it!!! '." Hte-ber " . HOUSE DEFEATS l mamas ACT I Hon. Eric Cross, Minister of Muni- l ---- cipal Affairs and of Welfare. yestero' Committee A P P l'OVOS day in the Ontario Legislature. de-l . . claret! Government policy was air-3 Statute ftevisions erse to granting municipal tran-', chise rights except upon the basis; CLAUSES MODIFIED o . , ---- ot prove": ?"?'°"'T"' 'e"',':.',',',',','," he! Redratted in line with criticisms: His dec "um" 'll"" " Ct I offered Wednesday by A. w. Roe-l opposed second reading to amend-: buck (mo. Toronto Bellwoods). the merits of the Assessment Act and, Public Meetings and Processions' the Voters List Act. both proposed ft". l1939. 333891 2g',r/.', coining}?- . . ee s age WI ou opposi ion n e by Arthur Roebuck, KC. (.e,1", Bell- Ontario Legislature yesterday. :::?lodst. The House rejected the, Tho measure. in its {new form. I S- " . retained the principle o requiring . " "It fff.Pt to me. and yr. cess,) permits for all public meetings in we have gone too. ar in Ite.ttirur public places, but modifications in away from properly. Winery"? Is. orious clauses removed conditions "T, .t.'ast, 2,unu'22,'ddtrtg/ttisg',' which, opposing members had do. a,,','e',ra,,','ert uat the spring session a??? were overly suppressive in c . to the Assessmesit .Act had the "fgil In addition to the insertion of ','S,nety,"t',"'t,tr'i.e,ct,ins. 5;; some ten "publies" in defining a ible to.votc. but who lived in one public place, the amended ttill.lirtt- rooms and had their meals lted the poyer of arresting officers or Pye and of police commissions in its "ua1"e"u,iu,ore gave third and administration. Under the original final reading to all the war emer- terms, ' police "whim" munici- ncy legislation. pal council or magistrate could rec 'r, -... fuse a permit without stating any' reason for such refusal. This was , .. changed in the amended act to read: "May issue any permit sub- icct to such conditions as it or he may deem proper. or may refuse to issue a permit." In its original state, the act em. powered any constable to arrest without warning "any person con-i travening any of the provisions of this act or whom he suspects of! having contravened or being about to contravene any of the provisions of this aet." By amendment the "onstable's power was limited to the arrest of any person contravening the act. The measure will come into effect on proclamation by the Lieutenant- Governor.