¥ ® » . | FERRuARY 2z . DREw u":'- plit.dB:dlrd (Cons., High Park) (told him during their marriage, and 1 wordin n for the inclusion of | no wife should be compelled to dis-- { & which would allow appeal close what her husband has told rom the Treasurer's ruling. Leo--« her." * pold Macaulay (Cons., York South) | "IL have nothing to say," 'stated : , | scored the following clause which the Attorney--General, "I refuse to | | ;nade provisions of the act, pertain-- @xplain the section any further." | ' ng to the collection of dues on Colonel Drew then moved that gifts, retrogclive to the parent act. the committee rise. "If the Attor-- | The section ruled that, in order. ney--General is incapable of paying | to obtain exemption on gifts, gifts any further attention and has no | lo immediate members of the fam.| further interest in the bill, I move N en x!y must be made more than twenty | that the committee rise," he said. | A"°"'¢Y°GODQI'C| Won'i ..\.gars' before death, instead of ten Premier l{epburn jumped to his Ex | s S . * years as formerly, and the husband| feet. "That is a most unwarranted plain ection S.nc. and wife are excluded from the' statement. The Attorney--General 'I4 Is Plain E lish' I benefit of this exemption. Opposi-- _ has stood up to carping criticism in ' n G 11s tion members attacked both the: what is an obvious attempt to block Sewmmnmommnmeramrgeegs husband and wife principle and the the Government from collecting CALLED o F F E N s |VE 1""?"')")'081'. term. money that will be turned over to The Premier said that directly af. the overburdened taxpayer," he Neeb ente Ens ter lhc(tt;n-.year term had been in-- _ Said. Succession Dut c corporated in the September act, "Such a remark is entirely wide backed by unfla:g?r:gl a(',;"o'-'v"e':_'::";'ns{ the 'I'rcasu.r'y learned of one wealthy ; of the mark," replied Colonel Drew. support, emerged from three hours ;P::P ";20 'mfm"d'atel)' transferred i "It's true and you know it,"" said of persistent and at times bitter| -- of his 'fa:':l P }r{noney to members | | MY: Conant m Conservative attack in the Legisla-- ten years wy-- Ste hoped Lo iivestot po:it{es' iPe true, ooo o s ture yesterday wi i e ve _ oi s s seven scclion:' inllat:"t la';:ilr r;::; tlyo caul|s he dead yet?" asked Mr. Ma-- '"There's Mortimer _ Snerd agam."' receive third reading. se M R said the Opposition Leader.. --.__ . | Their passage through Committee "The replied the Premier. s 8 e i oi aotiogt of the Whole was marked by the h en," retorted Mr. Macaulay, to| Of a vicious act," continued Colonel warmest debate of the session, and .'.;h) ar;f:;::piin:-r::em to! , laughter, | , Prew. '"'The House should have s * f roactive ?" j ::hic;h:::;ed.:(::lint;:;:nit:rl.g:arrnxi:i Colongl Drew also attacked the somg explanatgon befpre being asked ULEs of blistering. y TotechnISs be-i f:({}[roag"\.-p effect of 'the clause. 'lo vote on 'th1§ section. It' offend§ tween Consorvative Leader D nless you are prepared to tell the [ | S&Ainst every decent inslintt 15c ane Nend and P C Hre\!';r onl House the facts about this retro-l | ("Watch out now," came from Mr. s Attorner--General Conant on the | | hol Tt thi Tiguce 3ou we was | C PTRk seeu - his House you are going This section means that a priest other. ° to adopt a totalitarian Cabinet to | can be forced to break the confes-- Mr. Conant's blunt refusal to ex-- | be run at your dictation at any |S!0N@l, a minister must disclose plain one sequon-- you know all time." T what may be a dying man's last the language in the Britigh Empl-re. | HMe charged that the Attorney. | Statement, a lawyer must tell what ; Read the section, it is plain English | General had failed to reveal the |h2S passed between him and his j and I won't construe it any fur-- 'prinviple behind either the act or | Client, and a doctor must disclose a ther"--brought from Colonel Drew section. statement that may be made by a the charg. that the remark was "the "The principle behind it," said the | patient who is sick and does not most offensive I have heard in three | Attorney--General, "is to gather rev._| know what he is saying. sessions." enue for the Province of Ontario." "It breaks the principle of mar-- Colonel Drew declared the entire Colonel Drew declared the Prov--| ital relations," continued the Oppo-- act is a "monument to your stu-- ince had an opportunity of attract--| Sition Leader, "and breaks down pidity," and for a brief interval ing migrant wealth in search ot| the entire basis of the structure of tempers calmed, only to be aroused _ security, He quoted that $365,000,000| decent human relations. The Attor-- A to fever pitch by the Attorney--Gen-- Oof "refugee wealth had entered| ney--General must explain why he eral's refusal to explain further an-- -- Canada last year." | wants to go so {far." other section. The Premier, he recalled, had| Cites Dominion Act. "If the Attorney--General is in-- mentioned specific cases in which' Premier Hepburn rose and said capable of paying any further atten-- fraufl was alleged. "Would it not| | that there was no new principle in tion and has no further interest in be infinitely more honest of this' the section. Reading from the Do-- the bill, I move that the committee -- Legislature to deal with specific| | minion War Income Tax Act, he| > rise," Colonel Drew retorted and C4SeSs rather than through general| | said that the Minister, or any com-- drew from the Premier the answer laws .