The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 11 Mar 1941, p. 3

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w 356 Fur Seizures Net Ontario in Sales and Fines $57,408 in Sales an ines weretmmmmmmmmmenprmmmompamepemmnommmmmne J > E : | 'The Provincial Treasury has| benefitted by $57,408 as a result of ' 'ilho seizure of furs under the Game and Fisheries enactments * during 1939 and 1940, according to the answer to a question made in the Legislature by W. J. Stewart, Conservative, Parkdale, Altogether there were 356 seizures during that period and the furs seized were sold for $36,474. Fines collected in connection with the seizures totalled $20,0.34. In answer to another query it was stated that the comfort sta-- tions erected at Port Burwell, on Lake Erie, in Elgin County, had cost the Province $5,144.63. T. A. Murphy, Toronto Beaches, was in-- formed that the station had been erected at the request of the Town-- -- ship of Bayham, but that no similar station has been erected elsewhere in the Province. 'The land was secured without cost, but the building was erected for $3,-- 64860 and the plumbing and furn-- ishings added another £1,4806.03 to the cost. No caretaker or staff is , employed. For Safe Dri U d I Fror J2a1te rIvers Urge ! Preferred -- insurance _ rates . to l injures some one or causes damage," \|drivers of known good driving | said Mr. Macaulay,. Both Attorney-- | habits as an alternative to (-onmul-'lGoneral Conant and Mr. McQuesten |\ sory insurance yesterday was advo-- ) said they would not oppose the ex-- |cated in the Legislature by Leopold | tension of financial responsibility. | Macaulay (Cons., South York), in| The latter asserted that "one of \ debate on the second reading of his the things we should do is require | bill to amend the Highway 'I'rarfic!lhc insurance companies to be less Aoct. severe in granting insurance." He While Hon. T. B. McQuesten, Min-- claimed that instead of a refusal to | ister of Highways, indicated that he | grant insurance, increased rates for :\\'as not wholly in favor of the pro. individual cases should be sufficient posal, he did suggest that dri\crsito handle the situation. \ with high accident records should| Mr. Macaulay said the Highways : be placed in a high premium calc-i;\!inister. under a section not in« | gory. At the same time, he an--| voked, could release the driving rec. Inounccd that he would call an in-'ords of the public to the insurance | surance conference directly after|companies and that they in turn the House rises to "see if we (-an:could bring in a merit system of make it less burdensome for people insurance, that is, preferred rates to get insurance." !to drivers of known good driving !-- By Mr. Macaulay's bill any per-lhahits. \son who is convicted under High-- "If it isn't done," he said, "I know way Traffic Act and Criminal Code | what will happen. We know com-- sections of the Traffic Act, will be |pulsory insurance is not the best dispossessed of his license until he\ thing, but we will be forced to it files financial responsibility whether | by public opinion. Those who have or not there was either property accidents regularly should pay the damage or personal injury caused higher premium." by the act for which he was con--| "But the moment we bring a victed. Under the present law, driver's record to the attention of cither property damage or personal an insurance company, they cancel injury must be present before a |his insurance," objected Mr. Mc-- * driver is required to take out insur--| Questen. "I say if it comes to a ance before his license is restored. | point as bad as that, we had better "The purpose is to run the unin-- | take away the man's license." sured driver off the road before he -- The bill was given second reading.

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