ALITIES AS "UAR HM A fourth member ot the Ontario Legislature Will "go active" when Alex Elliott, youthful Peterborough lawyer, leaves next week tor Brock- , Vlllt" to take an officer's training ------- l -------- COut)C. Mr. Elliott is at present on . , . . leave [tom the Prince of Wales seek Full Control by I Legislature Plans Aid Regiment. whtrh was mobilized for . . I artive zervtve recentlv Ontario Government; for Mothers Engaged . . . ' . A B. . . Other Provincial legislator. " iffer Opposition Sten in Armament Work prmeni Ill tho armed ranks are a Major Colin Campbell and Lieuterr. E " ' f . . ant Dave Croll. both overseas with x Cnslon " the supervisory A move to permit the Department: the Canadian Corps, and Pilot Otto powcrs bythe Department of Mum. of Public Welfare to set up and t'ert' Allan Lampoz't. stationed at a ripal Affairs over municipalities- assist in the oMahlishment of day 5033'. fh1"yir',l1v,fri/.e.1i"if'iurg',1,i,,ng I ti '2rec, -"~ F , . .'. . . 'R... . - asein to m' (;,.i p- I' 'tii""? according to legislatixe tnllthClle for the (are and feeding bell h. member for Sault Ste. Marie; authorities that would strip the of young i-hildren whosn motheis Linutpnant Croll for Windsor-Walk. - municipalities of their last vestiges lint" engaged in war work, was Orville. and Pilot Offieed Lamport of independence-is sought in an iiiiade in the Legislature )OatClda) fnrToronto-St.Daviris amenfhneiit to the Department of {in an amendment to the Public Wel- FJ,i,ri"iif,it f'ffi'r','}" placed before :faie Act, The bill was introduced ie . . ' . . bv 1)o,'kt'11orte'jisctfe,'t'id'.'sterd" iby lion. Marquhar Ohvrr, minister "sir. McQuerotion, Minister of lot the department, and "as given I Municipal Affairs and of Highways, first reading. ' did not give an explanation of the Mr. Olive, explained that the bill, bill when .he introduced the gives the department power to not House. It is stresst by. critics that only supervise these day nurseries even the Ontario Municipal Board or tu'eches, brt to step in and es- is made subject to the determina- iablish additio al ones it the emei- . tion of the department by terms gent-y becomes mole aggravated in of the bill. future. Tite Present art irovides that the Another bill introduced by the t t _ . 'deparimeni shall exercrse general lhliitisler of "'elfaio and given first . oversight OVCl municipal institu- treading: permits a judge or a magis- tions and their administration. The itt'ato NI ho makes an order tor main- amending legislation would delete 'ienam-e iindei tho Desert?" Wives the word "institutions" and say that and Children's Maintouanro Art, to _ "the department shall exercise gen- reunite the pei~0n against whom the ('lul ovetsight over municipalities ("WT ls mado to report mutually to and their affairs and shall, in ret- it piolration oftjtwt that ho is Koop- iwg of any municipality, have con- lllg up the payments as ordered. troi and charge over the perform- This ptortsinn applies only Whtrrrt ant-e of tis duties and obligations." the poison for whose htrnvfit the In the second amending rlause, order is made is a pulolu' i-harge or Mann: roiertynce to the honor of ts Itliely lo ttt'ColttC it "mm" ("also the Minister. the hill states: "There it the older is not complied uulh. shall be a Department of Municipal A"tyi. ODDO""O" Leader Iiarau. Affairs. ovt't which the Minister lay said their- did not appear to shall preside and the Minister shall b," enough .machiner) lit the art to have the power to act for and on aid In finding out the whereabouts behalf of the department." of an erring husband. and for this Leopold Macaulav Actinn Leader reason deserted wives often found of tho- Conservaiive Disposition thrmsClves prualizrd m not being when asked last night about the able to quality under, the act, Mr. bill suucestcd after l' brief survey Macaulay advocated the department , of 'i/l 'i'iiifsl,', that it 'iUs"riiii' givmg help to wives in these cir- ., "% . . T . stances. broad. Members questioned Indl- cunts C" _ . x . . . ' , cutcd that I" pits.marlt? could not be Mr. Olivernsaid the 1iy.y""y,y ..., . . . . was considering. a general plan effected without intense opposition which would include this roblem rising from both sides of the House. . p . .