The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 27 Apr 1939, p. 1

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' ' S+ 4@ OTTAWA BAIT, To Test Farm Stamina 1 Conservative opposition tn the College'; h_Old-inlgSS, H:)n. H.k g enniligt Nixon, Provincial Secretary, asked: HEPB uqun.smorf of n'ew farm lands for "'How many acres have yYou?" the Ontario Agricultural College At | ~@ppayps aside from the point," Mr. Guelph developed in the Legisla-- |Henry replied. "I'm not a city { ture last night into a challenge to fa:'r\!:fri.l" d § t ® * * 4 j * rou'r ntleman far-- Minister of Agriculture P. M.| ell, youre A get SC"IQMQ Of cre.d by a Dymg Dewan to spend a day at work in ]mer." Sl{flfi""--'" Mr. Dewan. Governmenf. He Terms It the fields of George S. Henry (Con., ."hNo'"I 211 noiHa szmfllf'man"[fflllrmit:'r East York), "to see who will look | either," Mr. Henry said. * as He Commends Dewan for sundown first." vite the Minister of Agriculture to « o f is r risit my farm some day and Til n The challenge, issued by the | visit m: _ "Ol' T'k. 9 SOUDd S*Ol'ld former Conservative Premier, was | wager he will look for sundown accepted -- spontaneously by the | sooner than I will if he works with GARDINER UNDER FIRE Minister, but date of the proposed mo' j 16W conflict was left undecided as the That comes from plowing a wemmmmanasnmmammnanmmzos House proceeded to other phases of | straight furrow, I suppose," inter-- Int *over y sti bef details could | jected Mr. Nixon,. Dominion Government bonuses on the estimates before details "You can't do that without prac f e o o Pramnt be arranged. t f s | cheese were described by Premier X::e?r\fpting the East York mem-- |tice," said the former Premier. | Hepburn in the Ontario Legislature ber's protest against addition of "Name the date and I'll be there," last night as "bait offered by a new farm lands to the Agricultural ' promised Mr. Dewan. dvinzg government at Ottawa," in the course of brief debate on De-- partment of Agricuiture estimates in committee of supply. ' Voicing his opposition to the Fed-- eral scheme to pay two cents a rew eman s ro e pound bonus for high--scoring cheese, Premier Hepburn commend-- & & ed Hon. P. M. Dewan, Minister of UDVECrSIV e acTIions Agricuiture, for the stand he had taken earlier in the debate. i.' $ R s o "I am glad the Minister is sound Full public nquiry into the ac-- |resolution. "A full, open, public in-- enough," he said, "not to fall for the tivities of subversive organizations |quiry should be carried out under bait offered by a dying government in Ontario was demanded by Colo--|the Public Inquiries Act." at Ottawa." nel (,;oortge A. Droxf'. Conservative "Padlock law!" interposed Joseph T. A. Kidd (Con., Kingston) had I',nader.'l)n the .LP'"-""'"""_"' yest©r-- | Habel (Lib., Cochrane North). expressed the opinion that Hon. J. aay, with a view to discovering «« j hi G. Gardiner, Dominion Minister of how they are financed and whether hol';l;:attolslr:\}:-:r:got';:eofii::?tirrko?}:;fi; | A:rl(.n"u'.p' was ::p'"""?g himself ta;:":; action mlght. be taken agalnst HOUSP." rejoined COlonE;l Dre'v. nz'r.uu'..mro. 4 saek is A resolution ordering the investi-- | jock law in this resolution. A public He's not ;.vutl!ng himself :mt: gation was introduced by Colonel |inquiry would give us the oppor-- Hon. H. C. !\1.\(»n'|n'!erjected. He's |Drew after J. J. Glass (Lib., Toron-- | qunity of clearing up all this dis-- keeping himself in." to--St. Andrew) had read in the | cyussion." The debate }\'l\i(-h hrough.t Pre-- gHou:w a" newspaper report which Communist, Nazi and Fascist or-- mier Hepburn's condemnation of ,carrxgd an adml.ssmn. made under | panizations, Colonel Drew said, Drfaw"a Government was engendered inath in an Ontario court, that there | were commonly believed to be by George__S,.. Henry (Con,, East is a terrorist organization in Toron-- | working in Canada to impose for-- York), who charged that the quality, to existing for the purpose of beat--= |sien doctrines of government by . _of Ontario cheese had fallen during ing up persons who disagree with | foree and he felt it was time mem-- the past year. Mr. Henry warned ig" bers of the House found out "just the go;;rrnmn.nt that the standard The resolution, viewed with dis-- | what is going on." must be maintained if Canadian favor by both Attorney--General | poubtful of Inquiry cheese producers were to enjoy con-- "ar p ** . . 1M Gordon Conant and Hon. Harry | . irslu a tinued success in the British mar-- cb j o I entirely agree with the sug-- Nixon, Acting House Leader in the ez ket. He urged that at least a por-- . gestion that these groups are oper-- ; n P absence of Premier Hepburn, was |®'". e " Srou tion of the funds granted to the laced on the order paber for future ating in Canada," said Attorney-- Milk Control Board should be used P« ce ."t. parp General Conant, "but I'm not at all . to encourage improvement in the ho CE N: sure that such an inquiry would quality of cheese produced. Promises to Inquire. accomplish what the Conservative The former Conservative Premier It was presented by the Conser--| Leader has in mind and what we also charged that the name of the vative Leader and seconded by Mr.}| would all like. In the final analysis Agriculture Minister was still being Glass after Mr. Conant had told the | we would find little or no evidence' used in conne@tion with advertising House that the situation outlined |of violation of the present law. IfT of a dairy co--operative with which by Mr. Glass would be investigated. |the Federal Parliament would Mr. Dewan was connected before his "I think the time has come when |amend the Criminal Code tp meet | appointment to the Cabinet. this sort of thing should not be | the situation we could, with our| "The Minister was an official of permitted to go any further," Colo-- |present machinery, take care of ane of the largest co--operatives in nel Drew said in proposing his 'conditions that exist." ()nta_rio"' Mr. Henry said. "Since his S appointment I understand he has 3 resigned that office, and yet ad-- vertisements of that company, I Under&.ta.nd. still carry the name of !h: Mm'lster in a prominent place." _ That's a grave charge," said Mr. Nixon, , . "NOt at all," replied Mr. Henry.| i"". not suggesting that the Min--| f:l:tr" had any knowledge of the |

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