The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 29 Mar 1941, p. 1

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--"-tl--"""""-""- __-_ "'--l-_"-"'"--" -""-----, __ Ord 'U emplo bl ' l MOU A e-examine or e le MElGHEN STAND Unemplo.sauier in several Pro. rolls. He said 604 were selected for vincial centres will be reclassified war induf'" training in the voca- ----_-- . . . schools 989 wer s" d . sltortls as _ . .. P"" . e a.,srgne . attained ', a Insult. of the "If": directly to the employment service Seaway Will Not Divert 'ecen y in a com new offices 232 were returned to the W . ._. . . . ' ' - rMone H m'ttot) and registration made in To- Toronto ll eltare Department as re- a y, eDeclares rontn, "on. N. O. llincl. Minister of quiring medical attention. 17 were -------- Labor and of Public Welfare an- placed in employment immediately ' _ . - _ y. trounced )evterday in the Legis- 204 pot Jobs between the time the QUOTES ROOSEVELT latttre. plan was started and the time they ------r-.- "I? said 2.244 heads of families in were to report. 44 enlisted and four The con ention of Senator Arthur Toronto were ordered to report at died before they could report. Veigher that the expenditures on Queen's Park before senior officials At the moment 134 are taking 6'w J] ' . of the employment service. Men training and the remainder of the the Jr. Lawrence project would who claimed disability will be ex- selected group will enter training (lvcrt many millions of dollars amined by the Mothers' Allowance af.'""'" as. p0s<ihle. "As a result of from war purposes. was criticized Medical Board. this experiment 361 families already in Iho, 1wvzislature vesterday by Hon Only ttso refumd in i't-pull and have been taken off relief in To. W L "a"? vili.chairmin of the they were stricken from the rriirilronto," said Mr. llipel. ". l , " . . Ciilario Hydro Commission. He Pxpt'cht-d the opinion that Senator r.--------------------'-""""""-"", Meiphcn was not familiar with the details of the scheme. i . . l Ode fo the Mammoth Cheese "Senator Meighendoesnotrea1ize that it will not be necessary toi D di f . L spend a large part of the sum in- e ICC e In case o anar volved until 1046, when we have expectations that the war will be 'ln" Perth iii Lanarkland now member for Windsor- ovor." he Said, "The only sums (-ttttt't' turn: out the hunting andlSandwich as well as Speaker. got which Canada will have to spend iii'tldlv " hinder}. flit yesterday in up from the Throne and admitted. _ ,', r the nosible war ears is the' Until" Legislature it was n. that late evidence placed before him, during. i t ts y ... that" who that with was the lilltli- indicated without doubt the "big- $22300tt.000 for lands a.nd rehabili- trim.- of 'ho- urgent chm-sin" gt'sl cheese" a 22.000-pound mon- latly It the International Rapids it". "t. :gi"! . ,.h,...',.~ tttle "A "or built top the Chicago World's section. If the war is not.pver by um my" it quip-.1 r...- iii-hate and ' F"air of 1892 and later sent to Eng- 1946. then Canlda's. expenditure for. while It hut hut-n argued by chee~e||and was indeed the "biggest ravirlen. works In the St. Law.l irii-zi "rtsioss t'ntiaidri and has lllo cheese." And at the same "me .he "0"") may tt..f.en.s/d/y,rt,d"works of a5 spin-ii it..- pom of t'irll'lllI-ss wr'i'iyid/riitied that 1ngersoll's "next big- ru,',",? ',tt,tiiv2/,1dtyif,t tl t tl l- t','s. lllgi'lsrtii it. Oxtord Countylgert cheese" was but a slripling oi (IL Yjyfk' Rogue ou bl lt", .191 said it ilitfl th" "litggt-sl clwr-se"l7.000 pounds. Commission has :enena e toNrn-il and so d.d l't'il'it and thin the nitrite The "biggest cheese" controversy 1/,'lse/,tlii 'l',','."?,',',)""),,",',','-,')" fact Cr lulu. Ile'.'" tir.i\\ri ended with Colonel George Drew, 'fl)) 13 S 3' 't tcu65%me [10:29 it" 'lnlllllstlil} mung.- Dottie". Coniervative Leader. quoting from 'ff.?.?.'