge(;'apd;. MIDSCS: 107 .pmaH\P.\ fr."m ".mj'\mg% cature Act, introduced to the On-- revile or expose to ha'lrcd, con-- on the business of buying milk and tario Legislature yesterday by tempt or ridicule or mockery" his selling it to members and others, is Hon. Gordon Conant, Attorney-- Majesty or any member of the proposed in an amendment intro-- | G?]'hm:a:;mpo ed amend t R(,)l":l famil.\';i duced to the House yesterday by ® & endment came 'he amendment, contai i 'aAr os s | directly as the result of the pub-- | the Statute Law Ame:::;r:é'x']idA(]':l, Hon. Gordon Conmant, Attorne} |I lication recently by the United provides action may be taken in General. | Statgs magazine Ken of an illus-- the Supreme Court 'and empowers The bill was contained in the Sta-- tration which was (-on'siderofl of-- the court io order any defendant tute Law Amendment Act. Other fensive to his Majesty's subjects. to file a bond to refrain from pub-- proposed amendments include one The matter was drawn to the at-- lication of any such matter, Any s p c i tention of the House some time | one who, after the service upon whnich would remove Uhe p'\n.n?mmn ago by Col. George Drew, Opposi-- him of an order restraining such of fruit stores from the provision of tion Leader. publication, continues to do so, early closing by--laws and one which R Under the section the Attorney-- shall be liable for contempt of confirms the transfer of Chorley General is authorized to bring an | court. Park to the Hospital for Sick Chil-- dren and exempts the property ' e n from taxation while it remains in the hands of the hospital. H n IS Asked fo Make GOOd _ oA Judicature Act amendment e ry would permit the judge presiding at any trial or hearing to order the B k Pa He Gave fo Drur exclusion of the public from the ac y y court "where he deems it to be in' \, \the interest of public decency and Hon. George Henry's self--styled | the ga.\'r{\'en:i mad]::l to r}:11.5 former morals." : «« U v' i g a U.F.0O. eader, A ixon re-- * fenerosity, in pa.).mg ion: L C i minded Mr. Henry that the pres-- Drury $8,000 which the farmet | on; Cabinet ministers were tak-- government premier had refused | ing $2,000 less than what they to take as salary while in office, were allowed by statute. Mr. brought him censure from Hon. | Henry retorted that the ministers, Harry Nixon, himself a member | during his regime, had voluntari-- of the Drury Government of that | y reduced their salaries. time, in the Legislature last "Yes," said Mr. Hepburn, "dur-- night. ing 1930 the Conservative min-- "You should recoup the trea-- | isters increased their salaries by sury to that amount," Mr. Nixon | $2,000 each per year and made the told him. "He had certainly no | increase retroactive for a period f right to that money at that time." | of six months and then on the The verbal passage occurred | eve of an election, for political during the course of former Con-- | purposes, they reduced it, but it servative Premier Henry's four | didn't work." and three--quarter hours budget | Mr. Henry, dean of the Legis-- debate speech, when Pre-- | lature, was regarded by other mier Hepburn reminded the | veterans of the House as being speaker that he had contributed in one of his happiest moods. toward the present government's | Thrusting at and occasionally, but highway revenue by paying up | only very occasionally, applauding the $3,000 which he had charged | the administration, he ranged up to car operating expenses while and down the Cabinet row and he was in the premier's office. joined battle with all who would And following the criticism of take issue with him.

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