The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 18 Feb 1943, p. 2

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FEBRUARY t9 al'" tltro n . lions i'//1'i1:i'aiy:/i,t,y labor. reta- l ."it is not merely that the rosotu- i 'rrt' . . . froodont of trado a; fill example of lon to form a t'otnmittco stands in In": tri 9 challenge to the few" Commend, Pre n In"'? activity. "its Y"".'. but thaw is a special roa- (i"jy.'ei', "Etta!" liop'bultn. .l be- I P l i t-hharing, pun," said Col. hit-w. "On Jan 20 'll'; Il,'-' 'ij:1':',e11','l? iS /7 Knopf? EM" ",,u),1yi1i"y (Uh. Hamilton fat lungston thi- Prirut, Minister tn- "Hugh." ffl tar"? fft: dam/w, ( "It"! m a "Salvation of x(lit-atoll clearly that labor problwnts 1d,erke',',),Tn11s1si/,"/' Jl'/m,'i2i' the, 'r1,','iii'/'iC' q tlu. (:xpnrimnnt of tho {should ht- (built wttlt by joint art ion rut. (13:1: im/j',')":;,",,','-':) . i,", could ton .. I . If" POhItdt)' in Itamil- inf tho hummum and the, Proviuro, r"'),),',,,"),',').?,',,'.,'),') but I bolipl'O {in t'OV rio,',',',',',,,,',',,,,.'"':.',,",)-.','.)':),' plan found "in" ht' mg"! tho Ihuriinion to call If,"',',')',' er 'iii.',,. eve Is LS thnt tho. o,y,1te,1yy, and watnnd ", mmf'w'm' of all the Procincrt.c. Mtp 'llCLl,r,1i'l., survev of the labo lation lt-td Yl""1"iion of labor "xyiss Now, if 1hiti.. 'f"" the opin on of A . A . _ . d) P; it "on l Ls/tel","), tip W'mNIWUPI" tho. Pritue Mintstt-t- a wturl; boron,- situation brou ht f C l . John N's. taut lo y.i.lisfy' tlem. this llouso- nit-t. ll sot-ms alto nations tlt'm'tnd f {I t 1mm. Ol. .me a Cs, . "lands tut," Hamilton for him to introduce a tesolutiont . l 'or an out an.a.lion from the y.""'" 'lll'ttm'tt-d 1'olltitivo hur. which Hills for entirely (tittnrmtti Minisiot of Labor himself, Hon. _'.tttt;tt: and t-hidmt tho Opposition m-tion. We art- reudy to x" on with' Data: Hoonan, as "the man r"spon-: ii'i"cl'cpriiet,ru a ('Unl'hillo'lt on thr, 9m" business and ""',.s"ouris ob.',, 'ii/C'dat'i, T),'),:,',"), labor bin-i In" /,i,'d/.)",')' pow-vi: bill and uppqg. Jort to not doing so." said mmn tii,',,' t'ci"..n'l;C" .haVItt'li his". "i tltttt~ 1'olis'jtlru:itiou of llto- . Mv. lle'p'htltll Uttlt'itsltt'd a 'ri/,Irr, ' I. I o _ A" . we hill 1,vill,'i l} sill in: oftmtstyo against the lat it's ot, an 11yyh m I will t'alriC a holl ot! w. "Wk"tnth tin-".2; Con, pm"- C.l.(). unions, and single-d out. John, ' a in?" and demanded: "Why; Iisrlll) "harm-d {it tho opt-m": of L. I-is, ltvad of tho United Mine haw-ht we pol tho hill?" i Last unlit} 5mm," that the man- Worksars, of Attttuiu, for ('otttomtta- Mr. Hornan Characterized the? n"""""" of tlto Dominion t,'lnsc lion. At thonuthtt-ak ol thopt'oson: cilotrtl statt'ntont as incorrect, PX- ('mttpatty at \\'all:n-oltttt£ would no: war thou! was~ no (lottht that Lewis planting lit, had not. said "I will T"'":".""' thn inn" who rr'ptrc"riv,l hold pmnmnp. mum" of the IIniMd iaisn a hell of a row." hut "there liar: intuit in tho i"'t"'llt sttilio trorr. Slants. said Mr. Jlvpirutn, Ho spoke will ho a holl of a row. I didn't say " rijis' was tlvniv-d h_\ Liquor-Bum" of arts of violstnrw, "Yos, out]. mur- I'd raise lt." f,"):",?,,"": .31. that, "mm?" 3" darn" t-mnmtttnd by C.l.O. unions,, "That may be quite correct," re- l m " 11"": "altar-ohm: it .32- Mr. HPPhlltlt oxprnssnrl CCrnLtrn own llttttt'tl Col. Drnw. tlr'od. A homd of pthiaHnn had tho pocsihiluy of foreign in'ctost;; "We know .NOU