." f///s"'tlfi's" biting, used for l.; Constututitt'. Haunted ire James Mclntyre's "ottro the Mam- "99"?" ii'., ind-u'trv he declared 'iip,xt"s': tin-cw" claim of his Pinnic- moth Choose." of which the first "fairly "If t'r'ob is. at resent um" l't'llll irt.forv ill" Logislature line goes: "Hail to thee. Mammoth met-tin}; all" llama" powgr de- ritii iflllllt'tlidlt'h the gauge waslclt"eme. lying gently at Its ease." ' er G' _ d t ... . . . mantis, there will be no surplus an ~il.litiit'ti it in speaker James [here it, he claimed. a wealth of ' . O - ___ ' . . . . B..-. no stand-he power in Southern n that. to." Oxtool County and not tradition and lore In the works of tario toi,, fall even with daylight lutllillltc produio-d the '?.eriit1t the local versifiers and, In a saving time in effect," said the vice- .llb't'u" ht- wild trout the "norm. moment of home-town pride. Col- chairman Mr. lMMlH'ti sent a pii'ltti'v'nf the onel Drew said: "There is no equal "President Roosevelt considers "ltrggt'sl thou-st" inprooi. speaker to James t.a_v of Getle1.t?,en, it the St. Lawrence an essential war Crank "as ttttt convinced. lame: to informal poetry of this measure. and, having in mind his But .-'ttitt.v the old Oxford "oy kind. . announced policy of all-out aid to ----e Britain, we should not quibble about our smaller payments for this pro- ject," re concluded. t Grasso Q Eli beth)N I :20 e ay , . C f P . Employees Pensions as s r o v I n c e $58,862.95 Protected by Bill Pr', . , , . ', Elilist'ti: cttir'tlnyees of municipal It" / 'ts "l t"! 'i/ll'.",'",",'.' "his _ v...- it'll lill'Y" name ll'i (lisll'it'lsl mrpor'alions fll commissions, which I "1"" '.." Q W" Il/ui) irit.t. Ivs.. "1H" tt'it-H't'tl deficits. the total of: hate agreements with the Ontario Qi'f;._i.v:i _"l.i,'i,r1ly"/',1,""'i': IC,' 53:14" c, 'Ait.s itlro the hig,h'st since, llydro-Elrciric Power Commission, ",' ' l 21' in. L",?"'," II'.', "in tort 1!th _ Will have their interests in munici- f" _ "lt .1; t H :'-.- 'la 'lu'..'.'"" by further . information regarding pal insurance and pension schemes l). A Mri:pn.'. iC'otis, It-roirto tho arhcttisement "Lrt's Face the protected hy a bill which was intro- Pos "PM" , " - him" published iry ordot' of the ducerl in the Legislature vesterdav (ft l-tt~ aft-"UH $r_,~ll.iltt "its for (mu-rumour shortly after the break by Hon. W L Houck chairman of .l . . . F " . r t . _ . . . . . . , ",'l' pr. ' m iiw . shtuhs tttid "it ol tho Dominion-Provincial com the commission. The commission al- lll\a\l\U'li(\\ .Itlltl <1-.964i98 for "e" [went-n at Ottawa, was provided as reiurv bar power to enter into agree- li; and Immi- .ii rollllopllOll uttli the teem! of a question by G. li. merits "ml insurance companies l.',4' Wartime of trio-w new and huslt- Dottie" Icons., Lutiaikr. The cost providing pensions and insurance ". in ittlttliltlll it "as s:utrul that or sit-[~0tll}plllg the plates and for ompiofocs of such municipal ll." {nigh it." of swirling trio"; that mounting them 1Sits S2.379.49, f'AS 'rorportitlons or commissions as have Irittt f." ly/l""" Eli/a'trctlt Wu: t't"~~ Litiitgcs tolulled $10675 and agreements with the Provincial sys- "i". SNi.862.%. 588.8: Ir/rs' ~pl'fll iu telegraphilig or (an Tho amendment merely pro- Ai1oturt= '." tlo' """V" to " "'3"ltltutiin;; I,'tstrtlrtlot1s lo neus- vides for the protection of those 1ur'rll0tt try w. B I"? tioldr. iUotts, Witt-t.» 1028mm: the insertion of lwho enl st. preventing the lapse of Leeds», there "ere MAD-little tutul the ari-se'tttrtll. All daily news- llhclr in Crcst in either or both povrcl' distriits in the Ptosmctt last paper' in the Ptovinre and Almost; 'schemes We" "hull tewportrti surpluses, the an "silitira recencd the advertise- _--.--.------------" - ... - __ total being 550438-70. the highest.nicnt. , , .

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