lt lc id )n dnc :nc «onl L L on dn mc inin LN ns esn i h w n Amaoonomnn n ie S e vn in in rniana in imeencmimnsin ns s 5. in FDRW APRIL 5 ; RECESS APRIL 9; I Drew Criticizes 'Waste' as $115,000,000 Total Estimates A pprove d HEAR HYDRO REPORT Ontario's $115,000,000 budget, high-- ' est in the Province's history, receiv= | g oed Legislature approval 'l'hurulayi + night when Liberal members rolled | up a 51 to 19 vote to defeat a Cnn~| * servative amendment asking the s Government to slice $25,000,000 from | the estimates. | Adoption of the main motion to enter committee consideration of the ; * estimates, cleared the session ply-- gram to a degree that led members to anticipate a Wednesday night re-- cess. The wind--up of the budget debate witnessed a slashing attack by Con-- servative Leader Drew upon the . . "wasteful etxtravagance" of the Gov-- \ ernment and an unequivocal denial by Premicr Hepburn, backed by a Hydro report, of Opposition charges that the Commission faced a power shortage. The Premier made one reference to the C1LO.--led strikes which are » threatening the United States de-- fense program. "If I have ever done one constructive thing that 1 am a proud of, is that," he said, of his 1937 stand in opposition to the in-- dustrial unions then headed by John L. Lewis. "You can thank this Government, and give some credit to the Leader of the Opposition, that in our war 5 industries there is no anarchy and no bloodshed such as that taking place across the line." . "Cut Governmental Costs." Adoption of Colonel Drew's reso-- lution was not necessary, Mr. Hep-- burn said. "The Opposition mem-- bers can move to reduce any item in the estimates as they are pre-- sented. The House holds the power of reducing or rejecting any item G in the estimates. There is no use Ca:ls l.t hon"""'_em Premier Has in sending these back to the depart-- While the ?rg'breasurer i Sxation ments. The departments already be-- been.Pr'OVl_nma Ormousty, and the lieve that the items to be present-- has mcnca.sfedhenpmvmce.ha" been ed are at the lowest figure or they net de'bt 0 '1;'9000000 This means would not have presented them. lnm'eabedl:):';fail'ed s .providc T of To his demand "to ('ut" expendi-- that'h'e. zbobli"ations to the extent tures to the very bone," Colonel i. 5520001 'year, and if we are Drew coupled a plea to eliminate of 827.'000900 la .actl'lal Cost of gov~i duplicating services of government. to arrive at lle. o <af 32-7 000.000 a Only five years ago, the budget ernr.nenl atn ?):m:gded to what isl was $65,000,000, he said, and he | year mus | annual expendi-- argued that if Premier--Treasurer | already shown t;s U Bs of 312'.' Hepburn could finance 'l'he' G?:;'lj:\; %%00'11': tt}?c{kfa%c 2fsthar: fact is un--| 's erations on 1@ P + in*" «gt 1 m?;t thg? he should be able to oper-- adulterated nonsense," said Colone.! o cnoray was even mOS iiigh _w))c.'n Dr".ew.t the Government show it is economy was even more imperative. Le i to do what it is asking n on cce ceitort ow on minaling Ive peo le of this Province to do," national war effort by eliminating the peolp eel Drev;l as he Introduced every unnccessary service and by said Cot 91; % | economy.f Bt:'to nt'l;erfie\::isd n'?T;'e'f; hl?'r!::tlotl{e gebate be adjourned | gestion of eco ', ne * A hat the estimates for the cur--. is no pretense of ending the wast--| _ and that ubmitted to the House ful extravagances of the past f°W| rent year 3; sback i0 the executive year;.lnl'h&)oagotzlc(li)'u:i';e(tlc;::;:mntgau;g(l) % ::ur:':itlerwl:iih instructions to decrela:s; e a2, * 5 ske zgntribution to the Treasury from the total amoumbofms;lpgg1 %f t an and child in from the House by every man, wom l t szs(mm'" Ontario. cas PC