The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 18 Jan 1940, p. 2

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Stmuttort Hr l . -- . Request for legislation against the ' I Issuing of injunctions in labor dis- _ putes, favoring unemployment in. surance. increasing old-age pensions, instituting a modified form of so- . cialized medicine, giving labor rep- ' resentation on the Workmen's Com- UNION MEMBERS pensation Board and on the Indus- . trial Standards Act Enforcement Board, amending the Election Act, and asking the Provincial Govern-i ment to increase educational grants was also presented. I . . N Conant Denies Claim our moguls. EEen our Federal Pre- . mier, followed , his lieutenant, in by La born. That U S To ENS R recent broadcasts admitted that Civil Act ls Needed 1 . . there was so much done already I and so much to do yet that there --------- had been failure to tell about it. ASKS TEST CASE l ALLIED VI Our soldiers, now steeled for the -_---- ' great sacrifice. those parents from Assurance that the Ontario Gots whose loinslthcxi 'rel'.', ctimdlthe ' . ' " . i dear ones tiev e e in saue ernment would tetogniae the. right i great Caesar, and now humbly ask of any worker to join the union of: an accounting." his choice was given hy Attorney- Full Facts Needed. General Conant to Tom Moore, ----- It any semblance of freedom is to president of the Trades and Labor Canada Must Cement he ;'t'1atihna1f1triin'in, Canadagnd if"the Congress of Canada. and a delega- Good Will H T Id a2; are plu,'leu,C,u"ld Lt', 52?:5; lion of labor representatives who ' ouse O ' V the fullest information of facts, said met Provincial Cabinet Ministers at Fears Arms Shortage Colonel Hunter. "No information, Queen's Park yesterday. I -------. misinformation or ignorant inter- The delegation presented a brief pretation of motives and events by asking for legislation covering netirlr ASKS ACCOUNTING swarms of so-calied commentators, ly every phase of the Provincial] ------- whether they be experienced edi- Government's jurisdiction. and dur- q . tors, mere hirelings or whatnot. do ing discussion regarding the "tree-; There can he no doubt that it the an infinity of harm in a crisis. dom of association" of workers Mr.) Unanimous hope, of North and Wars are won in two ways, by blood Moore said that the Federal law giv- i South America for an Allied mili- and by propaganda. Those who are; mg the workman the Join', tary and economic victory are ever in control of the news upon whithl, any union. by providing punishment] . _ . . so much of our morale depends: under the Criminal Code for anyi "riousls tltrcatened, the balance should not be expected to or allowed: employer who discriminated againstl will be adiustce by the prompt to manufacture information. Theyl a worker. was not effective in On-l "employment of American Iroops in should, however, be in a position to tario. i the struggle," Colonel Fraser tt'gTu,rehy,1dot, rt,e,v?2,utgnt "This law does not hold good." ho . . - . . " . . . said. "in any Province where there liunter. Liberal member for i?: Pat to the public," he claimed. is not similar legislation on the rick, and profesSional solditn ot 40 Although admitting that Canada's} statute books. In other words, dis-i years' standing. told the Legislature effort had not yet passed the "bow crimination has to be made a civil, yesterday. and arrow stage," Colonel Hunterl offense as well." . 1 "Already it is largely due to the advised that "sincere men" in charge Mr. Conant Interrupted and said! U it d St t v I aid "l of the war's prosecution should be that legislation passed by the Fed- n/ f a es, .10 hal '. tltat given their due "until they prove eral Government was good in On- British youth IN being put Into the incompetent." Interminable broad- tario. "There is no question that the skies. Within a year. I predict, casts "by all sorts of newsmongers" law of the land allows men to joint many thousands ot American lads were not required, he said, to tell the unions of their choice. and, will be flying beside them under the country "why we drew the nothing we could pass here would! the Canadian flag" sword." And, anyway, said he, it 'r_,tttke it more legal for tt workeruto Canada could in invaluable to the wasn't a sword that had been drawn do as he plea,set along that line: i British Empire he said. by inter. ---but a monkey-wrench. A Cana- Mr. Moore insisted that_legislation preting lo the ran-American group dian of note had reoemly said: was needed by the Provincial Gov- and the Mongol group events as "Boots hhd underclothing do not crni'nenl. and when Mr. Conant favorably as her contacts pcr- march without tanks. guns and aero- . again stated this was hot so Mr.. mitted. "We an. in a very fortu- planes. The gulltfor Canada'searly M00119 said that I Practical demon- hate position as regards the United shortages, said he, rested upon the tlyt.tion would Set"? the matter.