The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 25 Jan 1940, p. 3

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. JatwAweitir,,,,,, V The Premier charged that Mr. . Hindmarsh was "about " mean and tue. Ne IM-ttit W Not. Mr. Hepburn was on his feet in mercenary as Mr. Roebuck when he "Why shouldn't het I asked no ttn instant, declaring that two of his (Mr. Roebuck) went to England to one to license him. I wasn't In Lon- colleagues were present. He turned get a job for his brother-ln-law," don when he secured the contract. to Hon. H. C. Nixon, Provincial wh claimed the Premier, "was It shows the length that the Prime Secretary. and that minister rose proved a man of ill repute." Minister will go to try to injure a and said: "I support what iii "Cheap," San Roebuck. member of the House who disagreed Premier said occurred." The attack. declared Mr. Roebuck 'Wllh him ornwho refused to submit And further_down the line, Hon. 1 in reply. was "mean and malicious." , to dictation. . . . . Paul I.educ, Minister of Mines, nod. 'i, lie branded as "chea " m t he Mr. Roebuck reviewed briefly his) ded his agreement. . p " tt t l . u n . l called an "attempt to ruin Mr Al- (pehlie career and. claimed that, if! . Well, continued Mr. Roebuck I . .after forty years In public lite, the' lit, any Ievent Mr. Atkinson neveri . o the remier that he was . l kiiison through the speeding records if" 2,,1t gout: lbe dfound 0." a 'man to attack him and htrass i'dl"d 3 of his grandsons." 'ha'ld yy C ' C pc , man 5 giand; the end of his days." l (if the sphool incident, he said it ; l .wn or 1e.yf.lhis.n.,e like that, The chairman of the committee l was in; case of two high school l?3n(..0um consider his race well at hm? whole ruled that Mr. Roe. ' Iroys " to "got in a iam with the //r' . , . uc , under the rules of the - l headmaster." and Jld to get event R I was {hhf'hlh'h' continued Mr. must, in the face of the malt-'18:: i hy painting the school door. i anc-k' '.while the PM?" Minister lion given to the Premier's state- I "lr was a boyish prank that al-l was stilt in short. pants. And let ment, withdraw his statement mu" any man's grandsons mightl me'sayhif he (oliitinuels as he does, "I must comply with the rules do," he claimed. "l have no rel-once- L If/d','; 1,t,1 p0 "ms ong after he sf the House," replied Mr. Roe. tion of liming changed the ma is- . . _ . uck, and proceeded to th trate. I am satisfied that I did it")! h lllaiold hf'gair (Lih., Northurp- relating to the Duncan 'i,li,h,,Q,',et ( do that, and I am equally satisfied Pt and). "airman of tho commit- claim. . that I did not interfere with the lf of tho whol: House, rose and "All I can say is that it did not disposition of the case." tried to end tin debate. He said lake place. It was mad t While maintainin th t l that he had allowed a great deal wh l l e ou of . 'F' ' JT .. , to had of leeway. but that Mr. Roebuck J.'."'.. cloth. All I can say ig that not iiiitifeied in the wise, Mr. Roc- q ' ttld w fi ist, g b ,'. fl . ' . In is inaccurate," he said. buck said that it was. not without Cf,'ll." tttnl ml") ttti tue ' ac, [my 'Belterates Charge. . it?!" rights "ot my office to have 'ri' _ '." . . '... l Th P . . . 'dons, w and no one could have "am .8ule ptvparod to finish e remier reiterated his charge . pointed the "WIN of Scorn it I had." iiiow. said Mt. 'Rochilt'k. and sat l 310": as dthe result of representa- ill" had not dirtittrd to the magis- town." the Prt'th'l' Jumped iip'andl ns ma e to him by the then "MN tlurin the thre 'ah '_. '., said. Go ahead, rm not rmishedll l . g l t e stars of his myself" -Att( . tB'r . 'ioffire. '. . . . "ner-General, he moved in the, i "lf the Premier. lutc no further t,.i'ft"t/',le1T,'/, 2'l,"l0 ceiiue) r',':,":",', Ia,) y)1rte, records, sought , 'l,iuctttic:ttlort for the attack against Local Covernmtnt 'irx."dr',"s)i'in Act , l {51'}... if???" 111ey not be tabled. i Mr. Atkinson than the speeding rec ici".'ui. Ilrsohuttt. said. "H" the (19:. 'O 1 If A Nude")? by Mr. Duncan 'ords of his grandsons. he had better . (, . ' l" . I If l his f . on ainc a num'henof things which 1 bstrli up and ,titrt m" again." said hate in 'lf.'.? l /lr..ll1'.', an. us or- did not appear, said Mr. Roebuck. t Mr. Roebuck. mot fltoryy"u'r"'ral "as connect- Duncan earned every dollar of the "Now in regard to Mr. Walkin- tl I?.,", thes ttt't. a" It, Pf. 