* n M e Coe * e VC T * w2 y < 00 _ reEBR j d (® C¥ ce / 'ARY zz (0 e ts & oz 14 i5 > & OLIVER ASSAILS _____-- JOBLESS POLICY The Government must do aome\ f | thing for the thousands of unem-- ployed in Canada, a problem which Ceiiticacrncamemmie ied would be aggravated when the war concluded, _ William _ Duckw | R.P' FOdOfl' Ba.c.on 6 (Con.,. Dovercourt) said in m:;,:i Board and Dominion Legislature last night, as debate on' Tax on Rural Hydro the budget continued. We ccmmmncomcecnmenciens I feel that employment for 1hel people in this country is the most PRA'SES HEP B U R N important business in the country "!' weeuescemmscrumemends L he said. "If the Governments of| Farquhar Oliver, the lone U.F.O. the day don't do these things, all member of the Legislature, told the legislation we have _'_'b' 6 thel House in a Budget debate speech Uimesoct e passed from | yesterday that he was not prepared, > to-- time®won't mean anything.| even in the name of patriotism, to After this war is over, there wm! see the farmers going lower and 3 have to be work for the peo 1' for. lower in the scale, while industry | representative of the bacon produc-' we will not be able to carx?vo' "?r. sits behind double doors and gets|ers on it. He expressed hope that relief in the same manner as has all the protection from the Govern--| when affairs became stabilized at| _ Dten done in the past eight y SATS ment. Ottawa something would be done to The country won't be able t f'm Pleading for a better deal on be--| rectify the situation. the money. 6 find half of the farmers of Ontario, Mr.| Dealing with other matters, Mr. "We will keep hiding our heads i Oliver declared that no Government | Oliver praised the Hepburn Gov-- the sand like ostriches until s io h.d the fl'ht to l"Otd protection ernment for its Hydro reforms in one comes along and hits uS'lome- to industry without giving the same | rural areas. He took issue with the back," said Mr. Duckw overl pl'otecflon to 'arm'ng. There was NO | statements made Tuesday night by "Then we will wake up and trof'th'l national organization that could | A, W, Downer (Cons,, Dufferin--Sim-- do something when it is too 1 Thig voice the views of the farmers as &\ coe), who claimed the present Gov-- s eA body, he said, and from his experi--|ernment had not done a single ence Governments expected th¢| thing for the farmers. farmers to grow and produce all| When he was elected to the Legis-- ::\'ey could and get whatever price | jature thirteen years ago, continued | . :%'vcould in the markets. Mr. Oliver, he had tried in vain to hat right has industry to pro--|get the Government of the day to tection that is not given to others?" | carry out certain reforms. These in-- demanded the member for Grey cluded extension of mothers' allow-- South. "Industry has always been | ance to the widow with one child able to look after itself very well, | the taking over by the Province of but the Dominion Government takes | the full cost of Provincial highways the view that it must obligate itself | ang old--age pensions, and other to see that industry gets a fair deal. | matters of equal fmpox:tance No such protection is given the| "The present Government | has farmer. done these things," declared Mr. Sees Bacon Discrimination. Oliver. "One would have to be a Mr. Oliver cited the case of the | most rabid partisan to believe that Federal Bacon Board. The packing nothing has been done by this Gov-- interests had a direct representa.|ernment for the farmers." | tive on this board, but there was no | Will Vote for Hepburn. The member for Grey South de-- tailed the assistance given rural On-- tario in the matter of Hydro rates, declaring that the Government by reducing the service charge from $2 to $1, and reducing the number of subscribers per mile from three to two, had given tremendous impetus to the spread of Hydro in rural areas. He deplored, however, that the Dominion 8 per cent sales tax, which was aimed at domestic con-- sumption, should hit the farmers, who in most cases had only one meter and used Hydro largely for commercial purposes. Hon. W. L. Houck, vice--chairman of the Hydro Commission, informed the U.F.O. member at this point that the commission had tried with all its powers to get some satisfaction from the Dominion Government in M | connection with this matter, but had | )mled to receive any consideration. | The suggestion had been made that | ¥ | farmers be taxed up to $2, and that consumption above that figure be tax free. "Conference after conference has been held, but we have received no consideration -- at all," said Mr. Houck. "Meanwhile, the farmers are paying through the nose." | Mr. Oliver dealt with other as--| pects of Provincial affairs, and de-' A clared he intended to vote in favor of the Budget because he believed | * the Government had made an hon-- est effort in difficult times.