The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 16 Apr 1942, p. 2

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LIBERAL MP.P. IS S".ENCED Mi 'Mossbacks' Hi ilk Board 'Mo t BY HEPBURN _ As M ° s Macaulay Asks Price Cut Dbemand from the Administration practu-o' "chisellers" set in ang Fears French--Canadian as to why, under the Milk Controj | "ruined" the business. § 1 .. % a * e o \__"Why should the mossbacks on the | Sh"'ng RCCUC' Sfl'l'e Act, milk prices could ant be reduced board crac'; down on a man whenl i YCPE under a cash--and--carry basis, \\a"'m attempts to reduce the price?" | in TGX*-BOO& Cnhcusm made last night in econsideration of | Mr. Ma(-_auln_) suggested. ArI t of Agriculture estimates| . As indication that the milk control Aurelian Belanger Li beral Ppepartment ol AgR s f question cut across party lines, L. M. ¥French--Canadian member for Pres-- by Leopold Macaulay, ConservalUV®) | pyour Conservative, Victoria, gave | cott, in the Legislature vesterday South York, and J. J. Glass, l,ll»vtal.'""n """ki'j'fi 1 ",,,..(.mfl,(,} "p""?ft p, , Toronto--St. Andrew's tion, claiming that it assured fair| touched a match to smouldering Hon. P. M. Dewan, the Minister,| prices to the producers as well as | inter--racial friction relative to the claimed that the board "might just | fair prices to the consumers. (;eorzc; war effort which was quelled only as well be done awa; with." if a'Dunbar, Conservative, Ottawa S()u_lh" after Conservative Leader Drew, price weore set and was not ,'r{h('lr'(i'dA\a:[l_\(-d m the consumer pn(-e; * _ seconded by Premier Hepburn, ad-- ta George H. Bethune, Liberal, | angle, and led a string of supporters | vised the members not to continue Wentworth, said that, from the pro--) in their demands for a reduction in | his address d@ucer standpoint, there was no ob-- | duplication in delivery and other The threatened flare--up came in yection to cash--apd--carry, but in idistributor costs, | @a discussion on school textbooks * during debate on the Department of Education estimates, after W. J. Stewart (Con., Toronto--Parkdale) asserted that forty--seven poems and articles, patriotic in character, had ol apnerusaauaste ied uiatabecren Wetcereascrvameee e e ; been deleted from the current text-- | books in public schools, as com-- / | pared with those in use in 1925 La or-BOSS Bo y Urged The -- French--Canadian -- member, ' prefaced his remarks with the as-- | sertion that "We love the Empire, } but let them teach more Canadian To S eed War Indus+r history. I do not like to have every-- | thing Imperial. I know you do, but ' I like things Canadian." \_ Ontario -- Labor Minister _ Peter|ing the Government's policy to the "What's wrong with the Em-- |Heenan was urged last night by | proposal was given, Mr. Heenan did f pire?" came from the Conservative | Lieutenant--Colonel _ George _ Dréew,} state: "I realize that Ontario is im-- sicde Opposition Leader, to arrange an portant enough to deal with this "Nothing. and 1 say we are doing Ontario industrial labor conference | itself." . Earlier Colonel Drew de-- more for the Empire than you have to assure the "maximum lndus!rial]'('larod the _ initial _ responsibility done." production in this Province upon a|rested with Canada and charged Mr. Belanger was immediately basis that will prevent all smppage}tha! "no serious attempt has yet halted by interjections from the of work owing to trade disputes| been made to bring the three great House Licutenant--Colone! Drew . and at the same time assure effec= agencies of production, labor, in-- declared an expression had just tive protection to the workers." | dustry and Governments under any been used which "implied there is a Inspiration for the recommenda-- | effective plan." division among the people of this | tjon, stated the Conservative Leader, In Britain, said Colonel Drew, Province relative to the conduct of | was found in the brand of Organiz@'| japor was better organized before the war. 'The member would be/ pjon that has stimulated the high |jpe war than in any other country. ' well advised to discontinue his re--| peag of production in the United | More than 90 per cent of all the \ marks because such remark: «'u'nl_\ Kingdom. He ad\-lscd ""*" to the|agreements affecting wages, hours call for a response in kind." The| conference should be invited rePr€|ang factory conditions were estab-- Inevitable exchange, he warned, sentatives of each union now OrgAN-- | |ished by agreement between work would do no. zood and might do ized in Ontario, and equal number | ars and employers without the inter-- considerable harm feet at of representatives of eraployers 19 | vention of Government. The Premie \\m' _.m his 'tm,a be (-hosonflh'\- tvho Ontario .~c(--1mn' Labor Minister Heenan. in his PS the same time, declared that the of the Canadian -- Manufacturers PE AM | s c s h T5 Fal A EUV H« , % l sponse, said conditions here were member's statement was a provoca Association and also representatives k Arable Tj y 4 h tive one and advised him to discon-- of the Department of Labor. 170.r ("nmpam" A here \\'ex.o, $ e tinue rttay aoa5g o o . _\ ,, | said, "actually" many employers who While no definite reply indicat--'" & ' s 4 Red--faced and obviously angered, refused to deal with shop commxl- Mr. Belanger half rose from his tees of their own men. Tho sxtug- seat and subsided,. adding: "We have tion . was further (~0111p1'1c-ale£1 in been very impatient all this time." Canada in that no more i per Hon. Duncan McArthur, previous-- cent of labor was organized. "Some ly to the outburst, had said he was employers take advantage of this | \h accord with Mr. Stewart's views, situation and pit one union azalnst but stressed that the number of the other. They lako'ad\'antage in . pagzges in textbooks devoted to pa-- every shape and form." | triotic material had been expanded, in the period under review, from M to 136 pages Supplementary reading courses had also devated a considerable amount of study to stories and biographies with the patriotic theme I J. J. Glass (Lib.. Toronto--St. An-- drew)> declared patriotism was °s-- % sential but claimed also that in edu-- cation there should be planted the seed which would tend to eradicate racial and religious prejudice ana discrimination.

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