The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 19 Mar 1941, p. 4

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i," "e'""-'"'""'-""-'"'-" ' Marten is W _Surplus Would V a n . h emoved, Macaula Tell M L A ' y s 0 . o s Would Be Replaced by $l9,500,000 Deficit, Charges the Conservative Budget Critic; ' q . ' q . Add the estimated $14,800,000 Window Dressing Seen in Debt Figures "'tax receipts" over the amounts . - "------et-- ---'----- ', forecast for this year, from gasoline, ASKS RESOURCES BE LEFT corporation and income taxes and FOR DOMINION Ifrom motor licenses and lands and --- -. -"_ 'hrests. to the "automatic $1,600,000 . Omar-m3; estimated $116000" Ontario's net debt has been in-, savings fron1tlu? decrease in unem- surplus, could be reduced to a SiO, trt.'yys"id from $58,000.000 in Octotwr, rloyment relief and-you have a total 500000 "chm . b'r 1034.. to 8.507.000.000 m March. 1040, cf s,16,400,000 . received in 1940-41 . ' and rues would be an "ml-cage of .S149,000000, said Mr. ever the estimated amount last fiTreasrri Ir) $1100.00) if new Macaulay "Where is the joker in IC"dr. "That is where the surplus' levies imposed by the Hepburn the budget ? The only reason the tomes itott and not from economies (imernment "ere eliminated. Leo- treasurer is able to show an esti- rf the Government," charged Mfr; pold Maraular t-lire' Couou-vatirc. mated reduction in gross debt this Macaulay "The only limit to "i financial critic. declared testerdat gear is because he has tapped the ,urplus which can be created thet in the Legislature. lie thaiged Hydro till for a paiament of $7.700.- Ira)' Ontario is now creating it is: Premier Hepburn. as Ptovitwial "It." said Mr. Macaulay, charging the capacity of the people to Payi treasurer. trim a "xsrong-uay Corr-i- that the Hydro treasury "under more INics: We are now texed. to! gait" on tax policies. pressun front the Provincial Treas. the of endurance and Ut 'flew/ "The Prime Minn"... promised to url, has been used lo fix up the inf the increased Dominion taxation. reduce taxes and cut the tost of Province', are» debt reduction fig- "ems-53W for the war cffort we are; Government. Instead. he has done ures trwwindow-dresiug in election: ;taxed_ awav beyond the proper; a "Corrumn." 'Corrigan started to 5ears." In 1937. for example. hel :Provrnctal limit, . fly to California and landed in Ite- said, it 1l.vtito tcpa3 ment of 321.5009: Would Shift Hepburn. landi That i, the tut) the 000 was made "to show gross debt, That the reporting of an all-time! Ptcmirt',, tas ptiht') ha, gt): turned reductions for window-dressing." in. nigh surplus by Premier Hepburn! around. He hentieti for .30 pm " the next year it dropped to $1.700.-| was a correct measure of the war-i in" taxes and "millili lip ttith 7-0 000. and their. "in this strategic yearn. ime effort. expected of the banner' per cent more tin heath-(t {or it 1941. it jumps to $7,700,000." Province of the Dominion, was ques- toduction of the Hits lit\ and in. "No wonder Harry Johnson (On- 'ioned by Colonel F. Fraser Hunter creased the tax ttro come a gallon." tarin Liberal organizer) is laughing) Lib., Toronto-St. Patrick), in con- Said the South York Ilio'nliu'l, m or there under the gallery. He; -inuing the budget debate. He said _ Mr. Macaulay', analysis of the appreciates this more than any one," hat while every belligerent coun- Plt'nlltt'v's financial position "a, he added. "As long as we have a r_v had huge deficits it showed a made HI an hour's address, tlu, first public gullible enough to swallow discrepancy somewhere when One speech of the Budget aorta". since these gross debt figures ssithout' oarl of Canada cou.d report a fi-i the Budget "as presented his! Fri- getting net debt figures, "4." will, tancial profit out of the war. Hei tiay, and throughout it". hour there have these attempts at wintiou-:' suggested that perhaps Ontario'l "85 not a single 1uiCrruplton. At dressing." Province was not making the sacri-l, the end he has saluted uith a toll Raters to New Taxes. at" it should. of desk thumping from both sides The 1iCayurt?r he said spoke of Colonel Hunter deplored the; com- of the Houst- whcn, iii declaring the receipts as /iii.eiiiie." but '2," this', _olacent'..v which Is contained m the; Government had missed a chance to -riiGrii, is just 1 . ' . I 1939! expression "after the war, and said! . ' . , . ' I. .; 'r pain taxes. n l t ver'thrn must we lace tol, strengthen the Ptountes financial the treasurer boosted taxes