brnsieiaammiconnienrgeine s ied on oige Te ON PAPER FIRM Attack on Elgie Plan SA ME _ ARGUMENT Abitibi Moratorium Act tC Covers Only One Phase Argument by Ian Strachan, K.C,, { lai Liberal Whip. agains! "last minute" O PrObe Rep°r+| C aim introduction of a fatal -- accidents * e en bill to permit awarding of funeral SECOND READ'NG costs in an action brought under sonrrmmmmntsommntsisiemmnsmmmcstars the act, rebounded }0'\"']'('8.\ n ""': The Abitibi Powe and Paper Legislature to defeat his own amend» | Company Moratorium Act only in-- ments to the Insurance Act. k corporates one of the suggestions Both bills, the former """"d""'d, f made by the Royal Commission as an almost annual feature by G.| which investigated the company's C. Elgie (Cons., Toronto-- Woodbine), affairs. Col,. George Drew, Opposi-- yes e c Monday. Of Mr. tion I,t-u(l('r.' charged. yesterday were brought in . 3 when the bill was given second Elgie's bill, which was defeated last reading in the Legislature. He ask-- session, Mr. Strachan claimed 'Il ed if the Government had consider-- should have been '"'"'"""""'('"""f'r ed any action on any of the other and debated in Legal Bills Commit-- recommendations. tee. . Attorney--General Conant replied Mr. Eligic,. under pressure of eriti«= that time had been short since the cism, withdrew his bill and the report had been received and that Strachan measure, to a delighted it had not been possible to do any-- chorus from opponents of the bill, thing beyond preparing the present was presented direct!y afterward act. This calls for a moratorium on for second reading. the mortgage. if it is considered ad-- Mr. Strachan pleaded for approval visable, and it may be brought into of a section, which, in effect, would effect by' Order--in--Council. It may relieve retail credit employees of be terminated by similar procedure libel or slander actions arising from but in any event it will come to an any reports they might give to an end on Nov, 31, 1942. insurance company respecting Ap--, Mr. Conant remarked that the plicants for insurance. t properties of the company in On«-- Conservative Leader Drew H'('H':d | tario are subject to foreclosure pro-- Mr. Strachan's objections to the }*,l-' ceedings and as they involve gie bill and claimed thes RPP"Cd\ timber licenses and limits, they are tenfold to the Insurance Act amend-- ot importance to the people of On-- ment. He declared that if there tario. _ The _ commissioners _ had was to be any amendment to libel stated that a sale was not advisable laws, it should be the libel law it-- at present, It was to prevent such self. HMe also attacked :\nolhl"l' sec» possible sale that the present legis-- tion which excluded automobile in= letion was introduced, ; surance coverage from damage or Colonel Drew said he favored the loss suffered from any act of war, pro'pose.d act but thought that more unless the policy expressl} accepted legislation was necessary. }_Ie sug-- the condition. gested that if a special session of At this juncture, Mr. Strachan the House is to be held _to consndqx' broke into the debate: "To save the thf' St. Lawr_em-e pro,!ect 'lhat' it time of this House, and I am sorry might t?o possible to bring in l?llls I introduced the bill at this late concerning o.lhgr recommendations date, I will withdraw the bill." oi the commissioners. f "The commissioners' report," he said, "places the responsibility of a solution back on the Government and it is by no means an easy task that they have ahead. There is not a single industry in Canada which has been so bedevilled by erratic financing as the pulp industry. It has been a big headache all along." Honorable Leopold Macaulay drew the attention of the Attorney--Gen-- eral to the recommendations of the s ecmmissioners that the power of deposit agreements be curtailed by ; law. He asked what action the Gov-- ernment is taking or is contem-- plating regarding this recommenda-- tion so that it will apply to future * situations of the same kind. The Attorney--General said it was the intention of the Government to do everything possible to follow up the recommendations but it would take time. "We hope to bring inter-- ested parties together," he said. "The final cure depends upon Pro-- vincial and Dominion Legislation." The bill was given second reading without any opposition. *