The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 25 Jan 1940, p. 1

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e T esnt CC -- Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeneaiee Oe en e eeeeeeeeiee e Cererrr o opeeaeseeeaeaeaeeceeeeealeeeaaik JAnvuARy 25 G % @ | UARD SPEECH, 'Lampor'r Denied Right . T Allan A. Lamport, Toronto mem--| Mr. Patterson reminded him that ber for St. David, yesterday under| the question had been raised on the ruling of Deputy Speaker| Monday and had been closed, under Krmmmurcpcume Roland Patterson, was refused per--| the rules of the House. And as Mr. Posifion in --House Is 'mnsslon in the Ontario Legislature| Lamport persisted in "taking the * * | to reply to criticisms levelled at | matter up, point b oint," th :IO Protection Agamsf tlx)im Monday by Conservative Leader Deputy Speaker dec)l'arsd° "I wili * rew. ide rosecution, Says Conant Ulthe Deputy Speaker's ruling was ask the member to abide by the acked by insistent cries of "Order,| 'The incident was concluded when WON'T MARTYR HlM order," from the members and it | A, W,. Roebuck (Toronto--Bellwoods) l was not until after the member had | asserted that Mr. Lamport had a on been rebulsed three times by the | right to dispute the ordec, but must Stern warning to M. J. Coldwell,| Legislature's referee, did he take | abide by the Speaker's ruling. Leader of the CCF. Party in the hiilseat. s House of Commons, that his posi-- am rising on a question of » privilege," said Mr. Lamport, in out-- tion as a member of the Dominion| lining his plea. '"The Leader of the House did not protect him from| Opposition referred to me as being prosecution under the Defense of i",.';'?"ah"m""" with the Star." _ _ . % s that now a reflection in this Canada Regulations was issued Y°S*| House?" asked Colonel Drew. terday on the floor of the Legisia--| Mr. Lamport insisted that Colonel ture by Attorney--General Gordon | Drew had accused him of collaborat-- Conant. | _ ing Wi!h the Toronto Daily Star in ' Je preparing a speech in which he Opposition Leader George Drew' charged Colonel Drew with having joined with the Attorney--General to: slowed up the Dominion's defense condemn statements made Tuesday| @fforts. "At no time was I in col-- by Mr. Coldwell regarding the lsatboratxon with the ".I'ororft(., Daily i mm P e ar or any one else," he said. prosecution of C. H. Millard, or-- He was called to order. "A gonizer for the C.1.0., for alleged|. , a 1 > re you o c antan ot allowing me the same courtesy subversive statements. ' as the Leader of the O ye poaw /A e f 8 pposition ? Mr. Coldwell accused Premier' NMr. Lamport asked Hepburn and Colonel Drew of| * P * making political capital out of the | Dominion Government's war elfort.l E and made statements of the same sort as Millard was arrested for,| s challenging Attorney--General Co--| nant to prosecute him. "I am not going to say at this time what action will be taken," | said Mr. Conant, "or whether any | action will be taken, but I can as--| sure you that I am not going to do anything likely to glorify or make a martyr out of Mr. Coldwell, a thing which no doubt he would like very much to have me do. | "I would like to add, however, that Mr. Coldwell's position as al member of the Dominion House of Parliament does not remove him| from the operation of the Deu-nse| of Canada Regulations or any | other laws which it is the duty of | my department to enforce. Nor is he by any means above the law, with respect to contempt of court." Mr. Conant said that it was high-- ly improper for Mr. Coldwell to comment as he did on the Millard case, which is now "sub judice.'" It was improper because any comment | on a case before the courts is likely | to prejudice the pending trial and : so interfere with the administration of justice, said Mr. Conant. | The Attornex--General said that there was a fundamental principle at stake in Mr. Coldwell's state-- Colonel Drew said that the C.C.F.! ment. "For a member of the Do-- | Leader had criticized the right of j minion HMHouse of Parliament to at--« |the Legislature to discuss the Fed-- tack the administration of justice |eral Government's war effort, and in any Province with respect to the |yet he took it upon himself to criti-- enforcement of laws passed by the |cize the administration of justice in Dominion 2arlkhament of which he 'Omario when he was not even a is a member has a very great ten-- |resident of the Province. "He dency to undermine all law enforce-- lshould watch what he is doing," mentc efforts in that Province," said | said Colonel Drew. f Mr. Conant. "If this premise w * P If Mr. Coldwell was dissatisfied | tinued Col:nei Drew,e'r'lew:.r 'gc;ldf:el;l with the Defense of Canada Regu-- . should never mention the war ef-- lations he should voice his criticism || fort except on the floor of the i'on the floor of the House of Com-- | House of Commons, neither should mons, and any criticism of the | the newspapers print anything Province's methods of enforcing the | about the Government's work. His measure should properly come from fown words show up the absurdity the Federal Department of Justice. fof the view."

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