to just! tra e b'. g . g p . , pnsrtiorr. he added, "No wonder the under the '100,000,000 but this yearI the pursurt of victory and the .lm: mace to" from it, "gunned perch he makes a ruii for a. touchdown to! mediate production of the materialsf at the "Denim: of this Legislature." cross the 8100,000.000 line and is now of war. He advocated the PUbttCi Recalls llsln'a "an h d d f" th "iiiiiiikifa' 1:" honoring of all those, farmers, skill-; .. f . .. . It. ea t! Ot e ' ' . mar . ed workers and others, who werei With hi, tu'tlu'lrrtt he coupled a Taxation. he charged. had increased giving their utmost in the produc-' ploa to RPM) down taxation ite, an fyiy.t t50.000,000 m 1934 to 8114,000e tion of these things. even suggest-'; aid to Dominion new financing. "1 000'"t941' . ing thcv be given distinctive uni-i ;,OHC('1\"' it it) no a duty of [he Hr. cited as ncw iaXCS. levies on forms tliid insignia for their respec.i rovirice. the senior member of . . . q . . tive trades or avocations. Confederation. to reduce e.xpendi- Efsgh'ltt; r0: 11311:!" ua/l/ro,",':) He paid particular tribute to the) ture and taxation in order to make Pi'oviticeahas iven 'lfll.l. in rebates Provincial Minister of Labor, Hon.3 the maximum of our financial and and subsidies gto the municipalities Norman Hipel, who was responsible! other rCroul't'Cy available as and from the income tax but this lax for the establishment ot the Galti when required for the "ar by the ha . . . ... . . . cadets. "That modest man who, per-l . , . . . s produced s13,000,000 oxer and . Dominion government. By increas- above what is returned to the haps more than any other in Can-l ing Provincial taxation "" are municipalities 'h/i, take a cut on ada, has speeded up efficient Cana-. diminishing the amount of the evorything." -'. . dian war production," said Colonel} wealth available for war and taxes," The Province he continued had Fraser. He went on to say that he said. new taxes and. increased Iii;,,, on the original conception and organ- Finance Minister. Hairy had said old taxes despite a drop in direct ization of the Gait School was at 82.'2tk3.000,000 must he raised this trelief "(gm s21,800,000 in 1936 to the Minister's own personal expense. gear by taxes and loans. "How are 54300000 in 1941. "'A great fanfare "The House will perhaps agree with we going to do this," added the ""ii"iri'iiiiieii,. was blown over increas- me that this retiring. quiet, efficient member. "if the Provinces get into .iirg the Provincc's share of unem- man stands almost alone in Canada. the ta.xationytrough up to their 'plmmom relief from 40 to T5 per in his useful patrictism," was his ears? There will be little left in the' 'cerit But Just to show vou how final tribute. l, trough hy the time Mr. Ilsley gets iiiliiv percentages arc, 'this big "Our Premier," he said, "has the; there. and when that time comes, per-centre increase in Ontario's wrong job. The proper place fort I excessive inflation will be forced; share oniv means an increase of 15 him is in the seats of Allied Commit upon the Dominion. and I hope it PM mm 'or '600,000 on actual Chu We, of course, want him, but he is; won't be excessive inflation." i pt?nditute, wasted here and should be at the; The Provincial Governments. tie-' "lie announced this before a right hand of Churchill where his':, clared Mr. Macaulay, must give cone conference of Mayors. What a with responsibilities would be some sideration to the fact there is a point dow dresser the prime Minister is measure of his abilities. With this where excessive taxation weakens and when he is through with this astounding budget before there, it the economic structure of the job he surely can get one in Holly- must be obvious to ttil Canadians country. "It any jurisdiction has to, wood Therein a hushed conference, that the Federal Minister ot Finance, resort to back-breaking taxationl each . Mayor eagerly awaiting his would be well advised to take the I. _ during the war it should he restrict. most meagre pronouncement, he genius of our Provincial Treasury', ", ed to the Federal Jurisdiction," he, announced the Province would take into his innermost eouncils. To be' "id. up 75 per cent of the costs, nearly able to pick a record surplus rabbit; double that of the previous rate CII. of a battere.d war hat is not a; Iand there is one case where 35 1el.if?,tl,, conJurmz teat, it " '", tper cent actually amounts to only Irniracle. ; "Is per cent.

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