had a hill printed." mm: ask-ad for, said Mr, Gordon. dominating the, Monomy of Canada- dw-latod Col. Drew. "This Legisla- tmt with" it was found that n "up", in tho postwar period through a. turn is omitted to know what has, had horn in n\istonto at tho plan: lgho, mnnnpntt He tefortcd to the happvnt-d to this unborn rhild." for t2litliN that, tho hoard With' with- wish of some labor heads tor a law Mr. liorman clmtit'rl the labor bill rtr'twn and tho CLO. union was told had lit-0n printrd. I'ltad no iiushlo"g in tlie plant. plar'inz.r tvtrlain rosporrciloilitloq on "Er'lody knows the hill was. - l'hn ntnnngony-nt of Dominion unions in tho matter of {unis crr's dtattwl with the adyit-P of J. L. hits-s had t'ottoriu'.niratod with nlfttl.1' lecuod intough duos. In the Kiik- Coltmt and thou: was a disagree-'; with" uotknr< who had boon for-0nd land Lake >ltlkl', ho said. it was mont as lo w'nclhor to go ahead.i an: of work through tho strikr: and found that no funds- were {ottltt-om- This is an attompt to avoid the': rtskut vw-ty onn of tiwm to (-nmn ing to aid tho sttikors. and other Gorrunnwnt's responsibility. There} iitt'k to "nth. Mr. Gordon drwlarnrt. unions throughout Canada were ask- has twyor brson a morn shameful they! "All \uirkt-ts \\t-|(' aslmd to mmo od to donatn a day's pay a month to "sy,:istl of tho rocponsihility of a it... k. and inn-t of thom wmtt hat-k holp tho strikers. ranitwt mirsictrr," Col. Drewl "(it (' sisitl Ilr. (irudon. "I shall ondnavor to establish that t'liui,i.pui. l Nays Unions tre meeai. thanh is need for a ('olloctix'o har. Denies Following Mitchell. i, in tho ansont'o of lt'glstation mak- gaining bill in thi; Provincr." said Mr. "t't'llatl (untied Col. Drew's] in: unlons lawful. tho common law Mv. llt'phurn. "But HY' must not suggr-stion that he had followed .tpviltw'. and unions m-n lllngal t-ttm- overlook the fat: that we all? not Foam-at Labor Miiiinier Humphrey h.nations in Ontario, Provincial rloaling with {WWW workers alone. Miilvsil'.c loud in promising laho'r Trrmsrlror .\litt'ltnll llophurn told Tnrssss am VFW" intoxnstod partitc. it-gislation. saying Mr. Mitclwll fol- tho L":'sl:tturr\ in opnninq the do.. Labor's durmandc should h" 1"'3*0ll' lowod him, bitt Col. Brow insisted hate on tho motion. "me lo the pour, whore thers mm- lit" Fr.tiprai Lioyvrnmon: didn't act This is the view of law offirors of mand rosi)fer"i, Thorn are sh I'D dif. __ -"and pothaps with malice"---" the Crown. Ilr. Jlophurn said. tn {Minced art1Onfd workinzmon 'im- the Ontario Ministr-r "was confront. 'he cont-so of an address in which ceiec. I have 'iteisuud onou.r:,'n Jet,- ml with the nrcessi'v of doing what iv- explained roasons why tho Gow. lerc of prcol"sl. rommondation and he thought hn'd ne/s.,,, have to do ('t'ltlnf'ltl had temporarily dropped coniltamna:ion, to CON'f't' the front at all." tttt- hill in favor of placing the on- For! desks; "Tho tintw has com" when the! ill" labor prolhm lwfotr- a mm. Some; hing flitttidtttt'mitl Wits" Minister' of Labor." said Col. Drew,! mittm- of tho Legislature. "Tuna. Mr. lle'phurn said, Labor "should tell this: Legislature what! Mr. llopburn's state-mutt that hittl a v:ris,wancra. Labor had not' he proposes to do or make a dee-' llltl()lts' aru tilt-gal combinations be.. Joruan siitisfiorl it WIS' "'"k' laration of complete bankruptcy as must» of tho absence of legislation ing lo "stalylish its rightful status. tar as that department is concerned trualiyinu' tht-ir artiyitivs. drew ro- 'lfe ritvd a jt'nnt lvgal opinion PH" in the- brttis;et, tussponsihle." bukc- hunt L. M. Frost, tProg. Cons., partul it)" leu:d ol't'it't-rs of the On- 'J. J. Glass, Toronto-St Vittoria. Lindsay), who termed it tario Government - C L. Snyder, Muttewt ott'vrr-d to support the "an altsolutc disgram'" that in a ICC.: w. B. Common, K.C, ttntl C. R. ittotion for :ttttmttttmi'ttl of a com- supposedly "ll":hlt'llt'd day the Magonv. K.C.