Restes id Janvary 23 t Job for Committee on Resources, He Suggests , to Provincial House ' TO HEARTEN ARMY A -- postwar employment pnliv_\.f P with particular reference to the| * needs of men demobilized from the s fighting forces, was urged yvester--| i day upon the Ontario Government : ' by Liberal Whip lan Strachan, K.C., as he voiced "my own admiration of the vigorous attitude of the Pre--| mier and his Government, partic-- h ularly since the declaration of war." # Mr. Strachan declared the subject of employment "has received scant attention from this Legislature." He lnes ape eeoretecarentictiedle en charged it was a sad reflection on man's ingenuity in solving so many Recess Planned Affer problems "that apparently our only solution for the unemployment prob-- Death Dues Act Altered lem is that of war." mm mmcemmmmammmmme He admitted that he had no par-- ticular solution as what might be AT LEAST TWO WEEKS done to avert a critical labor prob-- kn _.___ _ .czmmmmmmmmmmec lem once peace is declared "but I tg. it s would suggest," added Mr. Strachan, Amplifying earl-xer statements to "that if our Organization of Re-- the press, Premier Hepburn an-- sources Committee is thwarted by nounced in the Legislature yester-- lack of activity . at Ottawa, they day that, following passage of pro-- | m'if"':o;:f\!:r";;l;ht':fif attention to posed amendments to the. Succession \ _ _"For «after all, nothing would Duties Act, the House is expected 'hoarlon the men who are in the to recess for a period of two weeks army more than for them to realize or more, until the Dominion Budget | that instead of the somewhat empty is brought down at Ottawa. promises made in the last war that The Premier said the Succession their jobs are secure, the Govern-- Duties Act amendments will hbe ment of Ontario was giving some placed _ before the House on thought as to what would become of "Wednesday or Thursday," and it them after they are demobilized." was his hope that debate on them And later, in the same vein, the would be completed before the end Whip added: "And I would suggest of the week. If this were accom-- if the Organization of Resources plished, he said, the House would Committee could give some concrete recess immediately. suggestions along that line, that re-- "This session was called earlier gardless of what they felt about Ot-- than usual for two reasons"' Mr. tawa's war effort, they could be Hepburn explained. "One was so secure in the thought that they at that the committee investigating least were rendering a real and last-- f ; the administration of the Lands and ing service to the men who are Forests Department might sit con-- fighting both at the battlefront and currently with the House, thus on our home front to make democ-- avoiding the extra expenditure inci-- racy safe." dent on bringing the committee | Praises Service Guild. membex_'s here and payfng the extra 'ac ' p indemnity. The other is that it was Mr, Strachan, in reopening | the necessary to amend the Succession | Throne Speech debate, pald'lnhulo Duli-o;' Act so that the Treasury t m_ the wqu o! .'hc 'Queen. s Park _ Department might renew its investi-- | War Service Guild, in which be-- _____ a f certain estates." tween 800 and 900 women members | gation of certain C o h k lUll & b¢ . f The recess, he said, was rendered | of the Civil Service joined in "doing | reputable transport operators but doubly neve ';ar\' Decailse of the 401 | real work in a concrete way." t also on the railroads. lou _\lhne l;omihion Budget might _ Turning to Hon. T. B. McQuesten, -- "I would urge upon the Minister i ane 'te ssary for the Province Minister of Highways, he recalled | of Highways," said Mr. Strachan, Maks xfi'dnecel;;w 3'fiem; of taxation. that the Chevrier Inquiry report | "that every consideration be given to con.s.x e;; Olutel i;nbossible he "showed many serious abuses ex--| to the recommendation of the Chev-- | It, P io forevast ither reventies 0P isting in the highway transport in-- rier Report to set up a transport said, to °rt 5o far from the end of dustry." board in Ontario with powers, duties | requf!.remler: £ 80 He believed that one of the chief | and jurisdictions with reference to tth xsc& f-earrr.\onth will --probably difficulties in the present system | transportation by trucks and busses indi mt, ih trend of events," he was the lack of control over rates.|in Ontario, similar to those of the m'éc%'tfut iteis impossible for me at This worked a hardship, he claimed, | present Board of Transport Com-- | fg', 'time to draft a budget with any not only on the legitimate and | missioners for Canada." l ' dolgsree of accuracy."