e e o e s o s s e 2 0 e e omm > . > O e o o e eeeeeeeae e e oo _ > 0 . 'He Still Has What It Takes,' \WOULD RECOVER Hepburn's Tribute to H | p o Menry | "Geotl_'ge lS, Helnry. former Con-- | burn beamed, "that I sent a note REI.IEF DEBTS rvative Premier, was given an . accolade in the Legislature by f y tf) the honorable member Power to th icipaliti last night, telling him that h f e MMM O Palies: 10 Premier Hepburn yesterday for C g£ him that he k ( ) k his "marathon speech" in the still has what it takes. Old sol-- olA o e estate_ of a, de: budget debate Wednesday after-- | diers never die, and he's the same ceased person money paid out in noon and evening. old warrior as in the past." 'rohef would be granted under an The member from East York The Premier recalled a warm amendment to the Unemployment was not in his seat when the | passage in Mr. Henry's speech on Relief Act, introduced in the Ontario House convened and Mr. Hep-- | Wednesday, as he sent over a Legislature _ by . Attorney--General burn expressed regret at his ab-- | sheaf of correspondence to the Gordon Conant in the annual omni-- sence. member's desk. The correspond-- bus Statute Law Amendment Act. 'Perhaps he has not yet recov» | ence dealt with a piece of prop-- ." is proposed to insert in the re-- ered from his marathon speech | erty which the Conservative mem-- lief act the following clause: of yesterday," the Premier observ-- ber had described as "a sheep . A mumcnpalny. shall be en-- ed. "I am sorry he is not here | ranch," and which the Premier titled to recover without interest out because I wished to toll the | had contended was "an island in of the estate of a deceased recipient Hou'se--" Lake Ontario owned by a Toronto of direct relief as a debt due by His remarks were interrupted | broker named Lamb." such recipient to the municipality by the appearance of Mr. Henry, "It's easy to see how the mis-- the sum of the amounts expended to the accompaniment of Conser»-- eonception arose," Mr. Hepburn by the municipality for the relief of vative applause. said amid laughter as the corre-- such person and his family." "I was going to say," Mr. Hep-- | spondence was tabled. Another proposed amendment to the Unemployment Relief Act would AWtrmmemernimeneee on romeeteree rindtie cssn rmingrinyre oo ym itssirendn mm mevirsrromninagecmmmmmmentrroergrnirermrerem en ieomson esmm require approval in writing from i the Minister of public welfare for #% | the appointment or dismissal of any op+ n arlo u ge | municipal relief administrator. € A proposed amendment to the o ' Milk Control Act eliminates the pro-- visions which prohibit co--operatives Vo+e Confldence' 59-2| from carrying on the business of buying milk and selling it to mem-- ; bers &. On a regcistered vote of 59 to 21,\set her exchange with the result * s and othels enrremnummatne the Ontario Government last night i('llpilali flow(;ed":n. empkt)yrpent :1"; nw'e ta creased, an e country's credi s defeated a Conservative lack--of--con-- lstood higher than ever before. fidence amendment and adopted | Queried by Hon. Leopold Macau-- | the motion to go into committee °'\lay. at the end of his speech asl supply to consider the estimates. \whether or not there was anything | The division followed a two--hour | Ontario could do if Ottawa refused address by Hon. Colin Campbell, 'gzs'l?;;' giult '22':':;;{[ r:efgfir:d.su?}i Minister_of Public Works, which don't k'nm\ .hul what the } tt.h' c s K t ' e bes ing :::'"nd o':'pg";:nbgd'fl debate which | wa could do would be to get a gov-- + ernment in Ottawa which will do feomg iny bare af n qores [*; 1 o s * ! He emphasized that Canada was ,\:r'iet?\t ttr?ere?:rl:lt(.)u?xat::\oe.:n;::)(:'r:::: a national pnil economically and situation in this province," was de-- that conversion of the type describ-- feated on the same division. With Ti en To aa uermarin'e s o Pa, the budget debate thus formally scale as was in Australia's (-a>o."llo and finally out of thO. way, the t'harggd. al .lhe same time, the King Tiouse enl.orcd on the InSt .lz'lp of a'dmlm.\lrauon at Onawla had not e yiuge s the courage to act as the govern-- i the present '.~¢'>§l0nl;\ndho.\po("lsbilo ments of Great Britain and Aus-- pror(fil'l('i.nfi'!('ar:\::;r l)vol'\)e:llnl\«';:n:f: tralia had done in bringing about g"'f" h hl ;" is NY NS $* a conversion in their public debts. | .éa:ta(;ia:'l :\':':"'"aw Fetorm to the In 1935, at the Dominion--provin-- | extent of public debt conversion (.'laela;::'r('}:::gio:' }(');lz:::.'," S:;: tal:;' :":.tr':e :"'"e"c'::";(::. 'thgeol(;iou:;?i'n:f v?wmod the very l.\'r?o of interpro-- * * vincial meet which Opposition M Sealed bremouely Oy Sou Cols JLerder sore Nes susgecied in his A. Campbell, Minister of Public Works in the Hepburn Government. Speaking not only as a consistent advocate of this type of reform, but as a member of the Hepburn gov-- ernment party which studied the Australian economic -- situation at * close hand this winter, Mr. Camp-- bell said that while the panacea he proposed might not provide a per-- # manent solution to the chaotic con-- ditions with which the nation is gripped, it would, he believed, ac-- complish a great deal. "Let us take an example from Australia," he urged, as he declared that the commonwealth not only converted her debt, but arbitrarily