Fesruary i0 Party in 'Tight Spot On B ining, Ch ! n Bargaining, Charge | Rural Legislators Said to Fear Bill May |_Lead to Setting Up of Labor 'Autocracy' Argumenis over the Governmeni's|tion was a Federal matlier, iL is labor policy featured the LiberallU"'}CI'SiOOG. , caucus at Queen's Park yesterday. pol;.f:;nfg lf;r;f:];?:d I}IIGD?Ul'n : '-el- amas. _ } A id bhe favored col-- Liberal members .of .lhe Legisl@® | lectiva bargaining rights for labor, ture, afforded their first opportu--| but that labor had gone too far. At nity of discussing the proposed col-- first organized labor had asked for leciive bargaining act, lost no time |" mgderat? bill, but now their de-- in shooting questions at Premier ;n;agai; 'fsl;a?;ufalg' .lfilé'rfliiggg;? Conant, Labor Minister Heenan and! 'The caucus lasted two hours, and other members of the Cabinet, it one hour of the time was spel,lt on is reported. 2 the labor question. Finally the cau-- The rural members, especiaily,|cus approved without a dissenting were most outspoken in their com--|yvoice the plan to appoint a select ments, and some are said to have|committee of the Legislaiure to blamed the Cabinet for getting the|hear evidence and views on {he Liberal Party into a tight political |labor problems. spot. It is reported that the rural mens m ~~ . csmm s M.P.P.'s expressed fear that a col-- lective hbargaining bill might lead to a labor autocracy and result in a labor monopoly of the Province. Premier Conant is said to hssy explained to the caucus that be-- cause of a division of opinion as to the typse of legislation to be in-- troduced, and because of diffcrences -ql in the Cabinet over it, the decision I was made to drop the bill and ap-- | point a select committee of the House to sit and hear evidence with a view to bringing in recommenda-- tions. There was no bill on collec-- | tive bargaining to bring before the members, he said. Labor Minister IHecenan, author of the bill and out--and--out champion | of collective bargaining rights, re-- 'viewed at length the labor position lin Ontario and the need of clear-- l cut legislation io establish labor's » 'rights, Several memhers blamed the Gov-- etnment for bringing on a mud--. k d@led political picture, and others| took the stand that labor legisla--|