APRIL 3 ' | Present D e p a r tm ents : Held Adequate in St. Lawrence Developments f PROJECT PREPARED Government members, backed by one determined Conservative vote, late yesterday rejected by 49 to 18 a motion sponsored by Opposition Leader Drew calling for the crea-- tion of an Ontario Town and Coun-- try Planning Commission. The division, second of the ses-- sion, came after a two and one--half hour debate which opened directly after Orders were called. Liberals, supported by George Dunbar, Ot-- tawa South, rallied to the claim of Treasury Bench speakers and of g »Eric Cross, former Minister of Mu-- nicipal Affairs, that planning, par--| ticularly with respect to the reallo--| cation of St. Lawrence River bank municipalities which will be flood-- * ed by the proposed power dam. Pickering Is Cited. | should be left properly with the De--| Mr. Dun'bgr. thc recalcitrant Oll; partment of Municipal Affairs, back--| the Opposition side, believed mu--| * ed by advisers of the Hydro, High--| nicipal afta.lrs should be the guid--| ways and Health branches ing .fqrcc' in town planning. The | Out of the discussion came the| Municipalities had to go to the de-- | f declaration by Hon. T. B. McQues.: Partment in any event to have ten, Highways and Municipal Af-- | works sanctioned. fairs Minister, that the roads branch | As the vote was being taken, Mr. had under advisement a long-rangct Dunbar was counted among the plan capable of being swung into supporters although Liberal mem-- effect after the war. l bers chorused their doubts. At the "We are prepared at any time," | end.' Provincial Secretary Ni.\onf he said, "with an after--the--war pro.| GQueried the vote and Mr. Dunbar | gram employing 50,000 men a year said he had not supported the mo--| for five years and costing 350000000| tion. | a year. We can handle highway ad--| There was a chorus of applause | ditions to this extent with profit from the Government benches| to the Province." _ which was stilled suddenly, whcn| Considered by Cabinct. | Folonel Drew sais: "I am very glad | # A 4 0 see our member voting against | . WaLsm:e:la'xnfrc';rt'::'susrt\g?:\ncg' t'\;es '-'d.., 1t ratncr thqn running out like an-- ; tire taxing system and "we bel' v'e! :;h'ehn Slu(:mng to the vacant seat | It should coincide with that great | CO,';',,,,',°"ngfi.-'."m'b?" S | eastern development." [ |tmat effective 5j motion asserted | He revealed also that problems of at effective planning, under a | the St. Lawrence municipalities have | rommnssnonl' M proposed: was made | been given the special attention of panlculz_nrl_\ o9 daps) hy C St. Law» | @ subcommittce of the Cabinet ; [oihC hi ols NS o1 . Aisument Premier Hepburn said that, since said that special municipal emer-- the session started, the llousinfz gencies arising from war produc-- ; Committee of the Province had been u:" ale phime freatet aid MLOnabds | assured that any municipality re-- :{ at.tter:inog- ho .P planning l?°dy'i quiring assistance in planning shall C mag * ef M kering, where 2'00-0 be granted the advice and support O 9 .land have been expropri-- Of the Government departmenis | OfRQ !1f . NRAilon making and Colonel Drew's commission, he held. where it is anticipated there will was premature. He believed that | be a huge influx of labor. s the House was not divided on thef He suggested the commission principle of planning but on the shogld be corpposed _oi an architect, method' of procedure. engineer, social service expert, and The call to division reveaied thar| h {DCLOr: all ouistanding in their F. B. Brownridge (Lib., Stormont) professions, and a representative of :nd;' resident of Cornwall, which :tg;i'c;t;lture and of labor, as well as s situated just below the pr ¢ power dam, had left the gh:r';'o;f: Mr. McQuesten pledged that the Mr. Brownridge read to the House department will give all necessary a wire from the Cornwall town-- town planning assistance when it is planning body asking for the co--or-- asked for. He opposed any large-- £ dination of zoning and planning scale planning on the St. Lawrence schemes and provision for a Pro-- due to uncertainties existing in the vincial planning board. He suggest-- development. & ed that a representative of the St.| George H. Challies (Con., Dun-- Lawrence municipalities shouid be: 988) & resident of Morrisburg, | appointed to the board. "I am i, . Which will be partially flooded, de-l favor of the resolution," he said.| clared "the municipalities down and promised his co--operation to the| there are looking for some guid-- l suggested board. | :nlce." some assistance, and some | | elp. |