The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 18 Feb 1942, p. 3

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-,Ftbmu'}\t of the opinion that any Canadian "As production falls, our revenues soldier who had served outside of | | fall, and I cannot forecast what we| _________ 4 Canada should receive hospital care| 'will have in the way of revenue at the expense of the Federal Gov--| | from our Crown lands." in relief matters, "it was broken ernment if he required such treat-- While Finance Minister IIsley has| again and again." ment for either mental disease or| given assurance that the Dominion| "I am not prepared to make any tuberculosis. Dr. McGhie further' Government will not interfere with| recommendation to this House until said that unless the Department o0f| the liquor control regulations in the|it has all been cleared up. If it | Pensions and National Health was| Provinces, "I have from sources| comes to the worst, we may have to : willing to accept this viewpoint and | which I consider reliable, informa--| abandon the Provincial Govern--. pay a per diem rate agreed upon | }jon that the Dominion at this mo--| ments," he said, giving the warning for all such patients during the en--|) ment is considering increasing the | that the further a Government gets tire period of treatment on first ad--| excise taxes on liquor, and at the|from the source of taxation, the mission, and pay such rate for all _ same time bringing to bear the pro--| more prone it is to extravagance. admissions in the case of pensions, vjsjons of the Price Control Board| The most efficient and least Ontario would have no alternative on retail prices of liquor, and you| wasteful of the Government units, but to recommend against accept-- _ ean realize the effect that would|he claimed, was the School Board. ing ex--soldiers for neuropsychiatric _ paye on our revenue from that| "But the Dominion Government can treatment. _ _ f source," he said. |\ lose seventy or eighty millions and 6 Dr. McGhie's rqpox't. concluded: "In all these fields, I am entirely , no one knows where it it gone. 'The Feder.a'l officials' conference | at a loss to know where we com* | oo Far From Source. f 'accepted this viewpoint to the ex-- | jn," said Premier Hepburn. ' "I say it is a dangerous thing for tent of agreeing to place it before | Mr, Hepburn then introduced the Dominic A R is % | _ Mr. pburn e 'the Dominion Government to get the Minister and the Treasutry _ | statement upon the tax transfer | too far away from the source of Board with a view to making this | proposals, declaring that, until the | qaxation and for one Goveorment to dep&flment a different ').pc of offer poinH to which Ontario O'bject('d ' ra se the taxation and hand it over from that previously submitted with ; are cleared up, it would be "impos--| to another for disposition." |\respect to supplying the necessary _ sible" for this Government to con--| 'The uncertainty of Ontario's fiscal beds and paying for the treatment | clude the agreement, 'position has placed the cheese and of all ex--soldiers who served out-- | Not Playing Fair. hog bonus programs in jeopardy, he side of Canada on a per diem basis, ' After he had read the statement | cleimed. He attacked the produc» | to be agreed upon if, and when, this| | anq tapjed it, he added: "IL don't|tion poiicies of Federal Agriculture | Province decided to consider their| | believe that 1'hc Dominion Govern--| Minister Gardiner. Only recently, | offer which is to be resubmitted." ' | R x ip F nyt . |he said, the Minister in paid adver-- 1CB i8 ment is playing fair. They are ask--| h l | Declaring "we have done 0\'01')'-! | q 5 do what the Dominion|tisements urged farmers to grow } f bossl ssist the | ing us to o wha ie Dominion ime a j hal in-- thing humanly possible to assist th®| |overnment is not prepared to do,| more coarse grains, and in that in Dominion Government in .lts war | that is validate the agreements by terest had launched a fertilizer effort," Premier Hepburn cited that ?;M of' Parliament program. He said Wilson Mills, the Province, according to its| | '\Ir Hepbur .'h d that the| Federal member for his own riding, Mr. pburn charge a e o s i pledge, has left the money market| |@worq of the Dominion Government| had written Mr. Gardiner asking | « free to the Dominion for war finan-- s not to be taken," and claimed that | what could be done to raise pro--| | cing. < § | duction. | In supplementary review of Dom-- "Mr. Gardiner, notwithstanding| inion--Provincial relations, he de-- | the fact that he filled every paper clared Ontario objected to bringing | with advertisements urging farmers| in the Sirois Report and its pro--| to grow more feed, in reply said | posal to recast the British North§ we could get all the feed that is America Act in wartime. *"We took | asked for across Canada, and, there-- objection," he said, "to the pm'i fore, there was no sound reason vision in the report itself which | why you should go out and ask the * asked us to give up all our slablc] people in local communities to pro--. revenue like the corporation tax.} duce more." ¥ | I repeat that no tax is more justi--| s fiably the exclusive tax of the Prov-- inces than the corporations tax." \ _ He declared that with gasoline | rationing, plus the loss to 'Japan | | of rubber stocks, he was unable to | forecast gasoline revenue. Return--| \ ing to the Sirois Report, he said | Ontario objected most strenuously -- * to the proposal of giving a fixed | > subsidy of $8,000,000 to Quebec and | of the Dominion assuming 40 per| cent of the municipal debt load in Quebec, "particularly, as the Leader of the Opposition has pointed out, ; Ontario pays more than 50 per cent | of the taxes collected by the Domin-- ion." The municipal debt position ! in Ontario, at the same time, was in ia *"proud" position. , Financial House Scheme. | Moreover, he charged "the scheme was launched largely by finawcial houses which were loaded down with Western bonds.. The Domin-- ion, under the proposal was to take > over and guarantee these bonds." Turning to the more recent tax transfer proposal, the Premier said: '*"*We are prepared to meet the Do-- ;mlnion on any reasonable terms. We were threatened with double taxa-- # tion if we did not submit, but let there be no mistake about it, we will < have not double taxation, but double s the taxation when this agreement is * +o ¢ completed." t L i\ He reiterated previous statements > d that, "We are not concerned with s * the Provincial personal income taxa--| tion. I have long said that we are' prepared to let it go by the board."! Ottawa's order requiring export licenses on pulpwood, he claimed, had seriously affected Ontario's mar-- kets of this natural resource. Its failure to enact a system of selective draft for the operation of manpower has resulted in Ontario "getting out + only about 60 per cent of the re-- ; quirements of the United States mills for pulpwood. Elevator men { and waiters, and a host of others could be made available for essen-- tial jobs, and I say that they would be willing to join in this work, but !;ll;'ere is no national effort along that < e.

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