The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 15 Apr 1942, p. 1

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APRHL is «. i' & say* s ' Pérsons who gave up an extra pat of butter, a lump of sugar or the CROL[ PI-EADS \ cuffs on his trousers, were not sacri-- HENRY SCORES 'ficing anything. *"You can't talk of | sacrifice in that respect, because be-- f 'fnw this war is over, the sacrifices 'whi('l\ you will be called on to bear will be terrible." ! Premier Hepburn spoke of the TO HIT HITLER > .=2% oF GOVERNMENT: in the House" in a brief introduc-- tion, and Conservative Leader Drew added to the. Premier's words his Canadian Army Needs personal plaudits. His modesty, said R 1 .{ |_ & Rei { Lieutenant--Colonel Drew, probably New Pr0|ecfs Pi flng eintorcements to Take prohibited Captain Croll from reveal-- i i #A . A + . With Shortage imminent, Of{enswe. House Told ing that 'hn has "0"""""" and writ-- « ten a text book on despatch riding He Dec|afes in House Declaring the Canadian Army in ;\h'l"f.r'n«l;\"w Offlcint Next 'BOols 4 f | England needed reinforcements, and § War industries have a l"'nfl"'ll".\' ;nwdod them "badly," Captain David to settle in Quebec Province hfl | A. Croll, Liberal member for Wind-- n";m«r' tl'n-,\- !mw" ample ; power, :sor-W'alkm'\'lllr'. now on leave, yes-- Q"'"'--T '5-'"""1.\~ former Conserva-- \terday told the Ontario Legislature tive Premier, (l('('lal('d in the Leg-- that the Army looked to Canada to islature, last night, in an address d-e('lalo its stand with an "avalanche which scored the Hepburn Govern-- of yes votes' in the plebiscite ment -- Hydro-- administration -- from \ __The member, wearing the kilts of the -- contracts _ cancellation -- period |the Essex Scottish, made his state-- ® until the present. 3mont, his plea for sacrifice and the Ontario, said the East York mem-- will to victory in the war, standing ber, was facing a power shortage in Cabinet row, across the floor of because the administration failed to the House from where he stood two appreciate the _ situation early years ago in a private's battle dress enough, and he termed "piffling." 'n.n the eve of his departure for ac-- the Hydro Commission's new proj-- "\éa;r&:l\l:'z;m" returned Iast Weck ects as ('r)-mhm'od wilh. need in 'h'om England, as a lieutenant, to "terms of half a million horse-- train the men of the Oxford Rifles power." ' lfor active service,. His promotion "I would zo to look for power on was announced Monday., Yesterday 61 Ottawa River,"" declared _ Mr he said he anticipated returning to Ine © l » a¥LI . the battle front with the unit to Henry. which he is now posted. "That is what is being done at zl"'d.' For Offense, } the present time," revealed Hon. W. "You should know of the great L. Houck, Hydro commissioner. change that has come over the Ca-- Mr. MHonry spoke on the Hydro nadian Army," said Captain Croll. Cat Irinbe Ts & Ire | t con-- "When we first went over there our estimates. His address did not con entire energies were concentrated clude until after midnight, and on defense,. We were defense mind-- upon adjournment. it was indicated ed, physically and mentally." clearly that the House would pro-- Now,' said the speaker, the pic. rogue today. ture has changed, and the Canadian Mr. Hoenry declared that last year. and British Armes, well--trained and new power installations in Quebec equipped, are inculeated with the totalled 230,000 h.p. "I say the Gov-- spirit of offense. Canadian troops ernment has abused its position and + | were regarded as shock troops. failed in its responsibility in re-- 'Th('l'(' is no army better trained of ,'.."«'H(l tn ]{.\'(ll'()." he continued. | equipped than the Canadian, stress-- 1 "They allowed him (A. W. Roebuck. | ed 'Capmin Croll. K.C.. former Attorney--General and | *"The Canadian Army ,in England Hydro Commissioner in the Hep-- needs reinforcements--it needs re-- burn Government) to continue his ';mfox'wmnn'\ badly, first to main-- nefarious work for three years on | tain morale, which is splendid, and the commission. | second to expand its striking power "And the Minister of Highways |_ _ "I think that I speak the mind of (Mon. T. B. McQuesten) sitting with ;t'hr'Axm_-M when I say that it is him on the commission, was sitting luqkmg f"ll Canada, and especially up occasionally and saying 'aye, ays, }mh Frovince of Ontario, to indicate Arthur, vyou are doing well'." pat the nichiscile Wiln an avelancite Mr. Roebuck, the speaker charged. :?tr s'\l.a-")d\."':"s. the position on which was a man, "who was out to destroy Cap'ra.ix-n Croll, in a low--toned and Hydro in every shape and form." impelling \.);(-o. said thht he clari-- Mr. Henry cited that, four years fied the course whic o . tal C ago, Premier Hepburn was keenly ourse which might be fol-- Fig 5 » rar low + aware of the danger of war and its lowed, thusly: "If Hitler had the ghike cal fmancine, "Bui privilege of the right to vote, 1 effect on Provincial inancing. "But know. and I think that you will what nave you done m'mpmpann; readily concur, he would vote 'no.'" Hydro for the emim'genfg\ s he a::kod'. "There involves a great duty upon Mr. Houck broke in 'dl}_d lljl\(i(l Cahadians, of which there ars so sc es o. 1e 00 on be figh: ~ > j Iing in otal of 74, L To aited Chphiy Pin camine f |to" divert" more water at. Niagara: that in a unity of action on this ons e o ns engendir ie of car |point many bitter and threatened lQuc L(")dn(l 1e expenditure of ai-- | recriminations may be averted after | most $30,000,000. _ _ _ the war. '"This is not the kind of a | "I want to say "t.hls. declared tflhe' war that you can take it or leave," | former Premier, "if I 'had been sit-- | 'he said. 1|ing on the commission with Dr.} Hogg and had a free hand, I would be in negotiation with the Quebec companies." ' Premier Hepburn immediately de-- | clared that Hydro Chairman Hogg! had been given a free hand>

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