FEBRuARKy 24 Heenan and Johnson Both Reply to Mayor's Timber--Policy Attack DIVERSION LAUD ED Hon. Peter Heenan, Minister of Lands and Forests, threatened be-- fcre the Legislature timber inquiry yesterday to make public letters and documents showing that Mayor C W. Cox, M.L.A. for Port Arthur, was one of the strongest support-- ers of timber projects he criticized most strenuously in his evidence before the committee Thursday. The Minister made the statement at the opening of yesterday's com-- mittee sitting, adding that he would % also table a letter from himself to the Prime Minister, dealing with "scurrilous attacks" made by the Port Arthur member against the Administration. ; "Mr. Cox came here and criticized everything we have done," he said. "I propose to show that he support-- ed the Lake Sulphite promotion and the Long Lac diversion scheme, and that he was the greatest advocate of pulpwood export from the start, claiming all the credit for having the embargo lifted." The committee heard elaborate testimony from E. E. Johnson, one of the largest timber operators in Northern Ontario and chairman of the Fort William Industrial Com-- mission, who upheld Government policy both as regards export and the allocation of timber limits to various companies. Mr. Johnson, president of the Pigeon Timber Company Ltd., which was criticized by Mayor Cox, told the committee that the Port Arthur member's statements had been | "vicious, false, malicious and crimi-- nally actionable." The onslaught against him, he said, had been made "Without foundation. for the de"b' Hign speea production at low cost' erate purpose of eliminating a com-- \both in the Scandinavian countries petitor. | and in the Un'ted States, Mr. John-- I thought Mr. Cox said he had | sop added, were putting Canadian retired rrqm b.t.xslness when he en-- mills at a serious disadvantage.-- Eered ptlaj;tt'ics)s suggested J. M. |Most mills in this country were op. 29}??}::9 .&ri:g:urgi),},se" out of erating with old equipment that business because no one will have lcl;,ci';:?.ythe effifiency of mewer ma anything to do .'.""h him," Mr. Turn{ng to the Long Lac Diver. J:h."""b rtep;ied. It M Y".. nOt 5Y |sion project and operations of the ehiire. _aidt O¥ compiuision, s Pulpwood Supply Company, the Fort Mr. Johnson introduced & series || Wyrliam operator said the scheme of graphs and charts as exhibits, was highly practical. It might be Ehowing . how. competition from expensive for the first two or three Scandin'avian countries had cut into 'years. but would work out fully as ga'madas export business in pulp. well as the promoters had hoped. here Canada formerly supplied 95 The first drive down the canal had per cent of the quantity imported been "very 'successful," Mr N uD oiled Slaftes, he said, it '?:ltmson ndeclare)t,i .i:ut 30006 cords. nq:nsr::g:':iecln%nl);_fi'mr c(;r:: lay had been taken through and there :iownf bl:acged kraBtt pulp at $29 a j::se:::::".:'t:fn'e'":e;'t'eo':s:n";°;';: on, f.0.b, Green Bay, Wi * he said. "The best 3;, c.f,°°,','§"',,, water course more definitely estab-- Csnada is $41 a ton." lished.