The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 15 Mar 1941, p. 1

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C o i | _ Highways are to bring in $35,159,-- 000 as compared with $33,906,909 for jon, so far at least, it is most un-- 1939--40. His forecast in this item for{unate that the Canadian people | was low by $2,559,000. have not taken this war seriously } Lands and Forests will bring in and fail to realize that Japan, Italy | | $5,000,000 as compared with $3,614,-- and Germany have as their objec-- | 1229 for 1939--40. Mr. Hepburn in tive, not European and Asiatic, but ' |this btranch had budgetted for an wnr'ld domination." '\_lamount slightly under the actual . There was only one reference to returns of last year, but found new an earlier demand for currency ex-- revenue in a stimulated bush indus-- ansion; "IL have said frequently try which is expected to increase {,hat in. the Canadian war effort pulp output 50 per cent over last finance seems to occupy the driver's winter and which is employing 30,-- seat." Here the reference ended and Cethemmnatiaresae n rrtie 000 men. he continued: '"Therefore, as a part * Expect Higher Revenue. of our war effort, and as a measure RQCBIP*S Next Year In forecasting for 1941--42, moree _ of real co--operation with the Do--| over, the Treasurer is anticipating minion Government, I pledged that | EXPOC*Od to TOP a further increase of $1,500,000 from this Government would keep within | 1 the Liquor Control Board, of $1,000,-- its budget." RQCOI'd of |940'4h | 000 in Succession Duty; of $1,800,000 Reviews Record. eetounimmrcmcrtioms, \ in Income 'Tax and of $1,000,000 ; a s from the Dopartment of Highways. His address reviewed in dq!«nl the -- REPORT SURPLUS Never in the Province's history work of the departments with par-- Ceevtcanters i enermercicrey before has gross revenue soared ticular stress laid on their connec-- above the one hundred dollar mil-- tion with the war effort. .Hie cited In a budget skeleton--bare of NCW _ jjon mark, although it came close the cheese and bacon subsidies and | taxation, Premier Hepburn in the _ in 1937--38, when it was $99,838,595-- :1116' t¢8mDI'11gtl1'5 t?'osltder:)fulr:egilli( g:z o r . AG a a figure still far short of the $114,-- uction. In the fie » *1 Megiclature yesterdh) o;nmatc-'dc ; _ 056264 estimated for the current fis-- grams have increased the health of | $12,600,364 surplus on the Ccurrc! cal year and the $115,179,775 gross the civilian population and have year's operation, and forecast a $9,-- revenue forecast for next year. assisted materially in the welfare 743,063 surplus on an estimated $90,-- This year's gross expenditure of of the agrmed forces at home. 135,553 expenditure for 1941--42. $101,455,990 was exceeded last year He said the reduced highway pro-- | s exP s when the spending went up to | gram and any building for the fu-- The report, which dimmed the . $102,158.0947, Next year's forecast| ture must be designed to provide lustre of the next Inghes't. surplus, calls for a gross .expenditure 0[! speedy movement of mechanized | that of 39.313.958-4!110 Sunshine $105,436,711. | armies as well as roads for purely Budget" of the 1937 election year-- _ ,, j s fana " civilian purposes. Roads built in brought from Liberal members the 0"' Credit Second '_0 None. ! | years go,r:e by are rapidly disinte-- greatest ovation the Premier has For "'? present fiscal year," said grating under the pounding of ever received in a Budget presen-- thf' .Prt'mlcr. "we have a surplus of' heavy transports in the speeded tation. $12,600,000, a reduction in the fU"d" prnd{xction of war industries. Long before the House opened, ed debt of $2,160,257, a reduction in | The training program of«the De-- the magical word "surplus" had the Treasury .b'nll debt of $3,000,000 | partment of Labor %raduated begun to circulate among the Gov-- and a reduction in the contingent| 11348 from the Airefaft Training ernment members. It was freely _ or indirect debt of the Province in| |School at Galt for enlistment in the | predicted in the corridors that it the amount of $2,436,771." | RCAF. as aircraft mechanics or was to be a big one. Consequently, "I sincerely trust that this an--| wireless operators. Hundreds of Mr. Hepburn received a deatening nouncement which I am able to| others have been trained for farm roll of desk thumpirz when he make in wartime will not occasion and war industry. The time loss due entered the Cham' and, when he too much grief among the critics of to strikes in the calendar year 1940 concluded his addiess, his support-- Government. Everyone should re-- was 30 per cent, less than 1939, and ers stood up in serried rows and joice and find considerable satisfac-- he placed tribute with the concilia-- cheered