The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 4 Apr 1941, p. 2

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c Ontario Sales Reach x * # C TT h cr ce ceciperermentrerzineys * % s pect Decentralization 6 _ All--Time High in 1940 of |ndUSfl'y if Scheme epbum T alks of Aid in T t o i rione lS A r0ved b H-- VY ar, buf Undul T a Revenues and power sales of the Y¥ ouse * xeSs m e n s P l P * Hydro--Electric Power Commission of s eople, ex--Premier Says Ontario reached an all--time high ClTlES IN OPPOS|T|ON e during the fiscal year ending Oct. 4 940. according to t c s r® 1, 1940, according to the commis-- nmmaeaetomssmme URGES (4UT |N LEVY sion's arnual report presented in Request for the appointment of a the Ontario Legislature yesterday, select committee of the Ontario Continuing his address to ticl| «n m ane e for all systems totalled | Lesislature to studyv t} A Legislature vesterdas n the debaste $37.399,535.90. The largest individual | C 4 ) € ( stion § IGa)l I N CDa » L & us I establishi1 A t on the Budge! Hor CGeorct 5 increase was registered in the Ni--| slad ViiS Ig a llat t ( . LAF¥1 »120rge a9. : | foftilli k Liftk 1d for Hydro Heq (Cop York East) charged agara system, amounting to over | power across the Province wil Ive that the Government was fo "ltlx'\jl-}" $4,000,000, the result of ]flf)ll'thl_\ in=-- | made today in the House, it is un-- a policy of expanding taxatio: q «17 creases in power demand ranging | ; by vear. instead of 1 pigiiy from 100,000 19 200,000 'sepower. | derstood. by Provincial Secretar;, ir, insicad ol reaucing expen« «s Chsk .I"x ies h()h.( ow 4 FL C. NH aitu ind taxation, a had been Increased deliveries of power 1r,r\ iNIXQN 410 Hon I'.|;1'v';.;'l promised by the Prime Minister | waI .lll(ill\'l.{(.\'~ were (-]'p("l('d \\lth' Oliver, Minister of Public Work during the last electi «.1'1l i nl the improved showing. 'I 5L ME c @ ~Prd * * Jon campalgn. n P . e . The action. already has beon in He said that while the Premier had Phere was a Thiting--off of p()\\'('r| terpreted by members as being on boasted of the estimated surplus of | demand during October, November | of the most significant moves that $12,600,000 there had been little en-- | and December of 1940, alH*ihutable' has occurred during the entire ses-- husiasm over the fact by the fol-- to "the continvation of (]ii}"{.',hl SBV-i s10n holding 4 > 1 _ (Of LN possi« owers of the (;"\fY".iY.t-H'- who had ing Pime in many munlcipalities OII bilitvy of an entire reversal of th» \poken the Niagara system." { ha,':(' noawer at cost Pri § » on mm nmememn mm m P hq principle, of the I'h unheard of surplus ha Hyvdro--El ' % , I > s roved a oomel ngo t( .!'. 'ro law Mr. Nixor t a rocent dinner con-- '. d - "- fa NO -a"l";l 0e | of f and his siipporLors, _ CconnuUO _ 11. ffln 6 ¥ represd ntatives ol the lienry "Ontario is not a corpora-- tourist ind tourist outfitters' in-- tfiA vhare tThere ' teorests. | ed , , wesp C whifhs nere is laudable ade-- I placed on publiec record his sire to carry on alfiairs ana secure opinio that such a flat rate should SuUurpiuUse W1Il which 10 4 d un e -'\'.Vl:":i '\ C At that time, h« reserve Phat is not the pu: m\;- asserted na Ihe &s| I,'l".lq»:. ( ol a Governmen! it should onlyv tax po '¢' project, giving promise to enough to carry on the services it NAs reserves )1 I..,\_':'l made the renders to the people of th« I'!..\- policy changs more feasible 6 The Prime Ministe: 4 I 1Di 1 1 ) LInIStC nas laken Under the present system powet from the pockets of the citizens of rates vary from one end of the this Province over $12,000,000, for Province to the other and are gov-- which he had no need. There is no erned by the muni li,_'llg'_'\» distancs lustif ition whatsoever for a sur-- TI'OL'T the sourct of goneration ;'",] p of this size the density of the area served. Th« "It is not a difficult thing to pro-- highest rate in the Province is said duce a surplus in lhl vealthy f to be in the nsighborhood of S35 Province. It takes no wizard of per horse power and the lowest finance to go on taxing beyond the §20 needs, unless to prepare for an orgy § t t »din Th a ) Change Industrial Set--up. oi spendaing Thore has been no » business buovancy in the past six The density factor is particulariy veat g -:, ju tify t 'I H' ,"\ v-l\ nmar P e ars 1 USlll the high taxation apparent in the rural districts w f t Ts ':L' C rural distri when hat has been imposed by the pres-- n & mil hn*ere i 101 p 'oare e ® . re may not be mo ent Government. than a dozen power users. Highe: + 3 rural rates t argued,. ) The Premier frequentiy spf aks of s 4 € s 1 m 1 has Gras-- t he $23,000,000 ;.'"'1 in taxes by the cally reduced the number of po-- s A f j binal corporations but that is really paid tential power users on farms and A } f bacl of t {1 c t I by the consumers of the Province, acKers [ the Al ate syste -- ~ lieve that : rl.." A C . on including the farmers. Everything red k "l at rate system Wou'! that is bought this year helps in a duce rural rates an P k von rek PM ds uit ind encourage a degre« towards the payment of t;.m('n( '.'h' upsurge of energy !! these corporation taxes. ® ruri areas L R £, A 1[71 Hd-lddlt'l.r , , y There has been an effort to build * 1s a "\.' ed :. members that ip the idea that the lmprn\'ml con-- a» h 5 $ is «+ t » 4 : proposal to changt he powt dition of the municipalities is due | a' ':oal system -- would meet wilh o the Government and that ead-- | % OsItI0 Ol t 1. I renuou nl.pp; xutn from the ef ership is being given to the muni--| I0$§ 5 ® - V ¢ 4 ¢ T % h k iCs p}:""'u'"'- the major cilies, , cipalities in leading them ou! of m uids an the -lOuhd that the lllll\"'l.\d} their {financial difficulties. I say le:t" \\T)ul'd .vn' an j 'nu('.\'f' Ji that if there is any leadership being power costs in these urban arcas given by the Government to the Anothen factgr that is being con-- municipalities it is to 'go ahead and sidered is the probability that a flal | spend lavishly, it is easy to secure rate systom would encourage indus-- money by taxation.' f tries to locate in the smailler centre "The Prime Ministe! "~ Ne con-- and '-'"'i" ve "l'""""'"'"1-"'""" of in-- cluded, "speaks of war contributions dustry n the long--range view, it is mual tWe 3 all hi ¥. + E and we are all with him in this. 8 6 ay foo » I # » . argued, such an effect would be ad We should do everything that we vantageous to the Province on the can to help but I ask him what is ground that in times of depression. he doing? Just playing. Wouldn't industrial workers would be better it be better to have left that $12,-- able to assist their living in garden 000,000 he took and didn't need, crops. with them so they could carry on as Backors also relate the decentra they judged best. He is a great lization of industry proposal, and patriot in words but what does he it has already been advocated this do?" I session by W. L. Miller (Lib.. Algo--| esn * ma--Manitoulin) to the War lesson-- | that, as a measure of national de-- fense, it is increasingly apparent that industry and communitics must % be spread beyond the reach of con--| centrated bombing attacks. | _.__---------" ®

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