'yylt mom" paid lo him out of the t16,- chaw," continued the member. "He (tho 1a/,',T1inlche,. i"d1"/f"di, "her; OOO. He made Investigation of a . took a w". active part in these pub- i.C'/'ii'lhT",1", t '/',y?lr,a,nls " o a large number of matters. He made he onterprises preceding the vote lse isi en s o .ei\e. report after report, not on my order of 1934. He was well acquainted in l Citen Hydro Reports. but on the order of the Hydro board my riding. nightly 0r wrongly. I i Tho Premier then referred to the and some of the material that he 1 appointed my own secretary in the' dealings of Mr Roebuck with Lewis gave strved me, of course, in the fcaiiipaigii to the office of my own {Duncaii and the Hydro Commission. facts mv.e.n. to Ihe._nouse. But Mr. I private socioiar)', I remember first "'I am glad that my friend, the mem- Dyyan, did Tt write my speech." l, {taking it up with the Prime Min- her from Eastyork (Georgo Henry). rho Premier o.hsjcr.'vet! that Mr. ' l hit"! and he said it was quite usual is in the House this afternoon, for Psoero.ucltsilill maintained he had no I for the Ministers to appoint some it wusliis motion that asked that all "WON'T".O". of having asked for 30",. an". to them as private set-re. the rrports and communications the rescinding of the order which tarics." and records having to do with l'9(lllt':lt'(l}lli}e st,c//',1,ive, or: the Hydro " ' Lewis Duncan m. tabled. I asked "OWNS Wnlclt s owe t e payments Ruthless and Bruttti." the Aitornoy-Goeral if he had any to Mr. Duncan. He called for the As for the Premier's attack on objections. and he said no. So it records and then read the Mr. Walkinshaw, said Mr. Roebuck, was ordered that the Hydro pre- motion, dated April 9. It was moved who had difficulty in replying within pare all the communications to he by Mr. Hepburn and seconded by ithe rules of Parliamentary proce- trendy for tabling." added the Pre- M,tir.l'1oe,1clr _ (lure. "Lot me say," he added, "that l micr. You have a very convenient tine Prime Minister's reference to l "Three days later the Attorney. memory," he charged of Mr. Roe- Mr. Walkinshaw was-well, it was [General (Mr. Roebucki rushed to buck. . ;Hephurnism, both ruthless and (me and said that the reports could "I ask you to withdraw," replied ybrutal." (not be tabled. and that. I would try? member. "That is R nasty im- l The Premier, ho said, now boasted ', have to rescind the motion. as Mr. plicati.o.n. You have mm" here with j of attacking a "good citizen." Duncan had been busy preparing his one Ihint.t after another you have I "The courts don't think so." nine-hour speech. I asked him if hen. 1i"?P5,,urh You wish to an- (snapped the Premier. that was what we were paying Mr. ' "mime me. ' "Walkinshew is as honest a man Duncan for. "Oh, no," retorted the Premier. t ia< is the Prime Minister." said Mr. "However. the previous motion "I wouldn't hit a fly with a sledge- r l Roebuck. "and he has done his best was rescinded, and I proposed the hammer." . "'3 support his family, and now the new motion,' said the Premier. "li "il oll, you haven't caught this -Prime Minister admits that he in- [asked the auditor of Hydro how; one yet," said Mr. Roebuck. terfei'cd with the right of the man much at that time had been paid to. Rays Not Unnatural. to carn his livelihood. I Mr. Duncan, and he said $15,325 in; . "Because of Walkinsliaw's record. (salary and 81,246 for expenses. All? Referring to the rescinding of the the Insurance department refused [that money for pr'eparing a nine.' motion, Mr. Roebuck said: "It is him a license," said the Premier,', (hour speech. I wonder if Mr. Roe- not unnatural that I cannot remem- and he declared that he would table', ! buck is proud of that. ber Pvery motion I seconded when the record contained in the insur-§ l "Then Mr. Duncan wrote asking Attorney-General." ance branch's files "so that all may? more money, another $10,000," con- "No," agreed Mr. Hepburn. "that . read." ltinued Mr. Hepburn. "And now is why I said you had a convenient Mr. Roebuck: "1 have no doubt Mr. Duncan poses as a champion of memory." - that you will attempt to blast his "democracy, would be mayor of To- "It is not a convenient memory." ,lro.?.utation. I have no doubt you, me But the irony of the whole replied Mr. Roebuck, "it is a normal, will use all your ability to drive) affairiqthat we are protected from honest and unbiased memory. Be-, 'tne knife into him and to turn it this grafting, greedy brute by the 'sides, it the Premier proposed the! around. . . very laws instituted by Mr. Roebuck motion he refers to, he can har.dlyl He recalled. licensing Lloyd's gas Attorney-General making it un- accuse me of doing something im- Ie,1eee Ill in England J,'.'1t2' llawful to she Hydro." proper in seconding it. I think it is ven ua y was regis ere n o r t ste to in uestions of in- Ontario. "Some time after I was 10".." Report True. 1t,'f,'L1/",i,1,1?dg1e',r,iJ,'r1),1,1st into the in London on business of the Prov. i Mr. Roebuck, replying: "If the open now. l " ince." he continued. "yr. Walkino I','",','.:: is I".' more accurate "The .Opposition at that time} V in? came to London in an enact l in_ his reporting of his conversations made many motions asking that we: l P e the representative of Lloyd's lwith me than he was reporting the table correspondence dealing with', . V m the Province. "iit'l)',e'ttt)tencg,it,h,ott1ecidtt"i't of the hydro. I remember one case of an ' . o . eric '. . . ." A "The president of the Star wash A'yi,f,ifi"1,vte,,m,taung; later," cried a a at the interview referred to. Let 'voice from the Opposition benches. me tell the House that the , "Well, maybe so, but my point Premier's report of what took place lstm holds," said the former Attor- was without a single shred or item - ' i of truth." 0

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