The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 17 Feb 1940, p. 1

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Fee Ru an :7 I l . ' EQUALIZATION l IAW TIGHTENED I SAYS COMPANY . i I . ASSESSMENT i TO EXTEND CURB' RETAINED JUDGE I IS bl OF BILL i ON GOLD THEETS AS SECRETARY ------- I The Government's 1iiiiryii/ -------. . . , to stamp out highgradin was re- t . iounties May Appoint i affirmed in the 'i1ylflfl't'lf.e 'y"i'sGy, Conant Promises Full ' ss l day by Mines Minister Paul Leduc . s sor Under Change , and Attorney-General Gordon Co- Inquiry Into Lengthy Sponsored by Cross l nant. during discussion of a bill Charge by Col. Drew --------- I which tightens the law regarding purchase of unwrought metal. The BACKED " HENRY i hill is an amendment to the Un- CITE TRANSACTIONS _'--------------- l wrought Metal Sales Act and was , given second reading. _ In tho hope that the prohlrttt of The word "knowingly" is taken Opposition Leader George Drew equalizing ;lxst'sbnlt'ltls' ulthin the out ofthe section which forbids per- brought to the attention of At- counties and throughout the Pros-: sons it" purchase or acquire un- torney-General Conant in the Legis- inre maybe solvvrl, councils of mnn- ' 35311:} thzgooggeg; 'go/lute; attire yesterday, a statement in a ties. suitivct in the Department of proving knowledge in cases oil recent issue of the Financial Post Municipal Affairs, may appoint a this kind. Exception to the clause which claimed that County Judge county ihww". under a" amend-I wastakcn hy John Glass (Lib., St. Ambrose Shea had been an officer merit to tho Assessment Act iven I Davidr, who claimed that would put ot the Frontenac Construction Com- . . . ' . i: l the onus on citizens to prove their pany at a time when the company second reading m the Legislaturel innocence. was engaged in carrying out can. yesterday. "lt is a had principle," said Mr. tracts for the Department of.High- lion. Erie Crow. Municipal AG 1 Glass. "it makes a citizen victim of ways. JUST?" Shea was a magistrate tair, mini~ter ,aid the roblem had I a charge he can't defend." I ' If" the City ot Kingston at the f _ . "Pt . p .'l' Mr. Conant. denied that this was . time. . . . . existed for a long time and cried: the intention of the Government.I . It". Conant. said this was his first a recent dispute between Nominee No new offenses was being conceiv-i !""ma"0n .ot tle. matter and prom- and Lennox and Addington County ed, .he said. The hill. was aimed at iseg , Ill, investiggtton C,si,f.g,t,t ultirh um aired this wewk in the "mmg out highgrading, which an- t 'le Drew a?" egreh fell r em Lezislattue Priuttc Bills Committee. .nually took a toll of hundreds ot n we, ay an quote t e 0 It?." up ttntl "' . l ' thousands of dollars he said. paragraph from the Post article: _ ' '°'~"""" nl the "m" tmw. ' "Associated with Leslie G Ogilvie that the municipal schools spon- Says Difficulty Great in the direction of the Frontenac sored ht the department in different "Undoubtedly highgrading is the Construction Company was J. Ant-I parts of tho Proxince, this yrar largest difficulty in the mining in. hrosc Shea, KC., of Kingston, a would ('ont'enlrale largely upon the dustry." continued the Attorney- former secretarv of the Kingston prohlsxm of ttmtorrsrttrnt. General. "The mining companies go Liberal Association. Mr. Shea was I'M" thr county as'.cPssttt' plan, in great expense to curb this illegal a director of the company and either ho suggested. standardized methods activity hut. it. still continues. We its secretarv or treasurer during ot preparing: the ttstsCShmCttt roll. have brought. to justice many of the the period it most of the transac- t'ould bp ostahlishrd among the st'p- _ offenders and we intend to push lions cited. (These transactions re- arate municipalities. The move "ac our rfforts until tho crime of hign- ferred to contracts obtained at Ot- landed by lion. George S. Henry grading is wiped out. tawa by the company). During the but ho PM" tho G"v"rnrp"nt to "The section to which my honor- same period he was also a magis. tako act lon towaru Tmoylni: tho able friend takes exception imposes irate for the City of Kingston and "Cumin"! ttei-ttttttits In the coun- upon the person purchasing un- surrounding counties. Magistrate "N themsolvrc. wrought metal the necessity ot Shea resigned from the board of I 1lo had "Cad a 'i.oool report r" making sure of his source of pur- the Frontenac Company during the if;','),',' In which an 11111ty? '.11t chase." said Mr. Conant. "it a man summer ot. 1939. On Jan. 4, 1940. he ployrrr "E tho Government Iva? "W is dealing within the law, he knows was appointed a County Court in/y',':',?,!',..?,,',: ',,"t 1d1e1',ye1.,.i-,t hit: trom whom he purchases metal." Judge for the County of York." I" ttV'or"irttr'tt own - -.) ' II is. id re lures some an- cent so as to get under the line ir/d"f,1tt1t.iottsert',orted, trineinliiil' s,2'tlt'ssyitigi. pic-19",. "This com- Iand receive a higher grant from the said e tt "P's" Le) mining pany had contracts for $408,000 Province. "Thoro should he somc- departments o C Ede i f . from the Highways Department thing done to have a more equitable ' tPhreoJ,inoctesth of at? ais n orrmng from 1937 to 1939. according to Pub. ttc-ti-ttt throughout the Prov. teo. t tamen men . lic Accounts. This article claims ii'",'.""' he said. . t "Highttrading not, only robs the that the company had as an officer [ Under amendments to the Ontario Owner but the Provmce and the Do. J. Ambrose Shea, then, as the paper . "iunicipal Board Act. tho jurisdic- {pinion as. yell. said MF.blLedei says. a full-time magistrate. The. [lion of the board is oxtentlod in This section IS , ""5"" e an article refers to the terms of the .mver charges on WM" Tm" sup- proper one. A person yho. conducts Magistrates Act. which says that no IPIINI hy one municipality to an. l1isrryettl purchasing busmess m a magistrate shall practice any pro- !mrer, and remm'es from the hoard a lettitiryt.e manner. hes. 11l1)'y..lf.. .P fession or business but shall devote Idutv of intervening in certain fear. It is a practical .impossiAlitt his whole time to the duties of a ': striker, and 1ockouts. tor law officers to obtain proof that. magistrate." I In view of the aetivitirs of the a 1tr,n,,knowirurly purchased stolen Mr. Conant said the person in 'ennriliatinn branch of the Depart- metal. question was recently appointed to {merit of Labor. under Hon. Norman - -... ___ - e--.-e-- ---- the county court bench and for llipel. this duty. first Imprpssnd that reason any investigation might (upon the board in 1906, is no longer be an unusual one. necessary. said Mr. Cross. _------------ I "Only once was I faced with the (probiein." he recalled. "When I was "rhairman of the board. a strike threatened in London and I hasten- ed there to arrange conferences be. tween the two parties. Then an act , of nature intervened in the London iflriod and washed out tho neces.sit.x of intervention in the threatened 'sirike." k I

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