V. . _ "rr')'"'""""""-""""""""""""- FEBRUARY a, Maeaula Wh ou Q I y I s Legal J st" And New Hat From Conant t An involved legal argument which keep of that library. Send out and! saw Leopold Macaulay win a hat get it." from Attorney-General Cordon Co. Mr. Macaulay said he was we, nant featured a continuation of the pared to wager a hat that the judg- detrttt on the tryertssio.rt Duty Act ment had been reversed. The At.- .mendments in the Legislature yFS' torney-Genoral replied that while terday. he was not doubting this, and Mr. Macaulay took a judicial judg- would accept the het, he was not ment offered by the Attorney-Gen- prepared to forego his argument era; in support of a contention. and until ho knew the principles in- turned it against the Government's volved in the Privy Council's deci- case by proving that this judgment sion. of the Supreme leour! had been 7" "Send out for the reference," de- versed by the Privy Council on 'tir- manded Mr. Macaulay. "Those POOL gentlemen under the gallery are "Is the Attorney-General aware still warming their seats." that this Judgment was reversed by A little while later Mr. Macaulay the Privy Council?" asked the mem- asked Mr. Conant if he had obtained her for South York after the At- the Privy Council judgment frornr torney-Generai had read the judg- the legal library. When the Attor-I ment which dealt with an appeal by no.v-General replied that he had not, a laundry company against the Do. Mr. Maculay jumped up and said he mlnion Government in connection would get it himself. and left his with income tax. seat. lie returned in a few min- "No. I was not aware of that." Utes with the judgment. 'replied Mr. Conant. "l have received from the law "Well, it has," retot-ted Mr. Mac- officers of the Crown the volume aulay. "The Privy Council said that I was asking for," he said. "The while the Minister was absolute au- law reports of the appeal case are thority. the act implied that he dated Oct. 13, 1939. My first obser- would proceed on ajudicial basis." vation is this: l don't expect the The Attorney-General said he was Attorney-General to keep up to date prepared to accept the Opposition on all Judgments handed down, but member's word for it. but Mr. Mac- when officers ot his department aulay insisted that a legal reference send in a memorandum on a case be obtained from the library to that is expected to holster your prove the matter beyond doubt. argument, when the judgment in "Let's settle " now." he said. "Mr. that case has been reversed. then I Attorney-General. you have a lot say they are not on the job. of high-priced legal gentlemen from "My head size is no larger today your department sitting under the than it was five years ago, so it gallery. Send one of them out to you would be good enough, I'd like get the book." that hat." concluded Mr. Macaulay 'tll take your word for it," said amid laughter. Mr. Conant. "i'll take that bet from my col- "No, I don't want that." said Mn! league and buy the hat if you'll, Macaulay. "We pay a lot for the up- wear it," said Premier Hepburn. i "Don't 'ou think that the ques- From figures presented to the Won't B. Allowed Even tion shoulyd be carefully considered, committee by the Department of , . . in View of the fact that you your- Lands and Forests it was shown if Production Cheaper, self have said that one of the chief that the Lake Sulphite Company Probe ls Told by Heenan problems of our newsprint indus- had under their control 3,378 square --- try is that we cannot compete suc- miles of territory. This was given ressfully on the international mar- over to them by an Order-in-Council EXPLAINS PO L I C Y ket?" said Colonel Drew. . and a subsequent agreement which ---- "Of course these companies only gave them control of the Lake Nipi- . 5 claim they can produce more gen Company. On these combined For the present the PrOHlit'lali cheaply," said Mr. lleenan. "and if territories they controlled seven and Government will not allow new they we're 'rig"ii1t"d11isi'londdo if: a half million cords of pulpit?"- ' . , _ . - ahead they min al as . lus a yearly growth of two un- t"l2reivn,,tn"t1tiue, 2205,01 'ed" On Lake Sulphite Company. ttich was 1il1,i'i thousand cords. ' g , m g . T" supposed to make millions. "In the agreement with the Gov- duce more cheaply than existing Would Benettt Country. ernment it would take fifty yt.ars companies. Hon. Peter Heenan, "Don't you think that it methods for the company to use the standing Minister of Lands and Forests. said of clteaper production were IguncL Ember oxytghei: 113:3]? saitd (3.31:3? c - and more ncws rint produce in rew. "wi ou a mg in o - yesterday before the yr ia) com C ada it wofild be beneficial eration the yearly growth of mature, mittee of the Legislature imesti- an . 9,, , " ' . . to the country as a whole'.' asked wood. i gating the timber policies of his Colonel Drew. ' department. "Yes, you have a strong argument The Minister said that there there," replied Mr. Heenan. were many companies who "would "Then I suggest _ohfit, (tine E92??? .. delighted to build newsprint ,',',t,es'littti/U'reir,tcset'lfei1S,'iut2 c'o'st"i' mills in Canada. They believe that in the newsprint industry," said Col- by greater efficiency. and through onel Drew. . . new scientific developments, they Mr. Heenan :8? that I in?!" l . ro osition ha een ma e o im would be able to produce more 3y any group wishing to set up a cheaply than mills now operating. newsprin. mill, but that "the prop- He said that it was the Govern. ition has been put to me in a nieitt's responsibility to refuse per- :01: d wav." , muion to tttere WW5? ttt Pi', "What "im.. Cain (Deputy Min- production. so that m ' now n ister) called preliminary. explora- uutanca would not be put out ot . " id C l l . tory conversations. sat o one . hm and.that atttununities de. D ew "Yes that is so " replied the modem. on exisuns companies r i . ' . ' vim" not be thrown on relief. Min ster. . - ---%-------,