The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 2 Feb 1940, p. 1

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j An amendment to the Securities N ANT B Act designed to encourage mining prospectors was introduced in the Legislature yesterday by Attorney-- > w mm mm c i aa General Gordon Conant. Mr. Conant _ Incorporate _ Features said the bill aimed at giving im-- | Of Borlow ROPOI" in :)::iusthto pros;t).ectorsf' ex:editio:s A e promotion of such expedi-- | _ Judicature Act Changes Lions. 1 Innnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmee : # The bill provides that upon the EFFECT ECONOMIES filing of a prospecting syndicate agreement with the Provincial Sec-- f semuueiommummmemeet retary or a mining recorder the l ot :::l;lion ofh ithc.- grand jlur){. .i"d :iigbitlity of the members of the syn-- | ar--reaching proposals to im-- icate or parties to the agreement prove the administration of justice, shall be limited to the ex%ent pro-- 'are contained in an amendment to vided by the terms of such agree-- the Judicature Act which Anorney-' ment, provided that the sole pur-- General Gordon Conant will intro-- pose of the syndicate is the financ-- duce today in the Legislature. ing of prospecting expeditions or The amendments to be introduced gl'e:'lml"\lg}:'y mining devel;)pment. or as a Government measure climax oth. e agreement limits the years of effort on the part of many capital of the syndicate to a sumi bodies to obtain some basic changes not exceeding $10,000. in the administration of justice in * |\ _ "Prospecting is a vital part of the Ontario, and they grow directly out i'mm.x(r;g mdlustrs\".v said thek_Atto_r- of the Barlow report which was orrc--.~_.__.. [ney--General. . "We are seeking In made public by the Attorney--Gen-- | _ . . __--f Jjre bill to encourage DIOSDectne eral last July. No statement on the Peace, the County Judges' Criminal| 'and the financing of prospecting contents of the bill was available Court and the Surrogate Court into| expeditions when the capital does from the Attorney--General |last one court to be known as *"The not exceed $10,000." | night, but it is understood the meas-- County and Probate Court of the| | ure incorporates many of the recom-- ?"f"""_.?( niry o ;Tbo'mil:n(,a':f,. ":)?l | mendations contained in the Barlow coroner s Jur i xeepl OMEA | report. :nmh in -- public places (:l \::r:\-t | s P er suspicious circumstances} | :si:nm':)'::'t:g'gs?x':?:\? :):c;:::l;{og::_ abolition of the officer of Court| low. KC Mastel: of the Su;.)reme Crier: -- dividing -- of the Prov--| CO\;rt ¢-)f"0ntario Mr. Conant said ince into judicial distriects and nu--| | last July 19: "lt'(lhe. report) con-- merous other changes designed mi !tains so)me .\-ery constru'c'tive sug-- expedite the administration of jus--| | A Ve_S°5 ! ;ice and effect economies. | | eestions. If put into oftect 147| The commistioner further recom| the ta\'pa\cm of tl'\c Prb\'nu"'.l-'unw' mended that the Province establish lhcrmnrr.' the -- administration -- of 1? :I",:l:flopl:?(:f (;f"e:::':;'m;:'nf&rnérf' justice would be greatly expedited." | a'".'\r avings to be effected by At that time Mr. Conant said he adnptm.n nfhx some nf the malr;r "os M ot ie recommeneaiong | neoommendations 5 9ie ols We ouit be adonted 'l*' Ontaric. 1t i:'.ports are substantial enougzh to be ccret th 'tpm A"" :\' G.enera~l | extremely worth while, apart en-- :::lo; hc'l!d lh: \ie'\):ntl;a.t rand tirely from all other m"s'd"a'-mns' juries n:o longer served any fxse(ul aocoriata£ mblthose welsseqis "Ld . « # C -- o s purpose in the administrative ma-- with the problem. chinery; that it is costly and cum-- I bersome and has become a drag on the effective administration of jus-- * tice. The main Barlow report, issued in December, 1939, recommended dras-- s tic changes in the entire set--up of the law's machinery, and there is no doubt that some of these recom-- mendations will be contained in the | s Judicature Act amendments. | Mr. Barlow recommended: Con-i solidation of the county court, the| court of general sessions of the' R

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