The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 2 Apr 1942, p. 1

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°O es e amer * APRIL 2 + I O Reduce Defens Fi 'd Oflnsurance Comp I The provision in the Insurance<( Amenrndment Act which permits an = insurance company to set up a de-- fense that the person injured in an * accident was convicted of a crimi-- l ogs an o ves nal offense and therefore the com-- f pany is not liable for anything in A excess of the minimum amount of re enace 0 l ren the policy held, is removed in a mea-- sure introducted in the Legislature Wild dog packs, like wolves, are| shotgun are kept handy at the barn yesterday. It was sponsored by At-- ranging through some sections of| and dogs have been known to dis-- torney--General Conant and given East Hastings, Lanark and adjacent apPt 'l'! m'\""""m!'"]:'.' first reading o l Agriculture Minister Dewan also ';Un(gp,. the Dresent law if the ecounties, giving concern to farmers| warned the committee of a possible | driver of a (.."'. has '.mdm l'", % for the safety of their young chil--« wool shortage, stating he had been !POIicy for $1 L;(K) 5«1_;00." or Qldi&;;' dren and seriously threatening the advised that North America re-- lthe person '"U'u";"l Cah '.ml'l 'x. entire sheep--raising industry in serves have been cut to seven : | against the insurance company." B those districts, Dr. Harold E, Welsh| months' supply. _ Canada produced plain(;d Mr. Conant. "If "l.m'u"«-\f'}f (Con., Haslings East) yesterday told but one--fifth of her requirements, the ('over'a";- is !0',. m.oro l.h'm §1 ":x') members of the Legislative Agrt-- he said, although tests showed that $5,000 or 3'1.00(.)1) the in\um'm-r\..(-.nn\" culture Committee. § Canadian wool had more strength pany may s';'t l'", by way of a de Yesterday it was reported that and durability than any other wool! fense that the p,.,."(m i(l;imwl \\"; children in the district of Ivy Twa in the world. convicted of a criminal offense and were being conveyed to and from "Western Ontario conditions are they are not liable for anything in school by automobiles due to the| gifferent than those in our section," excess of the minimum amount. presence of wolves in the vicinity.| said Dr. Welsh. He said it was be-- This bilk removes this provision so / A cow was altacked on Hill Island | lieved that the wild Gogs were a that the defense that the person fmd pO"CO. and farmers are hiintt cross between dogs and brush liable was convicted of a criminal ing the wild animals. § ' wolves--both Alsatian and collie offense cannot be raised in any There are packs of the wild Cogs strains being apparent in the packs. case." * and their near--kin, brush wolves, "They are not only attacking ' Two other amendments, one to along the Salmon River, north and | sheep but young cattle as well. The the Wills Amendment Act and the west-o!t Dosm'm'nr) :m(! within h.f- situation is so bad that during the 'other to the Evidence Amendment teen t'mlos .Of I\O.. 2 Highway, said | past year, there are twenty--five Act, were introduced by the Attor-- Dr, Welsh in telling how organized | farmers, whom I could name, who | ney--General. The first amendment h.Ul\lS have hm:n ma'(l('. with -'Ol"'ha\'!' gone out of sheep because of | permits any member of the armed siderable success, against the shkeep| these wild dogs," he said. forces, mariner or seaman, to dis-- killers. | Inasmuch as there was a diffi-- pose of his real or personal property Only a month ago, J':u-k Brennan,.| culty in collecting bounty--that is by a writing signed by him without Lonsdale farmer, ran into a den of | wolf bounty--on the crossed strains, any witnesses, and the will is good the wolf dogs, got one adult and | the department at his request, made in the case of both real and per-- took seven pups, partially grown. an investigation in the field of the sonal property even though he is George H. Doucett (Con., Lanark) ) situation and last year agreed that under 21 years of age. Under the ba('l_ccd his associate in stating that a $10 bounty should be paid on each present saw a member of the armed wilda dog packs have been a menace | wolf--dog killed that could not be forces can only will his real property for a number of years in his riding. | classified either as dog or wolf, the by a will in the regular way with The wild dog and wolf bounty| department to bear half the cost two witnesses, question was broached during the|and the municipality half. The amendment to the Evidence committee's discussion upon the) In color, he and Mr. Doucett Amendment Act permits photo-- need, as a war production measur®,| agreed, the wild dog varied in color graphic copies of bank records to be of promoting sheep raising. On#| from a dark gray to ones with red-- admitted as evidence. It also makes of the strongest backers of this| dish tinges and ones showing a trace the certificate of certain military proposal was W. J. Gardhouse (Lib., of collie yellow, including some-- officers regarding the death of a York West), who stressed that Can--|times, the whiteneck ring and member of the armed forces valid ada must bolster wool supply to breast of the collie. | in a court of law. counter losses from Australia. Ho| '"When they attack sheep, they go | * : ~--nmanmmmmmennmmmmmett urged sheep production as a definite ) into the flank and don't rip and tear | program for the Department of Ag-- like a killer--dog will. They seem $ riculutre. Of losses by dogs, he to act more like wolves than dogs. said that the compensation pro-- they yip and howl like wolves and vided was a fair one, addinzg, that their habits are distinctly wolf," at the Gardhouse farm a rifle and ; said the doctor. | Is Birthday Tribute to Ni y mm« «ommmnnemmatitiin mee tm > >------> > smm i. 0@ I:x-----------on The fifty--first birthday Of PEQ-- M ------------------ nz e onnmmmmaece vincial Secretary Nixon was marked ir the Legislature yesterday by a brief interlude in House business = which was tempered with sadness. f Flying Officer Jack Nixon, his son, whose birthday also fell on April 1, was killed in action during the Brit-- ish bombing of Frankfort Sept. 3 last. Premier Hepbugr rose before the orders of the day and paid tribute f to his colleague, recalling that he was first elected to the Legislature twenty--three years ago. * e s "His son, Jack, who paid the su-- | their kind expressions. He recalled i preme sacrifice in the service of his | that just one year ago his son was country, was born on the same date. | waiting at an castern port to navi-- Our felicitations are tempered with | gate a bomber to England, a feat sadness. I am sure, however, that which he accomplished successfully the gallant tather of a gallant son |a short time later. will carry on " | "A grand ilad. indeed, he was," Mr. Nixon thanked the Premier |said Mr. Nixon, in touching briefly ' and the members of the House for \on his son's career in the air force. ' s [ss

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