Jaw has 3o i' Drew Correct- Premiere King. ' 1 COMM! Drew said he had report- RI l ed that. nothln could b sing before the orders of thel tt e done day on a point of privilege, claim. through the Organization of Re- ing that the Prime Minister of Can- sources Committee until there was ada had made-statements about him . change of heart at Ottawa. He that were untrue, Colonel Drew said , reviewed the cases of men who had he wished to correct two state- left jobs to. enlist and who had been . ments made in Mr. King's speech told to wait. . in Parliament last Thursday which I . If, we have 'P right to discuss referred to him in his official ca- twith'" this Legislature the pitiful Dacityas Leader ofthe Oppositionin plight of men who are suffering the Legislature. hardships. because they sought to -------- "Mr. King gave as the first of his l serve their country," he Said. "then . reasons for refusing to face Parlia- . . . . . Disrepuubu, He Calls ment an alleged political campaign I 'pe.msaod'gt'i.vt't1e, be/ee,',"""' closes Ferderal Premier's Act egtlttnstl le I." this. Chamber," "Vii Colonel Drew said he had for- . E d. P I. 'l'.?"!?, 2'..tr'h1e",tm'.'e',e, 3""? his warded to Mr. King minute details In tt mg or lament I,",'.,',' wor s:. t' ffm""' o the of "a number of scandalous con- argest Province in this country in- " 'troduced a resolution in the Ontario g:§;:hn:2:: "mom: lehtaqbybthe JOINS DREW ATTACK (Legislature which was directed in done to remedy the sgituation ef?. --- ... i no uncertain terms at t.he, Govet'n- though he has had the information R " . Pont ro.f Canada now administering for three months," he added. chewing his attack on the Mac. its affairs. That resolution was sec- Colonel Drew said the Legislature kenzle King Government, Premier'. ended hy the.Ptatier.' of the Conser- "is no mere department of the Fed- Hepburn in the Legislature yrster. if"): Opp?s"mn m the Ontario eral Government," hut was, rather, day charged the Canadian Prime Pugh attire. . _ . . i a partner trying to work with 'he Minister with "shamolesh" conduct . 1?ese words (of 'ht. Prime Min. Dominion Government for the sup. and declared his action in ordering by?" Chaw "been v'eMmed all l cessful prosecution of tho war. the dissolution of Parliament was 8905'" anada, cr.tntinuCd Colonel "If there is to he effective action "more disreputable than the act of IT.): an" have hoon given "up; in tho Provincial as well as tho the late commander of the Ural 1lytl1". ?rflP11f11T. h) fo'c'g"; Dominion Parliament, then adequate Spec in sinking his "New, .. """wnpom "S evidence of an a.I'I information is iust as important for The Premier joined Con cthat'v '03". premeditated joint attack l." I members of the Legislatures as for iLeader Gear D . . ts ' c this House. livery member of this! members of the House ik Co - tte rew m an ou. Legislature knows that Mr. King's " T . ., . m slaught on the war record of the . . . _ mons. said Colonel Drew. Ottawa re i b th . . h f statement was untrue. The iesolu- The Opposition Leader said that th gmc. o rislng . C ore tion was seconded by Hon. T. B C , ".. 1 . e orders of the day on points of . . ' . . anada's war effort IS a Joint cn. personal privilege. 'MtQuesten. who. we 11f..rf informed tcrprise. and each partner in the Crowded galleries heard the On- at H"... time. is the president of thel enterprise has the right to criticize tario Premier lash out at his Ontaiio [About] Association. I had anv part of the conduct of that en- time Chieftain but if thev h d (I',',,"; inn intimation of any kind. that such l terprise." _ expecti to hear him s/at a (dug? a resolution was lo be introduced Colonel Drew took the case of nite il,','.?,',, his plans with regardct: " until " was read hy the Premier." ! Winston Churchill as an example I the forthcoming Federal election. uMaltes Second Correction. l of.what could bendonc hy effective they were disappointed. The Pre. 3 Mr. King had made another refer-l criticism. He said that Churchill mler's surprisingly brief address once to him as Leader of the Op-l had roused the British Govornmont contained not a single reference to position, said Colonel Drew, which to action after the Munich pact. his future political plans. His m. tied in with the resolution passed' I ."Instead of boing described ar' it marks were devoted entirely to in tho Legislature censuring theI disturher, he is t,oda.1.'