The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 16 Apr 1942, p. 5

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® 7 4 APRIL 16 Mr, Macaulay. "I am informed that the owner of that joint is the owner _ of a string of hotels in this city." He suggested that, under the Gov-- ernment's powers, in this event, the I 1 authorities had power to exert pres-- sure upon the owner--refuse *him hotel licenses until he closed out on j gambling. "I have another suggestion to Recalls Croll S p e e c h 'mako.' he continued. "The Attor-- Askmg {or More Men ney--General should take lhelpower which he possesses to compel those Fanark t municipalities in which the gam-- Colonel .T. L l\u.mtd). (Cons., bhng houses operate, to set up the Pf'f'l', was greeted with a storm of --commission system of police control. desk thumping applause in the On--. ~ 1| I would make it compulsory in those tario Legislature last night when he | i municipalities, where you know law rose to present a resolution asking | enforcement has broken down. That the House to urge the people of On--| action would have such an antiseptic tario to vote "yes" in the plobiscitc.i effect that they would fade away, The resolution was adopted. | 100. "Any one who heard that modr-st' Enforcement Seen Vital. speech of Captain Croll in the ; House yesterday could not take any | Colqnel Drew said that all the chance in the winning of the war," | laws in the world would not soive he said. Colonel Kennedy warned | the problem unless the _enlorccmqnl that every nation which stood in | °.' those laws Was (a'rrled out with the Axis pathway, lacking prepara-- | vigor and determination. tion and strong and determined | "Let me tell the mcnlbcrs of t_hc leadership, had fallen. | House the kind 0'. mgules "".th (Captain David Croll, Li'm:xali whom we 14. dealing, 'hc' said. member on leave from Windsor--| 'We have public enemy No. i, l}lr. Walkerville, was welcomed, freshly Manny Feder and as his c.hncf assist-- returned from overseas, in the Legis« ant, Benny Littman, . alias Robert lature on Tuesday, In an address Rayner. This Littman is the strong-- to the members, he said that rein-- | arm man. He was a well--known forcements were needed "badly" by | gunman in the United States before the Canadian Army, and in deciar-- | coming here and was . ;donuhcd ing the voice of the army urged with some of the most vicious arm-- upon Canada an "avalanche of 'Yes' ed robberies in the United States. votes.") On Nov. 27, 1925, in Buiffalo he was "I am honored and proud to sec-- sentenced to twenty years for arm-- _ ong the resolution of my gallant ed robbery of a payroll. Feder a'?d and honorable friend," said lan _ | Lieberman in 1938 were found in |girachan, K.C., Liberal Whip and | | possession of a sawed--0ff ShOLgUN, _ |member for Toronto--St. George | [ and in 1940 the same pair had & )' "$pose who heard the remarks of | | Tommy gun. This man Littman used _ | Capyain Croll must realize how im--| 'gpns regularly and at the time of 'pm!anl is the question. Today our | ""5 arrest he had a gun stolen frOM _ | men overseas are looking for rein--| [ a policeman in Niagara Falls. On forcements. For that reason, then, | | March 12, 1937, he was released I think we should support this reso-- | from penitentiary and deported t0 _ ju;jon, and I hope that we put it Canada. He did not have trouble through unanimously." | finding _ employment, for Feder _ n conclusion Conservative Lead-- found him a useful man. er Drew said it was "extremely nec-- "These are the reptiles we have _ essary that the necessity of a large 'to get rid of, not told in polite . angd decisive 'yes' vote be impress-- words that they had better stop," : q upon the people of Ontario. No !declared Colonel Drew. matter what explanation of the re-- There were single gambling joints _ sult might be made in Canada, the 'i" the suburbs which took in @as _ presult outside of Canada will be de-- im""" as $35,000 in a single night, _ termined as whether or not we are continued the speaker. He described prepared to support any measure! | it as "robbery on a large scale." . necessary to win the war. Our honor,| 'Wilh business of that size involved, | our lives are at stake." | there was sufficient money to reach The first demand for Legislature the cupidity of all but the strongest | expression upon the plebiscite was | character, he said. Loaded dict,| made by W, L. Miller, Algoma--Mani-- | weighted wheels and marked cardsl toulin, in a budget debate address. were employed to make sure that' Mr, Miller declared it was the duty the frequenters did not leave with _ of the members to urge the elec-- any money in their pockets, said tors in their ridings to vote yes. Colonel Drew. The -- Lieutenant--Governor _ gave Royal Assent to fifty--six bills, of which thirty--seven were Govern-- ment measures. Three other Gov-- ernment measures, including the bill which validated the tax transfer agreement with Ottawa, were given Royal Assent on March 26. |

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