FEBRVARY 20 Throne Speech Tells Of Aid for Farmers I M Farm aid legislation to assist an industrial group "whose income # dropped in twelve years from 18 por cont of the national income to 8," and minor amendments to a hal{-- dozen bills, were forecast yesterday in the Speech from the Throne read by Hon. Albert Matthews, Lieuten-- ant--Governor, at Queen's Park. The Speech, frankly more a re-- view of the Government's activities than a reflection on coming legisla-- tion, declared the Administration's intention of subsidizing cheese and bacon, of encouraging students to take on harvest labor and of back-- ing gencrally, programs which wili assist in the prosecution of the war. As predicted earlier, also, the Speech foreshadows -- some legisla-- tion to implement recommendations of the committee which inquired into the administration of justice. It announces that the Department of Hizhways intends to complete the Trans--Canada road by building - the last link between Hearst and Geraldton and of finishing the double--track road between Toronto and Oshawa. "During the month of January," the Speech continued, "representa-- tives of the various Provinces were summoned to QOttawa to discuss the Sirois report on Dominion--Provincial relations. The Ontario delegates emphasized what this Legislature has alfirmed in several resolutions; namely, its desire to co--operate fuilly | toward the successful prosecution of the war. My Ministers considered | that the constitutional changes cnn-i templated by the report with the in--| |evitable dislocation of administra-- | 5 | tive machinery and personnel would; be a deterrent to the war effort, and | | that the issues involved might well | await discussion in the calmer days of peace. As you are aware, the conference closed without any action being taken on the report." It was forecast that the Income Tax Act will be amended to increase | the exemptions on money given to ipzm-imlv projects and that the Mort-- gagors and Purchasers' Relie{f A~ terms will be extended. A proposed amendment to the Game and Fish eries Act will increase the wolf bounty. Provincial Deficit $3,235,096 rovincial Detfici y y As Debt Increased $28,934,519 Revenues in the Provincial Treas--ynue of $90,261,982 and received $88,-- urer's Department, which failed by 172,951. He estimated net ordinary more than $5,000,000 to come up to |expenditures, including relief, of the estimate given in the Budget $90,111,110 and they were, instead, _ address by Premier HMepburn on $91,407,047. March 30, 1939, were responsible! Individual returns for the Treas-- largely for turning an estimated urer's branch showed that succes-- surplus of $150,872 into a deficit of sion duties at $11.500,000 had failed $3,235,006, according to Ontario Pub-- by nearly $5,500,000 to come up to lic Accounts, 1939--40, released yes-- expectations, although liquor reve-- terday at Queen's Park. nues exceeded the estimates by ap-- ' The Premier budgetted for reve-- 'prn.\-imatcl,v £2,000,000. nues in his own department of 348.-' The summary showed that the net 2090,424, but got $43,195.794. _ Mr.| Provincial debt had increased $28,-- Hepburn forecast net ordinary reve-- |934,519, from $478,268,626 in 1939,