.reco.g.ni.rred {criticism of Mr. King's administra- Fedoral Government's war effort. as the man t'l).o by his criticism tive war record. nun." are the Prime Minister's, roused the British Government to When asked after adjournment of , words." "aid Colonel Drew: " "After i a".ti.on a year before war broke out." the House it he cared to elaborate _ this resolution is passed, the Leader: said .COIO'IM Drew. ."Winston on his address and say just what I"! tho Conservative Party in 011-. Church-ill himself .has. mver.1 tho Part. if any. he proposed to play ;"'"l0- al a political meeting. tells most vivid and convmcing "v.id.e.nc') in the Dominion campaign. the Pre- l tho meeting. and through the meet-i f" .uy? mnemw. value of mm'sm 'mier replied: "l can't answer that ting the Province. and through thel inside and. outside the House of question. We will Just have to let Province the country, that the elec-l Commons. matters drift along." tion must start at once, and he Aqrees With Drew. I'tthth no." no Ontooher. l €373 them the slogan, "King Mustl "Again I find thyself in complete . . _ . agreement wit the honorable o,i2.',u'f"t'drie,.nlgre'g.e,,ie. E "That statement of Mr. King's iSl Leader of the Opposition." said Hepburn will do or say nothing un- Iequally untrue. The reports of my" Premier Hepburn at the outset of "it such time as the political picture "pom-h ma.le tt abundantly "93" his remarks. "I wish to point ou', takes clearer shape. "ls "drift-! (that I neither said nor suggested) that the Leader of tho Opposition along" observation is taken as mean- l that the election must start at once. t knew nothing of the resolution ing that he plans to sit back and I' expressed the hope that the. Lib. which I. introduced in this House watch the political scene in the role, ,crals 9' Canada would get rid of and which was seconded .hy my of an onlooker. :emporarilv at least I 2,t, Ny lust. as the Liberals-of honorable friend, the Minister .o.f Colonel Drew spoke 'i/ii' half an' [Great Britain had replaced Asquith Highwam. who IS, as hashecn said, hour in defense of what he clamp. Iry. Llyd.fitortro during the Great President of the Ontario Liberal ed was his right, as a member ot" "Var. lsaidthat " T." not necessary Association. . the Organization of Resources Com. l to wait ttCart election IS', let" the "There has been no gangmg To . ' ' I. . . . slogan. 'King Must Go. " said on Mr. King and no collusion in Ihic' mittee. to crtticize the war record Colonel Drew " . wt . of the King Government. lie deniedI Ti o 'di.. . matter, declared the Premier. Ifm' that there had been collusion m the'; " re pposition Leader said that whole affair_ arose from a question. introduction of the resolution 0" those two hastily invented. excuses asked in this House by the honor. censure passed by the Legislature . of Mr. kings for not facing Par. able member for Dovercout l\\ll. Premier Hepburn unlike the bi , liament were without any color or liam Duckworth, Cons.). lie asked . . ____°___ Ir" shadow of truth of any kind." regarding the report that a inliZMn postman Leader. did not speak from Colonel Drew defended his right, bushels of Canadian wheat had hem; . a prepared manuscript. lie at once , and the right of Premier Hepburn; sold to Russia. Now, Canada is a' launched into his attack. which was to discuss the war effort of the Do-i member of the League of Nations, featured in its closing stages by a 'minion Government in the Legis-_ and the League has declared Russia' :efg-reqnce to tPhe tou\rl of the King lature. to be an aggreSsor nation. And here n ueen. rtme . inistcr Mac. . we were sendin ' in effect, muni- kenzie King. he declared. "was like .hr'poke " Committee-. I tions to an agggessor country. 1 a mud turtle snapping its head "When I spoke on the SpeechI "If no other purpose were served,. up and down: every lime we want- from the Throne I made it perfectly. ithis question by the honorable' ed to look at them ttheir Majestiesr 'clear that I was reporting to thisr member for Dovercourt raised suchl we had P. look at him." House as a member of the Organiza- a controversy in this country that g Dissolution of Parliament and the tion of Resources Committee in re- the Ottawa Government rescinded; Prime Minister's treatment of Con. gard to matters which had been the order and no wheat was sent! servative Leader Maniun were de- dealt with by that committee and to Russia. But the matter "emf scribed as "shameful". In compar- were. therefore. of concern to every further than that. This Legislature! l [mg the Canadian Prime Minister member of this Legislature," said has complete jurisdiction to criticize: y.1llt tho late TrynyPorr of the Colonel Drew. wherever and whenever it feels that 'i German pocket Willem!!! Ural Spee "Mr. Hepburn and I did not meet such criticism is justified." l Mr. Hepburn said the commander', the Cabinet at Ottawa in our per- At this point Mr. Speaker intct'-§ scuttled his ship rather than . tace' 'sonal capacities as Mitchell Hep- vened to ask the Premier it he we". tlet. tttttttll '.,ritish warships. burn and George Drew. We were speaking on a question of personal) But Hy hing scuttled the ship appointed by the unanimous vote of privilege. 5 It, State. declared Mr. Ilepburii. this Legislature under an act of "I am, Mr. Speaker," replied l With the greatest numerical ma- Parliament to make available the Premier. "I was indicted along with; jority ever accorded I Canadian vast resources of this Province for the honorable Leader of the oppo-'; Prime Minister. he ""3 afraid to the united national effort. I should sition." face Dr. Manion and hisnthirty-nine have been open to very severe con- touowerg in Parliament. demnation hal I failed to disclose to this Legislature what happened." .