--lhut in tne alisvnt'n Hilllt't' of tht- liouso on labor prob- Prtrvinre of Ouiario had no lorp,isla- of legislation in Ontario, wltirlt all lvtns "on tho understanding that limit trtl its statutv books rrioy,niz- othut. Proviuws had, lz-tnor unions this (lmwmmqn has pie-(lttod itself ins, tho tights of labor. Ontario iilwtyyiirt'"yaPlt,tv- to 'lltt- principle of rollm'fiive bar- stood almw in this rt-spct-t. he de.. Ilt.t'ru of Onturio. And though "lid", uidninst." and that Ilitt committee; 'lured. Fhuioral lepirlution it was a Minimal (hir0,'i'"'m,./,'.i"/. Wm," data to heipl, Mr. Human and Col. brow (-ross- ot'fvnst- for an employed 1}} .11)?st writ-t: at the: 131'" ot' hill to be! "d swords following Mr. lltprurn's ',.'/,y',l.o.),Y'1 d" annular-Wt "l i) '") adoptc-d. whith, in his opinion.} :iddrows. In tho t-otttso of the sktrm- ful lytd" union. it .yyrf1111,?ly, ,m should WNW: l'ti)0l'.." "ng "with.. "h Mr. "WWW" denied that J. L. tho t'C1.le,'yy1'Ir i"J,'i1ichi,,n, out doing violr- to the interests Cohsm, "in". lawy-r. had bot-n "h Ontario in the aim-mt- of ltgts atton of the t-onmi'unitv generally.". tainvd by the Government to draft making unions legal. In \'(-asn Should tho committov "attempt 'to, it labor bill. hut admittod that Mr. 1"" workman orvunton 9'F""""'l" "if. denatur- the proposed measure" he: (fittwn had two-n rotaint-d in an ad- ' ".t at if"? mow}. of " emp oyr'l'. would 0l9l'ort' it "gmdtegs of who' usury vapartt). The Labor Minister Invites Co-operation. or how many supported it. also drsuied that thy hill had been "There is another bone of conten- ptitttmt, and asst-rtt-d that he niacin lion." continuml Mr. Hopliurn. "If this stalt-mt-ttl on his authority as tim- unions alt? given legal stand- a Alinisto-r. 'ine, and if they make an agreement Should Be Non-Partisan. 9with an employer, . should that Mr. Ut't'ltlln, who followed Col. i'e'rT,en1ei1, he 'Pl.ndl,l:l:f /'/r,,.h'i/1, Drew, appealed to tho Opposition 'piy'l"'.sv. rhere h A "My." f1,t,,'e),'f ,'-_., ' _ . . .: ot opinion on that. lltu tittluth in support tit dealing with the ' . ' .'., 7 ' , dont want to l", put, in that post- problems of labor. No one should ' ' . _ '., . t . . . . .. lion. Otht-rs want custodians of m- interested In obtaining political r , . ... .t ' , . .-'-- . _ ' .utttls livid accounlahle. No Juris advantage in a matter» such as_thts, diction in Canada has worloul out lie declared. He reviewed the differ- r., ' ' . , t'nt'0.s of opinion which developed . the solut on. lhute- has t)t't'll no . I,'. _ . unanimity of thought on any at ornr the provisions of a labor bill, , . I . and the representations made to Ilit'seproirlelils. him by various organizations. At. the outset of the debate Col. "rrew Interrupted Mr. llepburn's 'opening rvmarks with a request Lthat discussion on the resolution he "infer-rod until Premier Conant was table to attend.

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