The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 21 Apr 1939, p. 3

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Il.-, II , m; L | | RG"'I'&C"'IOI'I by Campbell |S |NTRODUCED | i , | 'I Oor IF y n sinuaton New Legislation Will Place ' | oi es s Ontario in Readiness +o] ® _ _ ® # + * Works Minister Questions Amount of Gasoline Enter National Scheme of # § * Rebates Sought by Former Premier's Son for Security for Unemployed # ® * um tans ] Farm Work; House in Turmoil and Speaker ASSUREPARTICIPATION: Threatens Recess Unless Order Is Restored wunnnrmmsircirmecmeuce w se« ------ 'The Ontario Government yester-- 4 £ d the tracks in readiness WITHDRAW,' SHOUTS LEOPOLD MACAULAY _ day cleared the tracks Ees ( to participate immediately in any| InUCOGUCH last night j uU P f t h l a l t national unemployment insurance ntroduction last night in 1e , tractor must have plowed a lot o $ w | Legi P p rits . | straight furrows in that period." scheme, should such be launched| gislature of two affidavits bear-- £ period. x s T haks Lexis--| ing on applications for rebates o Mr,. Henry sat silent for several by the Federal Government, Legis-- | £ i PP * * °"\minutes. Members about him were lation the step was in-- gasoline used on the George S.|seen to speak to him and then he troduced in the Legislature by Hon, Henry farm at Oriole, precipitated | rose. I.\'orma!) O. Hipel, Mmmtcrvof Lali)or. a bitter debate which ended only| "I am entirely at a loss to know zv:t tilxil\u};:;?l?cnl\:?t 1{'9'%9""0mp oy~ after Major James Clark threatened }\09'\.m ',':L"d,"pmda:)\;"' Tfl"d(:nh-" l':]h :;'\: The bill authorizes the Licuten-- & 8 $ W ® * a e € Pr ' to recess the House unless mem-- Budget debate in this House,." he 9nt-(jovornor-m-Coun(-xl to s enter ' bers kept order, The former Pre--|said. "I merely wish to say that ko in m arranlgf,n.w((:'nts };xth fay | mier demanded and received from ' there are two pumps on our farm. Go\'ernor-Genela-ln o l within tine | - ¥y One of the two serves the tractor be necessary to carry out within the Hon. Colin Campbeli, Minister of | and all the opm'at.mns 'hmh belt and province the provisions of any Do-- | Public Works, a retraction fm"pu""m power '.".(,' -mad(* by that minion act providing for a ge:neral | what Mr. Henry branded as a "dirty | tractor, and it is tht only pm'wr on ;;k::rge of unemployment insur« f sinuation." | the far 30 acres. | * s j m""u""_m lar ,,':,'.m ©L o .';(;'.? _ Cvkre _ it The Minister explained that the e hiinister, last speaker In the | mlonk and nuscenter nare "moa: 1e bill was simply in the nature of Budget debate, turned his fire upon | :xun\ and passenger cars. _I'ha.t 18 enabling 1egislétion. assuring parti-- | former Premier -- Henry,. ('harging"'".I hn.\-f- to say," and at this junc» cipation by the province in any | his administration with . having | tUure his voice rang out over the scheme adépted by the Federal Gov-- Feoeint M trlindtt I k. ue .y | House, "to these dirty insinuations l f s guilty knowledge" in the transfer f C & ernment. of money from one account to an--| 9! the minister. In addition to empowering the other _in an action which in fact, | Reply Causes Uproar. government to enter into whatever he claimed, amounted to "fraud." | "May I say," said Mr. Campbell in agreement is deemed advisable, the He Ihc"'n turned as he said, "re-- | reply, "I made no insinuations." measure provides for immediate ac-- g!'('tfl!ll.\' to a matter nfl!h(' rm'nwr; Immediately there came an up-- tion in enforcing and carrying into Premier's personal business. He|roar from the Opposition benches. effect any national unemployment \ said he was not in the habit '?I'meold Macaulay was heard to de-- measure and the payment of bene-- 'ernglrlg up personalities in public | mand: "Withdraw." fits under conditions specified in llfe.'hul .n'm on this occasion, ln: "Bring up something big," came any such act of the Dominion Par-- looking into certain '.'h'"g'_'-' made | from another and the turmoil spread 'liament. by tpe member .fm. East York in ' to both sides and the Speaker then relation to ct'!.solmo ".'th' h" h,"d broke in with: "If 1 don't have or-- ' come across certain interesting in--| der, I will declare a recess.," j formation. | Before the noise had wholly sub-- Reads Affidavit. ;udvd. Mr. Campbell was again on / He first read an affidavit, in | hIs feet, declaring: "I would say which "George W. Henry," describ. that the honorable member was ed as the son of George S$. Henry, berhaps only trying to get back in applied for a rebate of $43.50 on | rebates what he had to pay." gasoline used for farm motive| At that moment his words were power. It was signed by George again blotted from the House by f W. Henry. | cries of protest, but it was indi-- In the second affidavit, applica--| cated he was referring to the $3,000 tion was made by George W. Henry | which the Hepburn Ministry de-- for a rebate of $145 on 2425 gallons : manded and got from the former of gasoline for a six months' period.| Premier, on gasoline and oil which "May I say," added Mr. Campbell, | he had used while in office and had "I thought that was a large amount | charged to the Treasury. | for a gasoline refund and giving '"That is an insinuation I was try-- the honorable member the benefit ' ing to get refunds by an improper of all the Sundays and holidays in | manner and I demand a retraction," that period, it amounted to sixteen | declared Mr. Henry, and Mr. Camp-- ' \ gallons per day. I must say that bell withdrew. f B Leuce + ' LJ

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