w-----i -- # % Ti s «en n oc mdns o ommmmmemmncmmmmenmmemmstcmmme t ces i e c . ces l Mherrath l esnt ies se \ TARIO TREATY Half Usual Number of Bills _ NOT YET SIGNED Is Prospect for Legislature Fewer bills, private, public and i * + » quent need for st Strmmmemmerniemnmane Government, have come before the | other es P Ne n ; $ Dominion A nt present session of the Legislature years many municipalities | q r e e me than in any session during the past|S°U8)t Permissive legislation in | ] on Seaway Tenfahve twynty-three years. Onl'y twenty |connection with debenture issues,i private bills have been introduced| but few bills of this type are be-- hax s > and advanced through the various|fore the present session T'he Ontario Government -- has stages, and to date there have been| Most municipalities l.uve tight Mfln.cd nn' agreerment with the Do-- forty--eight proppsed measures|ened their belts and decided togdo' minion Government ratifying the bmr::tzht:'lldown' including Govern--| without many of the improvements| St. Lawrence Waterway plan, Pre-- The lG:;'t' t will 4 which they would have carried out | mier Mitchell Hepburn said yester-- Pyiw rnment will introduce|in normal times. And there has| day * f additional legislation in the three|been a saving to the Province as y on the floor of the House in weeks that remain before proroga--| well. It costs money to prepare answering Leopold Macaulay (Con., tion, but the total number of bills|and print bills and redraft them South York). of all kinds will scarcely reach 50| if necessary. | h heg per cent of the average number 4 Mr. Mepburn said that he h.ad introduced in other years. & reached a tentative agreement with Two laytors are responsible for Prime Minister King, but doubted the scarcity of legislation. One is f } in § the early date on which the ses-- }! the plan would bc? discussed dur- sion was called, making it diffi. ing the present Legislature session, cult for municipal bodies to learn | "I don't see how we can do any-- their legislative needs, and the | thing about it until a final agree-- other is the war and the conse--' ment is reached between the Domin-- on Parliament and the United States Congress," he said. "We can't retify the treaty until it is signed R by the Dominion Government and the United States Congress." "But didn't Ottawa and the Pro-- i vincial Government come to an agreement before the Federal Gov-- ernment proceeded with the plan?" Mr. Macaulay asked. "If there was an agreement it should be tabled. Was there a signed agreement be-- tween you and the Prime Minis-- ter?" "No, there was no signed agree-- ment,." said the Premier." There was just a tentative agreement. I am guite willing to sit in and discuss the matter with Opposition Leaders, but for the time being nothing can be done about the agreement in the Legislature." o k and Forth| --M.LA.'s Hurl Charges Back and Forth| As Electricity Leaps From New Carpet | If you hear agonizing yelps from , can hold its own. But electric:ity is the direction of Queen's Park these different--particularly electricity of days, do not put it down to heat of |the brand that quietly creeps up battle, political or otherwise. through your boots from the carpet The cause lies deeper than any|and then lets off with a wham that mere display of pyrotechnics touch--| can be heard from one end of the ed off by interparty feuding, and so Chamber to the other. far has baffled the best scientific Members blame it on the new Fed brains drafted by an agitated Legis--| carpet, which was laid last.. spring * lature. prior to the visit of the King and As a Government member moan--| Queen. Never, they say, have they ed -- yesterday, while holding a|ever paced a rarpet'mpable of charred and quivering hand, when charging so much hu:h-pressurt':| it comes to law--making the House voltage in the human form. 1 $ * | | K ..zA M * * | 3. T % M Mn Wnent cooms & : §--.. * b ° t ! § > e .-- | e a nA B *t":_:"._»._.,. h ez C # . | | 5! y C ¥ | : es s l e "ie e o P i o ie o 2 4 2e | § § £. >*~ ol 'Q_'l" -- s I '_: & * * k . | € fimgi S -- +-- * ied . | 4 & -- € We '-- Mess uns = ags: < t migine sompterong en mm reon uin : y n mm mt i s