The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 16 Feb 1940, p. 2

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FERRuaARYy 16 No Time Leeway e Given _ | way to B ESTIMATES CUT _ On N f Li n Next Year's Car Licenses } Days of grace in purchasing 1941 |the very persons who will not buy FOR NEXT YEAR | motor vehicle and operators' per. | their licenses until March 31." | i i A # From -- Highways Department nc ineii ie es cecnionerivrcnizes mits will be wiped out when buying 5 A sources it was learned that registra-- time comes around on New Year's tion was more than 16,000 below $|3.|87.064 Lopped Of Eve, Premier Hepburn announced | that of last year. No reason for the yesterday in his Budget address. delay could be offered, but officials {Ol' sl |6'5°4'09| TOfO' From this time hence, the Premier|were anticipating already the rush ttmecnsacmma warned, licenses will be limited | headache of the March 31 deadline, The Legislature will be asked strictly to the calendar year. -- |before the police are ordered to next week to vote on estimates for Mr. HMepburn's _ announcement | pick up drivers with 1939 plates. the fiscal year starting April 1, came as comment on the $4,444,929 While licenses are purchasable totalling $116,504,091, a reduction of deficit on the current year's opera--|properly in accordance with the $13,187,064 from those for the cur-- tions. "You will find a lot of people |calendar year at all times, the Gov-- rent fiscal year, according to data who will be criticizing the Govern-- | ernment has usually allowed leewpy. presented to the House yesterday ment for the deficit running around |In 1938, for example, the deadline by Premier Hepburn. with last year's licenses. They are | was set at Jan. 31. Of this amount, $59,942,001 are statutory and $56,562,215 are to be voted. The latter sum has been cut $6,560,490 from last year's estimates, an action made possible by paring . MUNICIPA'_ ACT SERVICE lEVlES of every department except that of Highways and the Attorney--Gen-- eral's Department. University grants escaped prun-- ing and the University of Toronto will receive $1,246,000; Queen's smm e mm | M . us University, Kingston, $250,000, and Scrvu:e charges le\ ied by utility the University of Western Ontario, Cross Would Prevent ?mPT'""'S-,m:h"'; in Toronto, b:t London, $235,000. Following last # # eisewnere in the Frovince, may be year's cut in university grants, Deadlocks in Council reviewed shortly by the Ontario Mu-- _ fear was held in some quarters t e nicipal Board, Hon. Eric Cross, Min--« _ that they would be subjected to City Council deadlocks such As |ister of Municipal Affairs, intimat-- '"{f:'f' y nds ; a A s gely because of the necessity that which existed in Windsor | pq yesterday before the Legislature of strengthening the police force earlier this year when Mayor Dave |Private Bills Committce. and of forming an anti--sabotage Croll refused to recognize a meeting Mr. Cross said he was prepared to force, direct resu}ts of the war, the called by a majority of his Council--| | have such a review made during gt:zrrjl:y-Geegetr:l ;3 o:;térlwaat&mh;\zrfi lors will be impossible in future if | committee discussion of that section 535802. Tll;ghways ,esti;nates remailh amendments to the Municipal Act| Of 5)96 biG onl bee month _ 5t $1129,800, Other branches of the presented to the Ontario Legislature | ;&l;éwxlnolalt c?xarg:flnbypct;em?:gn- Government show effects of a gen-- yesterday by Hon. Eric Cross, are' sumers' Gas Company. 'The clause eral paring. passed by the House. _ _ | in the bill was deleted on an eight One amendment provides that a | i0 seven division. majority of members of a Council| .A niil asking the Legislature to may petlition .'h' clerk to summon fix the assessment basis of Lennox a special meeting, and a complen_men- and Addington was approved on tary .clause wou.ld permit Council to consideration that the assessment appoint h presiding officer from be subject to review by the Ontario among its members if the elected Municipal Board. The bill was ap-- Mayor or Reeve is absent or refuses posed by the Town of Napance. R. s to act. Such a'presiding officer, the O. Daly, Toronto, on behalf of the amendment stipulates, "shall have town, claimed that Napanec, from ail the powers of the head of th¢|! 1998 to 1938, had paid approximately Council. 12 per cent of the county's ex-- Another amendment presented Y | ponses, 'The town, he said, claimed the Minister of Municipal Affairs)| ;n,, ;; paiq $3 in taxes for every would make members of sCh00l| gojar of value received, and wanted boards eligible for election to mu-- its assessmert cut $350,000. nicipal councils if they resign their eeremmnitattieies education posts "on or before" nomi-- nation day. The present act re-- quires such resignation three days * prior to nomination day. Amendments to the Unwrought Metal Sales Act, presented to the j s House by Hon. Paul Leduc, Minister Conant's Duties of Mines, are deslgneid to hput tleetht in legislation respecting the sale o gold 'and other preciious me't:l& i':l- Are 'ncreased cluding a clause which would mak» it nec:ssary for all persons dealing Under war Acf in such commerce to take out spe-' .cial licenses. ° "The war has brought added * duties and responsibilities to the Attorney--General in curtail-- ing subversive elements and in the prosecution of offenders -- against the Defense of Canada Regulations passed under the War Measures Act. \ "The law enforcement officials of the Province are kept in-- formed and up--to--date on the regulations by full briefs on the law and supplementary memo-- randa as they become neces-- sary."--Premier Hepburn, in his Budget address.

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