The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 18 Feb 1943, p. 1

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Oe e e C No o P oe aonlere e e y e en reiermem e oo e Caarenge s cment FEBRuARY is |___Ex--Premier Henry said Mr. Hep-- | burn had consistently attacked the | |CI.O., yet his Minister of Labor| called in Mr. Cohen, the C.IL.O. legal | counsel, to help draft a labor bill. | NON_MEMBERS Mr. Hepburn said he had never at-- | 8 tacked Mr. Cohen personally and | had the highest respect for him | both as an individual and as a law-- yer. ON COMM'TTEE One _ Progressive _ Conservative member suggested that Labor Min-- ister Peter Heenan's usefulness as PI'OPOSe Amendment _| _ head of a Government department / * | was at an end. to Labor R es o | u t i o n I This charge was made by Goldwyn . * f 1 | Elgie (Prog. Con., Woodbine), who in Onfarlo Leg!sla'rure i described the decision of the Gov-- o askt amendment (:uliingE ernment not to introdiuce a collec-- An opposition amendment cal e| [ tive bargaining bill as "political | for the appointment of a wmmm'ei trickery." He accused the Govern-- composed of equal numbers of.em; ment of lacking in sincerity and ployees, employers and members C honesty, and added: "it must make the Legislature was |nn'od.ucod'_x'.} one's conscience shudfer when one the House last night f'}""'"'"'%' fIVe hears the Governmen /'~scribe the hours of debate on the ('O"C"""C_"t £ C.I.0. as troublemalor and then resolution to appoint a ,'SCl".u S rpoll sees them hire a CI.O. lawyer to mitltee to study labor PYUOIC'?"- 'Tho |help them prepare a labor bill." amendmenl.sough( to have t.'-f' word Mr. Heenan made no reply to the "select" stricken frovm the Govern-- attack directed against him by Mr. ment's motion to enable persons out-- Elgie. He was angered when Leo-- _ side the Legislature to be appointed . | )/ ; , Macaulay (Prog. Con.. York to the committee. \South) charged him with "lacking The amendment was proposed by intestinal fortitude" in not threat-- T. L. Kennedy (Prog. Con., Peel) ening to resign, but let the remark during the evening session. The |so without comment,. amendment will not be accept-- '"'The Legislature is making a able to the Government, Acting spectacle of itself," said Mr. Mac-- Premier Mitchell Hepburn said jIl'llbt aulay at the outset of his address. before the House adjourned. The _ "Llere are 90 members, and the amendment will be discussed today most important matter to come be-- when it is believed Premier Conant fore us in a long time finds no one may be sufficiently recovered to impelled _ or _ compelied by their attend. study of the matter to get up and ions in Ontario are illegal com-- express themselves." bi,fi:]'liol;s"?,, ),r}]],-. absence of legisla-- Mr. Macaulay .suid "l.(' Minifl»-:' tion to make them lawful, Mr, Hep-- of Labor had abdicated his functions burn told the Legislature at the in nn; outllm;ng the .,p'rmmplln U};(f; afternoon session,. He read a state-- thought the -- committee sho feverinemo mm study. 'The Premier was equailly ment to this effect from law officers guilty, he said. Instead of' a bill of the Government. The acting incorporating the br_oad principles leader explained to the House why so frequently enunciated by both the Government had decided to refer the Minister of Labor and the Pre-- | the labor issue to a committee mier, the (;uwrnn)vm was now ask--| rather than bring in a bill at this ing that a committee be set up. time. This (,-onunn{m- would d'e:_;(-nvrmo Throughout the afternoon and into a "two--sided, h"a"'bi'"_'"g "'f'f evening sessions the Opposition test." '"To ask the committee (: hammered at the Government's work out a statesmanlike f()l'nll'llu' labor policy, and Labor Minister for .a..\'()lutmn' of the })1'<)*)l(:rll.~' was | Peter Heenan was subjected to vig-- straining Legislature ma('hm_t,'rv to orous criticism which culminated in the utmost, Mr. Mucaulay said. | the charge that he should be called Should State Principle. "not Peter the Peacemaker, but He believed that the short state-- Peter the Pliable." This charge was ment on labor made at the P.logx'(\\"- made by George 8. Henry (Progres-- sive Conservative convention _ at sive Conservative, East York), who 'Vinnipeg "does set down in broad said Mr. Heenan was "willing to sit outline the principles on which on the Treasury benches and throw | we're going to settle the problem." his convictions to the wind." Men He advocated handing it over, with of strong convictions had resigned consent of the Provinces$, to a Na-- from Cabinet posts rather than sit| tjonal Labor Relations Board, with by and see the things they stood for capital _ and-- labor _ represonted, discarded, said Mr. Henry. \ ! though this could be done only in The Opposition amendment asked | | peacetime. If the Ontario Govern-- that a committee be named by the ment had siated the principles of Prime Minister for the purpose of| l ine labor bill and left the ramifica-- making inquiries and recommending tions to a committee, it would, he the best methods for improving the felt, have discharged its duty. relations between labor and man-- He declared Labor Minister Hee. agement, assuring _ maximum Wa" ' / nan had promised represeniatives of production and at the same time the 2,000 employees of York Ar'sennl giving effective protection to the to sponsor a labor bill and believed workers. mm n ammmmmmmn m mm m mpie. on omm ns mmmumememme e mmmmmmmemamermmae Dangerous Precedent. ! _ he threatened to resign if the Gov-- Acting Premier Mitchell F. Hep--| ernment didn't bring in a bill This burn said he would like to point out Mr. Heenan denied. Which brought the danger of a precedent whereby from Mr. Macaulay the remark: employers and employees would be "Didn't you? Well, I guess you given "all the rights and privileges haven't the intestinal fortitude I % of members of this House." It might thought you had." give, for instance, one employer an Mr. Macaulay likened the Labor 'unfair advantage in being permitted Minister's action to the lead cow at + ;to examine another employer _ of the abattoir, leading the other cows labor under oath. to slaughter, then turning away and |_ _ The name of J. L. Cohen, labor "waiting for the next bunch of |lawyer, and now a member of the boobs." "You led labor right up the BA | reorganized National War Labor chute," he said, "then did a little lBoard. cropped up frequently in the quiet detour to watch who'd get hit s | debate. The Government was criti-- on the head. I'm sure there'll be a j ]cized for appointing Mr. Cohen to mallet wielded on somebody's head advise on the drafting of the: labor hefore the committee proceedings | legislation. 4 mmytt munpprrvcnc. i ropemmrane comane se it dirommmmenmemmmmmnmmrermntitnineenremnnnmmmemmmmememaaa 0000000000

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