him. tion in the sound financial position tion service of the department,. Dur-- Into the frenzy of szaod humo: in which this banner Province finds ing the first ten months of the fis-- was injected a brief warning from itself today. Our credit at home cal year, 160,957" placements were the Opposition side wiicn Leopold and abroad is second to no public |made by the employment offices. Macaulay, in rising to move the public authority in the Empire. This Mines production in 1940 reached adjournment of the debate, said: should be a source of great satis-- a value of more than one--quarter "I haven't the hear! io puncture _ faction to us all when we realize billion dollars, an all--time record this bubble today." 14 "_""N!- as that we are the keystone Province "which in the light of present both sides applauded: ~'sut with and one of the major pillars of the indications will be surpassed during your permission and, if {(he mem-- national economic structure." the present year," said the Pre-- })ers hclz-:i'e 'a;\f' 9!850"\' on '"'35:':;'i Revenue to Increase. | mier. The production of iron ore, p ¢ 6 ¢ hem real} ) 1 f 1ac:'s'.,'y 6 h e! : The Premier, in budgeting for | ygnder; ,mi })cqc;lfét\s %Im:tl)lfoshégng(llg 'The Premior and Treasurer in his' revenue of $104,863,617 for 1941--42, . c aaue ma 5 y ge 'ess > as compared wit} 'to save many hundreds of thous--; seventh budget address sprang a pa with the $89,051,209 he | hang > hpg4p Nigete forecast for 1940--41, b o ands of dollars in foreign exchange | major surprise by declaring that the , based revenues as the bulk of iron ore charged to | Government, in conjunction with largely on the war industry swollen 0o A f yaw am A A A Weerd on i8 h ntario furnaces is imported from | the Hydro--Electric Power Commis--| -- "Cturns ?'t his interim report on the' | the United States." oo cmmmmmnnmmmmmmnrmmememennmmmmmemmmnanememammmmmmmmanmm esmm css w . » curre scal y ar * y i sign, will--assame an . ndebtedness|| | (eampanie mc uon pricarucpan) -- | Mo noted that of the thirty--five of $2,246,622 incurred by fifteen as--you--go" pledge--a olic? * g?'h' municipalities that defaulted, rep-- municipalities in the abortive To--|! na" said "follows in principle hm resenting a total debt of $105,000,000, ronto--Niagara Falls radial scheme pledge given to the Fe(ri)eral ge, e twenty--nine under the supervision of 1914 and burn collateral deben-- ment that this Administrati O\Crf}; of the Department of Municipal Af-- tures amounting to $16,469,733 which hot seek any r'ww money L 0'{1 ""t fairs have fully emerged from mel were depositcd by the municipali« borrowing ';) meet the r}equ)i'reni:gn(t) defaulting class, twenty--six with ties. of o.\pcn:iilurcs not provided bs permanent plans and (Aree with | Toronto alone is relieved of the revenues in "'_artirne' Y temporary arrang?nlents for re-- payment of $1,235,716, and deben-- "We are lh('rr[on:c leaving t! fundiwg, representing in all $102,-- » h -- * ~ \tures to the amount of $4,240,196.| | porrowing field entirely fres «ho 739,000. f ' 'deposited by the city, will be Cr€-- _ clear so that, in so far as the Prov-- Cross ies t ts in Say in mated. In each case the bonds Ince of Ontario is concerned, Ro ob railway reached almost $6,000,000 in burned will be certified to the full! _ stzcie or hindrance shall stand in the year ending March 31, 1940,| payment of all obligations imposed the way of whatever measures thg thus establishing a new high record. ' by virtue of the Hydro--Electric _ gepartment at Ott "Gross returns for the year ending | i 4 a m'va may . adppt Marct 1, 1941, will probably be | Railway Act, 1914. for financing Canada's participation arch $1, / in eced-- | Behind the surplus on the cur-- _ jn this vital conflict. The only bor-- slightly higher than in the precea-- | rent year's operations lies the major _ rowing by the Province will be for 'ing year," he said, lgem. of $23,000,000 from Corpora-- necessary refunding of maturing is-- tions' Taxes, @rawn from last sues." year's rate increase from two to Relief expenditure for 194142, of five per cent. and the reaction Of _ whieh the Province is to bear 75 war--stimulated industry. For the per cent, is estimated at $4,985,000. year ending March 31, 1940, returns . 'The Province is pledged to pay 900 from the same tax were $10,311,753. _ municipalities the one--mill subsidy, Income Tax returns will be _ amounting to $3,000,000. | 'm.(ll) as compared with $6,510.213 . wyarns of Axis Ambltl | last year, although they are $1,800,-- O ( ons } | |m higher than Mr. Hepburn fore-- i The Premier read into his address' | cast last February. a statement that I have made in f public, and that is that, in my opin--| s

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