\\'hl('h threaten stability and mission appointed by the Minister, that "it is a most unwarranted state. _ Security by retroactive legislation ?" had power to call any witness to ment." he asked. give evidence under oath. "The Attorney--General has stood Premier Hepburn believed wealth "You speak of the privilege of up to carping criticism in what is WOU!ld be more attracted to a Prov-- | doctors and ministers, but you are an obvious attempt to block the '!NCe in which "a Government was trying to protect the lawyers," saldg Government from collecting money -- 9908 its duty rather than one |the Premier, "and they have been: | that will be turned over to the over. _ WN'Ch left $25,000,000 in succession |the worst sinners in protecting the burdened taxpayer," the Premier duties u.ncollectcd." % tax evaders." | 'added. He cited Ontario's assets. He "The section you have read from In the end, both party leaders claimed his s Government 'had is applicable t.o any court that Sal!s came up flushed but smiling. Pre-- cha'rged to ordinary accounts things witnesses," said Colonel_Drew. ar)d mier Hepburn beamed across the which were aha.rgeable there, con-- in no way denies the rngl)t. of \'w_t- floor of the House. "We appreciate trary to the pol_lc,v fqllowed by the nesses called to cla'um 'privilege' in his criticism." He said the Govern-- o vioie admnmstratlo_r'm'; 'vhy do refusing to tesu'fy.' t ment wanted the bill to "Cool off a :ve need that money? .he asked. Colonel Dg'ews motion that the little," and assured the House that Why.. because of. th'e misdeeds of committee rise was then voted on it would not be back for third read-- ;ur Irlc:\ds opposite. and lc:,St' bglx}d Section 11 was voted ing until Tuesday. ears Rights Taken Away. into the bill. Eht nuaal Colonel Drew subjected the bill When the committee of the House A moment later the Opgosgtlon to two amendments, both directed. ©@M¢ to Section 11 of the amend--« | Leader claimed. c ing'" hme;g;; at what he claimed was the British Ments, which states that no one es _0 *e .rallrogd.mg ( et ld and democratic right, established by | -- MAY withhold information from the . | through, It is very 1m;;ortan'dana. | Magna Carta and the Bili of Rights,| | PrOVinte | by, c"""'i"é lonel Braw N O * ts lot :04 Consiced | to allow access an the debate between Colone rew on. 4 56 y | courts. In th: li:aldmaop\Pe?aI:i rt:c;r}:: and the Attorney--General flared hnd boo 5y takel sothl(mgb'lefct}i::'xl | mended that a clause from the Brit.| 4"°W-- coooreei!" sard Hon lE ic gri)ss | ish act be incorporated in the bill, a | "Doesn't this section take away vourself." said_ Hoh. "gC thy in | hi ® * &., | fundamental rights of the individ-- "We have Chgrlle McCarthy . | clause which allowed any personl pon is her w," replied the Opposition | the right to challenge an assess-- ua'I.. asked the Opposition Leader. Lel?:i now, P ment for dues and the amount °'| 1 in HoL Sn -- consitrue';;le eSaecetri.bn 23, designed to correct the the dues. 1 on ol san whie sae the K fault which left the parent act in-- He warned the Premier, "This aet| Conant. "I can only say that it is ti assed with comparative-- is not going to hold water. It is necessary because the ingenuity of ?f'el'fa lwec'l'pcussion In general ex-- just as bad an act as the act passed _ MAn knows no bounds in trying to $ UHIC ltsh urpose of the amend-- last September." . evade a tax law. No person who has planation, the purp the law ith ertvy need ment was to declare that the The motion was lost a bare few |Gealt honestly with property f death shall minutes before the committee rose. | fear this act, and anybody who has enforced at the date 19 tea the col-- Refers 'to Britith Act _dealt dishonestly should not be pro-- be the law Whlgg :P? rle?nt:rest and * tected by any law." lection of unpaid duty, Colonel Drew referred repeatedi; "What an amazing explanation penalties in old estates. R in his argument to the correspond-- for the Attorney--General," said The debate's heat soare_d imme-- ing act in Britain. If they, who Colonel Drew. At this point Allan d.iately after as th.e commilttee ;?3; needed money so badly to cover war Lamport (Liberal, St. David) start-- sidered the following section tw ine expenditures, could leave citizens _ ed to heckle and Colonel Drew said, ruled that the .pro.vxsmnshat;l o the right to go to the courts, so _ "How did Mortimer Snerd get in?" Statute of Limitations S ' could we, he claimed, in direct ref. Turning again to Mr. Conant, he erence to Section 2, which empow-- said: "No husband should be com-- ered the Treasurer to determine the pelled to disclose what his wife has value of unlisted securities. :