} States." he said "and have already people as a whole." So it IS up to P.riryr your WWW" under "'5" rendered the Allies immense serv- us all," he added. "to make heroicl CriminalCode mainstay Tt.plo.yerr." Ices in the matter of American efforts to rectify those shortages. 591d Mr. Conant "and it n Is Just": good-will, as witness the repeal of To rectify them. not by concealing! fied we will act." . i the Neutrality Act. And Ontario, them but by '."1ttin..E up factories. In tho ahsenco of Premier Pei let me say, has largely been rcspon- That is today the will of the people burn. Hon. N. O. liipel. Minister of, sible for that.' and Heaven help those whom the Labor. conducted the meeting. and . _ eo le lace in authority who fail Hon. Erie Cross, Minister of Public, Munition t'shortatre Feared. . l I?" apny rpespect in speed, competence Welfare and Municipal Affairs; lion; In any war. tor survival, likc l and trust in carrying them out." P. M. Dewan, Minister of Agricul-t present' one. " would go "aid "will For some years, said Colonel Hun- ture: Hon. T. B. McQuesten. Minis-l the politician f"., party "seeking sel. ter, he had pressed, "in preparation ter of Highways: and Hon. L. J.f fish advantage Canada was con-l for a war that seemed to me in- Simpson. 31inistpr of Education'l Slantly beintrtold, he said. that Ol'l evitable," an immediate and ac- also were present. I tawa'was acting as Britain advised. curate registration of every man, Speaking on the request of lt "Yet," said le,. "why should Canada woman and child in Canada, duly delegation that tho printing ofliquori embarrass Bulls" .Army orgaiitza- card indexed and cross-referenced, advertising be allowed in Ontario,: tion. by sending a disarmed a.nd un- as'to the part each was capable of and that display of cigar and to-i "implied 1viyon to 3m?" tor and willing to play in a war. He bacco advertisements be allowed in ! British factories .P supply. PW'l had made that appeal from a Kitch- beverage rooms. E. bl. Woollen said, haps they can do it quicker. better ener platform, and The Globe and that industry was being driven outl and cheaper JoPy; P, any event, Mail had taken the trouble after- of the Province by the regulations. for goodness sake let's set about ward to question the Ottawa au- "If the Provincial Government arel doing .it o.urstlvts. Canada at large thorities regarding his proposals. sincere in wishing to prohibit liquor'; is beginning to tear whether short- Ottawa's answer had been that the advertising they should not allow; Atte ot matcrials aviation and pu- scheme had been under way for Pamphlets to he distributed." he: nitions may not yet occ.ur to tttV months. said. "As it is now tho printing tel 90'", our nope of y.yyi,tal: 1th; "Well, let me say," said Colonel done in the Province of Quebec. and I British people have recently cleft?? Hunter, "that this measure of war the pamphlets are then posted and, UP the clouds which hefogged P" economy still awaits, even though sent throughout Ontario. I know one! formation that those about P. lie it is one of the essentials to our Toronto printing firm that has lostf have the right to receive. Pritain ' success. What have we dont?. At $250.000 on this account." i made a clean sweep ot those who l heavy cost and many eomtttttisions would keep secret the facts upon and missions inventories of a few which our will to war depends. The l factories have been carried out-- Canadian people, too, are becoming and not necessarily factories in impatient. and Canadian labor is| which war materials can be made." chafing at the frustration idle fac- [ _ - tory wheels entail. Surely a people who crowd recruiting offices in ' their thousands can be trusted by .

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