The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 4 Apr 1941, p. 1

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Formation of a standing commit-- WOUld Give Fire MOI'SI"IO' tee an education in the Ontario Legislature was in icated last night Wider Power Under Act when C. M. Mackie (Lib., Middle-- Mc weedee in coariee rcuingenrene sex) revealed in a Budget debate address -- that Hon Duncan -- Mc-- CAN PROBE BLASTS Arthur, Minister of Education, had iesnscs declared his support to the proposal c Mr. MacFie, a farme! and one-- Amendments to the Firk Marshal's time school teacher, coupled with Act, designed to tighten protective the proposal a plea for increased laws against sabotag« and fire and grants to universiti He believed explosion dangers, Wa introduced the University of Western ()»"""L" at London should have _ $300,000 by Attorney--General Conant yester-- rather than $265,000. '"The univer-- day in the Legislature in the Statute sitv is the key to all training," h« Law Amendment Act aid. "and the public and secor dary It is ruled in the legislation that schools depend upon it fo their no person shall erect or establish existence," an oil refinery. or plant for the manufacture of explosives of chemi-- s e cals of an inflammable or explosive e# nature, without the written consent M W $5 M i F of the Fire Marshal ay alve arrlage ee It is stressed that approval must # & be given with regard to the topog-- Fo S Id S I A f raphy of the district, the types of r o Iers' a, Ors' Irmen construction and the occupancy of buildings and lands in the district Hon. Harry Nixon, who, as Min--|to the Training Schools Act, which A second -- amendment removes is tC of Fish and Game, recently | Proviqes a penality for alding a ",'"' ' | doubt as to the right of the Fire A 4 R lor ivi to escape from a foster home passed an order waiving fishing r P Hransgpess t« | Marsha! to investigate the cause and A for harboring or concealing a child | cireumstances of any explosion ol licenses to members of LN '\';'U.l"""" has escaped from a training of any conditions which,. in the Service Forces from outside Onta-- | school & |\ opinion of the Minister, might have rio, yesterday as Provincial Secretary | _ The amendment is designed par-- caused loss of life or propert» asked the Legislature to wave Y?'c"'('u.u:'z'- it is understood, to take ! _ Arising from recommendations by $5 marriage license foe for non--|care of escapes from the trait Fire Marshal William Scott in his resident soldiers, sailors and air--| schools for girls at Galt. Girls fl'i 'in\'esliganon of the Avonmore Hotel men. 'This non--resident fee is over | quently\escape to Toronto, accord-- \firc on Jarvis Street last spring, the and above the reguiar iicense ing to the department, apparently | Lieutenant--Governor--in--Council is The proposed amendment is con--|to places known to them, & nd, unde: authorized to make regulations re-- ined in the Statute Law Amend-- | present -- legislation there § no garding the construction, alteration, mt nt Act, sponsored by Attorney-- : power to prosecute persons »who fire prevention and fire protection venera Conant neTnor LHem equipment and facilities in hotels. A _ s€ u:'.: amendment alfecting The act contains also an amend-- the armcd forces is one which ex-- | ment to the Succession Dut Act tends the provisions of the Soldiers' | by .m 1 propert;: . exempted Aid Commission Act to permil ' om dut when it passes commission to grant assistanc Yru';dri;«"r: for religious, charitable and persons who are serving@ or nave leducational purposes in any ether served in the present wat Province which allows a ~similar | Provincial Secretary Nixon has a 'r\rm;fl on where tm®e purpose is Lfurther amendment in the bill, one |carried out in Ontario. Could Have Purchased Plan ¥ eS, e Fixed Old Forts Instead--Drew hu(\"..-"':»(.!.:..:.' 'n.(,ixf I'(I"l':"f'{ h'""["\ could , more than the fort," said Hon. T. B 181 y forty--eight | McQuesten, chairman of the Niagara modern fighting planes with the|Parks Commission, in whose I;l ads money spent by the Dominion and | the fort j t i 1Ve PH)\'II)"Ié;| Government '~- i e \"""""d P estoration of Fort "C":A: K::::\;',:]"P'C '.-\ lilFrlo. Sraff. interrupted the and the fort ai NIHEHI'H-(.)I.IJhC-L?lk('li . \\\]f'l\dall\(' L('\ddm. § lCnnS('l'\'H"\C Leader Drew rhurzcd',>x|.;';lrl-llywmr;\d':~l:"|\ \;Tr('(:ladfi"anl:dh\;:':e\\:'rl'z A% fra ho ver i + + I tt;n:('n'f\:"il\'m:"\\:""\\'t?r":'t.\nll':il "\'\:' (lt)'u;'l 'dfllfi e oig viddbrqaed wlime h.\.l'\. !hr'_m. not afford to spend money on d'p-- '"::imt('r'o]:'hr;'lthnr?at' of 'war. contin« fchse" AAhose ~expenditures were l1 colon rc»\.'_\\hn estimated mate. ho sald the total funds paid on the fort U + | were $1,200,000 His charge arose from criticism y ® of a half--million expenditure at Fort .""'"_.\ and of the Province's $193,-- § 300.35 share on the Niagara project. At the time they were reconstruct-- * ed the RCA.F. had as its fastest fighters three out--moded 150--mile-- per--hour Siskins, said Colonel Drew. Colone!l Drew said the expendi-- ture of £386,000 on the Niagara fort, "an interesting little fort and well worth preserving." was a disgrace "That figure includes considerably

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