The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 17 Feb 1942, p. 4

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Ftb\'ubx\.s M : y ~_~**~ % Queen's Park 'Captured' WOULD ALTER By Visiting U.S. F y Visiting U.S. Force MEDICAL ACI In the year 1812 American sol-'b:ildinzs 130 years ago. It remain-- Ne o e diers captured Ontario's Legislative|©4 in the United States until 1934, Buildingp and burned it to thc'i""'h"n' Pro.:iidtom hRoosovplt ordered B'e":auyM |ncompe+en+ retur o ground. Yesterday afternoon 6 the. Government °£; 'i octors May Be Barred can _ troops _ again "('BP'UTN*"' "You are here in the darkest hour' / Queen's Park, but this time wnh.inf the world's history," Premier , THREE B".LS READ out firing a shot. lllop'i'n:\rn tr:ld 'H!:"Amf'l'!('i;l'l troops i PP h t R a, 'ers as ey sa rigiqiy uprigh!t, every an'r'h;m](ag;";;; fz'a'r:m:"t'l '}\fm'l:f"r:ul\:i'-'r-"' turned toward the dais. "We | Under an amendment to the Medi-- ixiston" from Massachuselts, who are [acv_d by the most ruthless foes l('al Ac(, introduced into the Ontario marched solemnly into the august | UYM!Zzation has ever known, | Legislature yesterday by Hon. H. J. Legisiative Chamber, usurped the | . We hear of United States mar-- l('lrb')', Minister of Health, a physi-- seats of the Province's duly clected ines being treated §hamq(ully by tians name may be §tr1cken from lawmakers. and . were \wh_'mwd;!hn_Jupanmf and being hitched to the _OfflCK?l register in the_event with sincere cordiality by Premier| YOChicles. We hear of the barbarous of him being found mentally incom-- Hepburn and Colonel 'Geotke Drew. | treatment accorded to Ca'nadmn sol-- petent or mentgll;; ill, the Leader of His Maj('it;'s Lu\al'dm"\ captured at Hong Kong. These T_he bill provxdes.that on appli. Opposition T **"* | people, along with those of the con--| ; cation of four registered medical y 'was l'hc KfSt iime. in hmm-y'""""m countries, look to us for gpractmonors. l.he.z council of the Col-- that armed Am'oricans had .hoon-hplp' lege of Physicians ax'xd Surgeons greeted in the Queen's Park inner| Economic System lpdictment. '.:llz}ll Da's:s on the propriety of a doc-- sanctum. It was the high point in a} "It seems an indictment against | (;l 'cctm.mumg prgcl:cehgft?r a com-- day--long welcome for the stalwart, | OU® ©conomic system that we pause l anng Ilts Ne 19 as 't°..d"; incompet-- splendidly | trained -- representatives | 4t Uhis critical juncture to persuade ;f.n o uis np ?-,53, provided Hhat . k of the 26th Division, First United|P°OP!G to do what they should do | | ;}';}2',"'2- @4 1 l eeep) ;o;'tduct o ics States Army, who came here under | !0 Ya)se money for war purposes." "fo,- n x?'ll\a'o respect" shall be cause the command of Brigadier--General| , Colonc! Drew, in greeting the ' T;:'é\pg;";l\l}'\. & th Thomas E. Troland to participate in | AMC®/cans, said: "It's something to . | _/ [ , ) \;»'ax-?{;'f And ereen io the ipauguration of Canada's S('c-:""' N * country where a man is :;~n d };{ amenament to the Pug: Jhd '};(_wry Toan. | permitted to be called 'the Leader _ |7°3 }'{"S-m ":Tendme_m to the Pub The "invasion" was a porwnalmf the Opposition. On the extent i what Oja kl k Dern):lts"the se 'of triumph for General Troland and i to which we can work together de-- !od" ; notvm"as the "flash meth-- the men under his command. It ;s [pefids the fwiure of the world" _ | ro:egl tr_:as eun;x(ng mll'l)c, ho to unlikely that a more finely .oquip-' And then General Troland replied ?42'(1 s heat ton nminto nvinmneo 3 j * Y by saying: "It is an honor to stand egrees heat for thirty minutes. ped, ruggedly handsome &r0UP Of| in this august and stately hall as | UNG°t the proposed method, pas-- | Pnd errearer s od "es oo SBy o [o roopessnfative 'of the siest amert . | indiffelioh muw be gecoint! eS ig) that p'orcisu;;n Inseasonat _ rain | "an. Army. This is a small force l fop fifteex% ml'e r:nc to degrees idrizzl(d 'I.rom s abm:c\ thousands wilh me, but iL is Neplesentalie, adly Under ame"&u on to th 'lined the route of ma;'ch to cheer the mighty forces that are growing 'trv A l'] uce propuse Den%is- | below the border. y Act, clauses are proposed which | them. ; s "We are here to wish you well-- would bar unqualified and improp-- | _ It was the first time in a quarter-- to urge you on--to carry on to a ler"l_v trained dental laboratory tech-- century that American fighting successful conclusion this Second | nicians from undertaking not only \ men have made an official visit to ilictory Loan: to enable all your [the manufacture of dentures, but 'Toronto, and from morning Until | citizens to engage in this great com-- the actual practice of dentistry. The |late last night they _ paraded | mon cause." measure is the result of a request \through numerous functions Jalc-'l'"l by Beoston Band | by both dental laboratory techni-- icompanicd by a detachment ot; Laty the 1 .aaded slon ! clans and dental surgeons. | troops from headquarters, Military er tne LPOOPE PaF € | District No. 2, in battle dress. St. Clair from Dufferin to Vaughan _ They wore welcomed at City Hall, Road. They were prege(!ed bv ;g;'i then marched to a civic luncheon :mfartt ba;{ld_ f"::? nd%'(;)n;d trorsn reception in the King Edward Hotel, nIanLEy 1 c & 9 h where they fraternized with their local_ military r;eac}i]quacrtersdimar(;ie: Canadian escorts. Following lunch-- ed' in front of the Canadian eaon they paraded to Queen's Park, where they were inspected by Hon. Albert Matthews, Lieutenant--Gov-- ernor of Ontario, before tramping through the vast halls of the Gov-- ernment building. In the portals of the Legislative Chamber they halt-- ed until Mr. Speaker, Hon. James * Clark, invited them to enter. Hepburn, Drew To Members' Benches. s 'The members of the House had W|" Take parf taken seats in the galleries, and the American troops, rifles in hand, b d marched stiffly into the horseshoe ln De ate To aY of members' benches and remained « 5yY stiffly at attention until they were The first full--dress debate of ordered to be seated. the current session of the On-- Mr. Speaker sat on the dais flank-- tario Legislature will occur to-- f.d '_h'v (.'_\!)lgior-gogerallqoc. ff Cg:;(car:; day when both Premier Hep-- ng, Nes AZ, k _ «y 3@ I Troland: Premier Hopburn, Colonel burn and Opposition Leader Drew and Hon. North Winship, Drew are slated to speak. United States Consu:(?edniml'; Licutenant--Colonel Droew will ignificance was added to the oc-- iT nusAaut 5 cafifn by the fact that the historic open the L"ddef s Day" debate \ Mace of the House lay in its ac-- on the Address in reply to the | customed place. It was the same Speech from the Throne. In | Mace which was captured by the view of the Liberal caucus last ; American troops who razed <~the night, it is generally considered that the Premier will declare something of the Government's policy.

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