FEBRuARY 117 > M.L.A. Wants No More| _ 4 I Of 'These Fool By--Laws Too many by--laws of a restrictive restx-ic}i\t/e t;y-lgws. Tth: mag wh.<: goes into business today doesn nature are already ".' .°""""ff" M know what to do because of these day without the addition of "these fool by--laws." . fool by--laws," William .Duckworth| After further discussion the bill (Cons. Dovercourt), argued in the | was given .:lccond tr('ad*:"K(-' f 5 CTle An amendment to the Cemeteries Legislature yesterday d.ufmg Ser Act, sponsored by Allan Lamport, sideration of a Municipal Act|(rip st, David) was withdrawn amendment. when Hon. Harold Kirby, Minister The amendment extends the sec--|of Health, said it was not accept--|-- tion of the act prohibiting the erec--| able to the Government. Purpose tion of or use of buildings for the of the amendment was to give a housing of motor trucks used in a municipal council control, along with truck cartage business, by including | the Department of Health, over ex-- all commercial vehicles when stored | tensions or enlargements to ceme-- otherwise than in a building. teries. Mr. Kirby said his depart-- "We have 16,000 by--laws govern--| ment was studying the situation. ing business now," objected Mr.\| Second reading was given the In-- Duckworth when the bill came up |come Tax Act amendments. At-- for second reading. "Why, a person | torney--General Conant said that can't drive from one city limit to| most of the provisions were for the the other without breaking some by--| purpose of bringing the act into law." conformity with the Federal Act. $ Ian Strachan, (Lib. St. George) An amendment to the Fatal Ac-- sponsor of the amendment, said it cidents Act was introduced by G. was not a by--law but merely en--]}C. Elgic, (Con., Woodbine). It pro-- abling logislation to permit the|vides that in an action brought City of Toronto to pass a h,\o!aw;undor the act, damages may be | covering the situation. éawarded in respect of the funeral' "That is what they will do if this| expenses of the deceased, provided amendment is adopted," retorted Mr.| such expenses have been incurred| Duckworth. '"The little businessman| by the parties for whose benefit | is hedged around with all kinds of! the action is brought. l